Yansıtmalı optik dalga kılavuzu metoduyla artırılmış gerçeklik cihazı tasarımı
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Teknolojideki hızlı gelişmelerle birlikte, gerçek dünya ortamı içerisine bildirim, görüntü ve internet içeriklerinin dahil edilmesini sağlayan artırılmış gerçeklik cihazları ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu tez kapsamında yansıtmalı optik dalga kılavuzu yöntemi kullanılarak bir artırılmış gerçeklik cihazı tasarım ve prototip imalatı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Prototipin oluşturulmasında şu aşamalar takip edilmiştir: İlk olarak cihazın ekran ve elektronik bileşenleri bir araya getirilmiştir. Optik hesaplamalar dikkate alınarak cihaz tasarlanmıştır. Gerekli yazılımlar oluşturularak örnek uygulamalarla cihaz test edilmiştir. Tasarlanan prototip cihazda tasarım aşamasında hesaba katılması gereken optik faktörler incelenmiş ve görüntünün optimum netlikte elde edilebilmesi için çeşitli optik hesaplamalar yapılmıştır. Altı eksenli endüstriyel bir robotun xyz konum bilgisinin cihaza kablosuz aktarımı sağlanarak örnek bir uygulamayla artırılmış gerçeklik deneyimi test edilmiştir.
Rapid developments in technology have enabled the emergence of augmented reality devices that allow for the inclusion of images and internet content into real-world environments. In this thesis, an augmented reality device design and prototype production were made by using the optical reflected waveguide method. These steps were followed during creation of prototype: First, the display and electronic components of the device are assembled. Device is designed with making optical calculations. The necessary software was developed and optical device is tested with sample applications. In the designed prototype device, the optical factors that should be taken into account during the design phase were investigated and various optical calculations were made to get optimum clarity of visual experience. Augmented reality experience tested on prototype device with sample application. 6-axis industrial robot is used in sample application which transmitted xyz position information wirelessly to the protype device.
Rapid developments in technology have enabled the emergence of augmented reality devices that allow for the inclusion of images and internet content into real-world environments. In this thesis, an augmented reality device design and prototype production were made by using the optical reflected waveguide method. These steps were followed during creation of prototype: First, the display and electronic components of the device are assembled. Device is designed with making optical calculations. The necessary software was developed and optical device is tested with sample applications. In the designed prototype device, the optical factors that should be taken into account during the design phase were investigated and various optical calculations were made to get optimum clarity of visual experience. Augmented reality experience tested on prototype device with sample application. 6-axis industrial robot is used in sample application which transmitted xyz position information wirelessly to the protype device.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mekatronik Mühendisliği, Mechatronics Engineering