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  • Öğe
    The representation of culture into ELT materials
    (Peter Lang AG, 2020) Özcan, Eda Nur; Gürsoy, Esim
    The representation of culture into ELT materials
  • Öğe
    On Bjarke Ingels' sustainable architectural approach
    (Peter Lang AG, 2020) Aras, Aylin; Islamoğlu, Özge
    Sustainability is an interdisciplinary concept that dates back to the 1970s and, since then, has proved to be more and more important. Consumerism leads to excessive use of natural resources, making the concept of sustainability more of a scientific notion in the eyes of experts. Natural resources, energy, and cultural values should be used more efficiently than they are today in order to pass them down to future generations. Sustainability should be addressed from political, cultural, social, economic, and administrative perspectives in a holistic manner; and experts of various disciplines should approach the issue more sensitively and profoundly. Of all industries, the construction industry uses the most natural resources as materials and energy during the whole processes of construction, use, and demolition. Architecture is economically, ecologically, and socially related to sustainability, and therefore, should take it into account more than other fields. Bjarke Ingels is a world-renowned architect. His designs integrate sustainability to increase the standards of living. The aim of this study was to address the significance of sustainability in Bjarke Ingels' designs. A literature review was carried out, and then, his designs were analyzed to reflect on his understanding of sustainability. To that end, the study theoretically addressed his approach to sustainability, and then, evaluated it through his designs.
  • Öğe
    Acculturation of Syrian Refugees in Turkey as a Condition for Successful SLA
    (IGI Global, 2019) Gürsoy, Esim; Ertaşoğlu Deniz, Leyla
    The literature is dominated by the studies on refugee studies since it is a current issue with great importance. In addition, this group of people leaving their homes due to serious human rights violations need to occupy a great space in the policy agendas and to be studied to enlighten policymakers and authorities in this fragile process of handling the issue of immigration. This necessitates higher education institutions involvement for a healthier and more systematic process of adaptation. Among the large group of refugees, Syrians-upon the break of the civil war in 2011-are the most visible group in Turkey. Witnessing the swiftly changing socioeconomic dynamics in the world, Turkey is now home to a considerable number of Syrians. Furthermore, the intersection of Syrian refugees and the Turkish society has generated an intercultural space impacting on their SLA experiences, which is complicated by the process of adjustment concerning the two groups-those “uprooted” from their homes and the host society.
  • Öğe
    The Death of Patriotism: Wilfre Owen's Dulce et Decorum Est as an Anti-War Manifesto
    (Karabük Üniversitesi, 2013) Ağır, Adnan Barış
    Being one of the biggest fluctuations in world history, humanity had never seen an event such World War I that so completely convulsed its existing ideals. Collapsing the existing ethos, the war soon showed its potencies in art and aesthetic. It would be unimaginable that poetry stood indifferent to the massive carnage. The poets who witnessed fighting on the front lines inscribed their experiences into their literary lives and used poetry as a medium of opposing war. They shaped their works to criticize threats directed to humanity. With these pecularities, war poetry, an important move towards modern poetry, stands for a geniune disengagement from the previous naturalistic poetry and signals a change in 20th century thinking. Among war poets, Wilfred Owen is an important figure whose works juxtapose the expected and the actual circumstances of war and his best known poem Dulce Et Decorum is probable to be read as an anti-war manifesto.
  • Öğe
    Using six thinking hats to raise intercultural awareness: A pre-experimental study
    (UNIV GRANADA, 2021) Gürsoy, Esim; Özcan, Eda Nur
    Due to the increased mobility of the world population driven by technology, people in today's world are interacting more than ever. Globalization reveals the need for intercultural awareness. Therefore, this study aims to raise the intercultural awareness of EFL learners, aged between 12 and 13 through the use of Six Thinking Hats model with several modifications and presents an alternative way for the original model proposed by Edward De Bono. A purposive sampling method was used to select participants assumed to have less intercultural awareness as a result of the pretest. For close and in-depth observation, one group pretest-posttest design was preferred. To track the differences and similarities that occurred in the behaviors of participants during the treatment; qualitative data were collected and analyzed with the use of the constant comparison method. The findings suggested that the modified version of Six Thinking Hats model showed effects on participants' attitudes. Participants' approach to culture-based issues switches from personal judgments to questioning and understanding.
  • Öğe
    Frédéric Beigbeder'nin "Kuzey Kulesi 107. Kat" adlı romanında postmodern unsurlar
    (2019) Gürel, Caner
    Yirminci yüzyılın başından itibaren öncelikle toplumda, daha sonra felsefede, fizikte, sanatta, mimaride, bilim ve teknolojide meydana gelen değişimler ile postmodern düşüncenin etkisini birçok alanda gösterdiği görülmektedir. Modernizmin karşısında postmodernizm, tüm bilenen ve kabul gören doğruları derinden sarsıcı yapısıyla modernizme ciddi bir alternatif olarak 1960’lı yıllardan sonra varlığını kabul ettirmektedir. Tüm bilim dallarını ve disiplinlerini etkisi altına alan postmodernizmin, diğer sanat dallarını bütünleştiren edebiyat alanında daha çarpıcı bir etkiye sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Edebî türler arasında ise en çok etkilenen tür roman olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu anlamda, postmodern romanlarda kullanılan teknikler ve yöntemler, alışılagelmiş ve geleneksel romanların özelliklerinden oldukça farklılık göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle postmodernizm kavramına değinilmekte, postmodern sanat bağlamında postmodern edebiyatın ve romanın başat özellikleri açıklanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Postmodern söylemin kuramcılarından Jean Baudrillard ve Jean-François Lyotard’ın görüşlerine yer verilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın asıl amacı Frédéric Beigbeder’nin “Kuzey Kulesi 107. Kat” adlı romanındaki postmodern unsurları, roman boyunca kullanılan teknikleri örneklerle ve kullanım yönleriyle ele almaktır. Çok yönlü bakış açısıyla ele alınan romanda, popüler kültürün toplumdaki etkisi ironik bir biçimde anlatılmaktadır. Amerikan kültürü kelime oyunlarıyla hicvedilmekte, cinsellik ve çarpık ilişkiler gözler önüne serilmekte, şehirler, yerler kıyaslanmakta, mekânlar arası göndermeler yapılmakta, olaylara farklı bakış açılarıyla bakılmakta, tezatlıklardan kelime oyunlarıyla bahsedilerek kara mizah yapılmakta, kurgu içinde kurgu oluşturulmakta, tüketim toplumuna ironik göndermeler yapılmaktadır Bu çalışmada metinlerarasılıktan üstkurmacaya; parodiden pastişe, ironiden oyunsallığa; belirsizlikten parçalanmaya; dil oyunlarından kurmaca içinde kurmaca yaratımına kadar birçok postmodern unsurun kullanımı irdelenmektedir. Bu bağlamda, birçok postmodern özelliği bünyesinde barındıran “Kuzey Kulesi 107. Kat” adlı romanın, önemli bir postmodern yapıt olduğu sonucuna varılmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    (2017) Özmen, Ceren; Güven, Esra; Dürer, Zeynep Selin
    Yabancı dil öğretiminde dört temel beceriden biri olan konuşma, öğrencilerin geliştirmekte en zorlandıkları beceridir. Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğrenen ve ana dilleri farklı olan pek çok öğrencinin Türkçeyi sesletme konusunda da özellikle A düzeyinde oldukça zorlandıkları gözlenmektedir. Bu nedenle yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretimi sırasında konuşma becerisini geliştirmeye yönelik etkinlikler arasında sesletime yönelik etkinliklerin de yer alması gerektiği düşünülmektedir. Ancak yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi sırasında konuşma etkinliklerine her ne kadar yer verilse de sesletimle ilgili etkinliklerin eksikliği dikkat çekmektedir. Bu eksiklik, ancak Türkçeyi yabancı dil olarak öğrenen öğrencilerin bu konudaki sorunları belirlenerek giderilebilir düşüncesi çalışmanın çıkış noktası olmuştur. Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretiminde sesletime yönelik olarak hazırlanan bu makalede, Çukurova Üniversitesi Türkçe Öğretimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezinde yabancı dil olarak Türkçe derslerine katılan öğrencilerin Türkçedeki ünlülerin sesletimine ilişkin görüşleri ve bu seslerin sesletimiyle ilgili sorunlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda iki bölümden oluşan bir sormaca hazırlanmıştır. Sormacanın birinci bölümünde öğrencilerin Türkçe sesletime ilişkin duygu ve düşüncelerini belirlemek, ikinci bölümünde ise Türkçe derslerinde sesletimi geliştirmek için kullanılan araç-gereç, yöntem ve kapsamla ilgili öğrencilerin düşüncelerini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Bu sormaca, çeşitli ülkelerden gelen A1 düzeyindeki 30 öğrenciye uygulanmıştır. Ardından aynı grup içindeki 18 Afrikalı öğrencinin tarafımızca hazırlanan metin ve tümceleri okumaları sağlanarak sesleri, onlardan izin alınarak kaydedilmiştir. Ses kayıtları incelenerek ünlülerin sesletiminde değerlendirilmiştir. Buna göre özellikle son seslemde yer alan /a/, /e/ ve karşılaşılan sorunlu noktalar/yapılan hatalar /u/ seslerinde ve zayıf bir ses olan /ı/ sesinde sorun yaşandığı belirlenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğrenen öğrencilerin sesletimlerini geliştirebileceği düşünülen etkinlikler hazırlanmış ve çalışmanın sonunda bunlara yer verilmiştir
  • Öğe
    (2019) Denisa Dita, Patricia
    The theoretician of Aestheticism in English literature, Walter Pater, materializes the principles and concepts of Aestheticism in his novel Marius the Epicurean. His student and follower Oscar Wilde expresses the ideas of Aestheticism in his own novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, which also revives and rewrites the myth of Faust with regard to the character representation strategies in the work. The present study, on comparative grounds of analysis, attempts to reveal the ways in which Wilde’s novel unites in one fictional discourse the principles of an artistic theory with those of a literary myth in order to build a distinct world vision and provide a point of view reified by both an aesthetic and a mythic context.
  • Öğe
    English Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Their Profession
    (2019) Ertaşoğlu, Leyla Deniz; Gürsoy, Esim
    In successful education systems, teachers’ professional performance plays a great role. Moreover, the quality of teaching is closely related to teachers’ perceptions of their profession. In this respect, this study aims to present a comprehensive picture of English teachers’ perceptions of their profession, their perceived self-value, their perceived value by others and teachers’ career motivations and (dis)contentment factors. Accordingly, 123 English teachers working in state or private schools in Bursa participated in this study, and both qualitative and quantitative data were collected through a scale designed by the researchers. The results displayed that English teachers have positive perceptions of their professional status even though the majority feel unhappy with their working conditions. Nearly half of the participants chose to be an English teacher because of social utility values, and they seem content with their career choice. However, they seem to suffer from a status deficit owing to the undervaluing of their profession by society. In this case, the present study may have implications for policy makers who aim to improve the quality of education by considering the teachers’ undeniable role in learning processes.
  • Öğe
    Students learn English idioms through WhatsApp: Extensive use of smartphones
    (2016) Şahan, Özgür; Çoban, Mustafa; Razı, Salim
    This study aims at investigating the effect of WhatsApp on teaching English idioms to EFL students. The data were collected from 33 B1 level students. The researchers provided the students with three idioms per week for five weeks via WhatsApp. The participants found sample sentences, shared them in their WhatsApp groups, and had discussions in English regarding the use and meaning of the idioms. Students were given an achievement test and a sub-sample group of students were interviewed to see the effectiveness of this application. The results revealed how students benefited from WhatsApp as a learning tool and their reactions to mobile learning outside the classroom context. The findings highlight the place of mobile learning in foreign language education.
  • Öğe
    Reliability Analysis of Assembly Processes Performed by Human-Robot Interaction
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019) Çoban, Mustafa; Kaymakci, O.T.; Gelen, Gökhan
    Together with innovations in robot technologies and the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, collaborative robot applications have improved. Collaborative robots are the robots that provide the safe handling of many processes such as assembly, pick and place, palletizing in factories. The reliability analysis of the system has great importance in order to determine the failure conditions and failure possibilities that will occur in the systems enabling these operations. In this study, reliability analysis of assembly processes performed by human-robot interaction is presented. The reliability block diagram of the system is created and the reliability value of the system over time is determined. Then, Markov model indicating the fault conditions in the system is created and the probability of occurrence of these fault conditions is determined. The results show that if the system operates continuously for five years, the reliability will drop below 10% and the reasons that decrease the reliability are discussed in the last section. © 2019 IEEE.
  • Öğe
    Pattern: Set ground rules
    (Sense Publishers, 2014) Garcia, M.P.; Kern, Nergiz; Serrano, R.; Warburton, S.
    Laying the foundation for productive interaction and participation within synchronous text based chat sessions. © 2014 Sense Publishers. All Rights Reserved.
  • Öğe
    Pattern: Control the flow
    (Sense Publishers, 2014) Garcia, M.P.; Kern, Nergiz; Serrano, R.; Warburton, S.
    This pattern addresses the mechanics of synchronous text-based chat sessions for effective communication within online teaching sessions. © 2014 Sense Publishers. All Rights Reserved.
  • Öğe
    Does Bimodal subtitling effect listening comprehension in EFL contexts?
    (Peter Lang AG, 2017) Şevik, M.
    The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of bimodal subtitling over listening comprehension for English language prep-school students at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. An experimental research design was adopted and four academically identical prep classes were chosen as experimental and control groups. The same tests on listening comprehension were administered to the groups for the first five weeks, and in the final week, both groups were given a final test in the no subtitling format to observe any caption-reliance effects. The experimental group did not only outperform the control group during the first five weeks of the experiment, but also at the final test, when the two groups took the same test in the no subtitling format. Results from this study indicate that bimodal subtitling has positive effects on listening comprehension and that caption reliance did not have any negative effects for the participants in this study.
  • Öğe
    Design narrative: Online teacher training in a web 2.0 setting
    (Sense Publishers, 2014) Kern, Nergiz
    Showing language teacher trainees the possibilities of using technology in language education in two online sessions. © 2014 Sense Publishers. All Rights Reserved.
  • Öğe
    A needs analysis based study: The professional development needs of EFL instructors at a Technical University
    (Peter Lang AG, 2017) Çoban, Mustafa; Şahan, Özgür; Sahan, K.C.
    This article aims to investigate the Professional Development (PD) needs of EFL instructors at a state university in Turkey using a mixed-method research design. The data for this study were collected through a questionnaire administered to 31 EFL instructors and one-on-one interviews with a sub-sample of participants. The findings highlight the PD needs of EFL instructors, the most salient of which were identified as teaching and assessing writing and speaking skills. In addition to basic teaching and assessing needs, the findings identified other activities that EFL instructors classified as immediate PD needs, such as English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and classroom research. However, although the aforementioned PD needs were identified as the top areas of need according to the questionnaire, items such as effective lesson planning and classroom management were reported to be important in the interviews. The findings offer new insights into EFL instructors' perceptions of their PD needs.
  • Öğe
    Turkish language proficiency and cultural adaptation of American EFL teachers in Turkey
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2014) Şahan, Özgür; Şahan, Kari Elizabeth; Razi, Salim
    Intercultural competence is needed for effective and appropriate intercultural interactions. However, differences between individuals and specific factors, such as directness/indirectness and collectivism/individualism, should be considered when examining cultural adaptation. This paper aims to reveal the possible effects that language proficiency has on cultural adaptation. Although the 31 American teachers surveyed in this study had different levels of Turkish language proficiency, the results indicated no significant differences between their language proficiency and sociocultural adaptation. However, a significant negative correlation was found between previous experience abroad and successful sociocultural adaptation in Turkey. The main conclusion of this study questions the relationship between traditional conceptions of language proficiency and successful sociocultural adaptation. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Öğe
    Wireless teleoperation of an industrial robot by using myo arm band
    (Ieee, 2018) Çoban, Mustafa; Gelen, Gökhan
    In this work, wireless control of a 6-degree-of-freedom industrial robot by using Myo armband to carry out pick and place task is aimed. Myo armband has built in sensors such as gyroscope and electromyography sensors. The gesture and motion of human arm is detected and the robot is remotely manipulated. The movement of robot achieved by using measured roll, pitch and yaw angle of arm wearing Myo band. The control of robot gripper is achieved by sensing the opening and closing of the human hand. Bluetooth is used for the wireless communication between arm band and robot controller. It is observed that three axis position and gripper control of robot is successfully achieved. By using considered configuration, a pick and place operation is also successfully completed. The proposed configuration can be used in human-robot interaction and teleoperation studies.
  • Öğe
    Realization of human-robot collaboration in hybrid assembly systems by using wearable technology
    (Ieee, 2018) Çoban, Mustafa; Gelen, Gökhan
    Together with improvements in robot technology, the number of research conducted on the interaction between humans and robots has increased. As a result of these researches, collaborative robots (cobot) emerged. The fourth industrial revolution, usage of wearable technologies, and the internet of things increase the significance of cobot and its applications. In this study, the realization of human-robot collaboration in hybrid assembly systems in which humans and robots cooperate to perform assembly tasks is aimed. The interaction between human and robot is achieved by using a wearable armband that can sense muscle signals. By using this device, the end of human operation can be recognized by the robot. In order to carry out hybrid assembly, tasks to be performed by the human and the robot are determined, and a robot control algorithm is created to ensure that the products are assembled appropriately. As a performance test, elapsed time to assemble the same number of products with human-robot collaboration is compared with the assembly process performed by the robot alone. Results show that the hybrid assembly process with human-robot collaboration is faster and more effective than the assembly process performed by the robot alone.
  • Öğe
    Syrian refugees' perception of barriers and bridges towards integration into Turkish society
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2019) Gursoy, Esim; Ertaşoğlu, Leyla Deniz
    Population displacements have occurred in tremendous amounts in the last few decades due to the collapse in civil order of the neighbouring countries of Turkey. This situation not only created a need for researchers to deal with the social, psychological and economical aspects of this forced mobility, but also with the acculturation process of the refugees who left their home owing to serious human rights violations. Because they do not occupy a great space in the policy agendas, they are an 'invisible' group. This poses a major problem that there are no specific theories regarding the second language acquisition process of refugees, because they are considered together with all immigrants although their experiences distinguish them from other groups. Thus, feeling the need to be the voice of this unvoiced group with their SLA experiences and witnessing the swiftly changing dynamics in the world, the Middle East in particular, and its impact on the sociocultural context, this paper concentrates on the perceptions of Syrian refugees about the L2 (Turkish) and the target language group (Turkish people).