Fischer-Tropsch sentezi hidrodinamik koşullarında Taylor akışında sıvı slugdaki akış alanı: Mikro PIVv ve reaksiyon çalışması
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ülkemiz petrol kaynaklarının sınırlı olduğu düşünülerek, herhangi bir kaynaktan elde edilen sentez gazını kullanabilecek çok kanallı bir Fischer-Tropsch reaktörünün tasarlanması için gerekli bilgi birikimi oluşturmak için tek kanallı hidrodinamik ve reaksiyon çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Taylor akış şartlarını veren parametreler ortaya çıkarılmış, sıvı içerisindeki akış alanı parçacık hız görüntüleme ile incelenmiştir. Hidrodinamik çalışmalar sonucunda, kabarcık ve sıvı slug boy ve hızlarını veren deneysel eşitlikler türetilmiştir. Hidrodinamik çalışmalarda kanal çapı 1 mm iken verilen şartlarda sıvı içerisinde karışmanın olmadığı, besleme şeklinin sıvı karışmasında etkili olmadığı görülmüş, sıvı akış alanının kabarcık, sıvı slugların boy ve hızlarına ve kanal çapı tarafından dikte edildiği görüşüne varılmıştır. Bundan dolayı 1 mm'den daha büyük kanal çapı kullanılması ve beslemenin sıvısız, sadece gaz olarak gerçekleştirilmesi önerilerek, 3mm çaplı kanalda (2,43 ml hacim) FT reaksiyon çalışmaları 3 alternatif besleme stratejisiyle çalışılmıştır. Bu 3 farklı strateji: Kararlı akış, akışın manipüle edilmediği alternatif akış ve akışın manipüle edildiği alternatif akış. Elde edilen bulgular, reaktör hidrodinamiğini manipüle etmeyen alternatif beslemenin, kararlı besleme durumu ile aynı ürünleri çıkardığını fakat verimin değiştiğini, akışın manipüle edilerek alternatifli beslendiğinde ise daha verimli prosesle daha çeşitli hidrokarbonların üretildiğini göstermiştir.
Considering the limited oil sources of our country, to establish necassary knowledge to desing a Fischer Tropsch reactor of multi-channels that can utilize synthesis gas obtained from any source, single channel hydrodynamics and reaction studies were performed. The hydrodynamic studies were conducted in 3 channels having different feed designs(L,Y,T) with fluids of Hydrogen,Carbon Monoxide and n-Olefin. For all of the channels, the conditions forming Taylor Flow regime was depicted, empirical equations related to bubble and slug lenght and velocities were established. The mixing in liquid slugs were analyzed by Particle Image Velocimetry system, and it was found out that, for the given conditions the slug has laminar flow having no eddies. It was concluded that the vertex formation in the the slug was dictated by the bubble and slug length and velocities, and channel diameter, but feeding strategy had no effect. Since there was no observed vortex formation for the given conditions, the FT reaction studies were carried out in a 3mm channel (2,43 ml volume). The reactions were conducted by 3 different strategies: Steady flow, time interrupted flow where the flow is not manipulated, and time interrupted flow where the flow is manipulated. The results showed that the steady flow and time interrupted flow where the flow is not manipulated produced same products but with different yields, whereas the time interrupted flow where the flow is manipulated, produced more variety of hydrocarbons and with higher yield.
Considering the limited oil sources of our country, to establish necassary knowledge to desing a Fischer Tropsch reactor of multi-channels that can utilize synthesis gas obtained from any source, single channel hydrodynamics and reaction studies were performed. The hydrodynamic studies were conducted in 3 channels having different feed designs(L,Y,T) with fluids of Hydrogen,Carbon Monoxide and n-Olefin. For all of the channels, the conditions forming Taylor Flow regime was depicted, empirical equations related to bubble and slug lenght and velocities were established. The mixing in liquid slugs were analyzed by Particle Image Velocimetry system, and it was found out that, for the given conditions the slug has laminar flow having no eddies. It was concluded that the vertex formation in the the slug was dictated by the bubble and slug length and velocities, and channel diameter, but feeding strategy had no effect. Since there was no observed vortex formation for the given conditions, the FT reaction studies were carried out in a 3mm channel (2,43 ml volume). The reactions were conducted by 3 different strategies: Steady flow, time interrupted flow where the flow is not manipulated, and time interrupted flow where the flow is manipulated. The results showed that the steady flow and time interrupted flow where the flow is not manipulated produced same products but with different yields, whereas the time interrupted flow where the flow is manipulated, produced more variety of hydrocarbons and with higher yield.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy, Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering