Sosyal bilimlerde oyun kavramı: Ekonomik ve kültürel bir soruşturma
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Oyun kavramı insanlık tarihiyle yaşıt olan bir olgudur. İnsanda ve hayvanda ortak bir güdü olarak bulunan oyun kavramsal olarak eski olduğu kadar önemlidir. Oyunun eğitici yönü kadar kültür yapıcı niteliği ve karar alma teorilerine etkisi de öne çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada oyun kavramı daha çok oyun teorisi ve Homo Ludens üzerinden incelenmiştir. Oyun kavramının özellikle yakın dönemde yaygınlaşması ve gelişimi bu iki noktadan vuku bulmuştur. Bunlardan ilki olan oyun teorisi karar alma teorilerinden biridir. Oyun benzeri teorik düşünce milattan öncelerine kadar uzanır. İlk bilimsel dayanağı 17. yüzyıla kadar uzanan bu dayanaklar 19 ve 20. yüzyıllarda daha hızlı şekilde geliştirilmiş ve oyun kavramı matematiksel olarak teorileştirilerek ortaya karar alma teorisi olarak oyun teorisi çıkmıştır. Basit tanımıyla stratejik hareket eden karar alıcılar arasındaki işbirliği ve çatışma dinamiklerini analiz eden matematiksel-mantıksal modelleme aracı olan bu teori karşılıklı bağımlılık esasına dayanır. Homo Ludens ise Hollandalı filozof ve tarihçi Johan Huizinga'nın oyun ve kültür üzerine yazdığı felsefi bir denemedir. Oyun teorisinin gelişim aşamalarına yakın olarak yazılan bu deneme insanlık tarihindeki oyun etkisini ve oyunun kültür yapıcı niteliklerini değerlendirerek oyunun basitleştirilmiş bir kavram olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Düşünürler oyunu dil, kültür gibi insan doğasının ve günlük yaşamının öznesi hatta kurucusu olarak değerlendirmiş, Freud sonrası psikanaliz gelişiminde oyun bir terapi olarak psikolojide yerini almıştır. Oyunla alakalı çalışmalar önceleri oyun kavramını yalnızca çocuklar ve eğitim çerçevesinde tutarken zamanla yapılan farklı çalışmalar, deneyler ve denemeler oyun kavramının farklı dallar ve farklı alanlara sıçramasına yol açmış; oyun kavramı felsefe ve psikoloji haricinde biyolojiden yazılıma, dil bilimden matematiğe birçok alanda yer almış ve katkı vermiştir. Doğa bilimleri ile sosyal bilimlerin bir araya geldiği çapraz bilimlerin oluşmasına da katkıda bulunan oyun kavramı çerçevesini değiştirdikçe önemi daha da büyümüştür. Oyun kavram olarak birçok noktada kullanılmasına rağmen çok kısıtlı şekilde araştırılmış, değerlendirilmiş ve çalışmalar da bu değerlendirmeler üzerine yapılmıştır. Oyun kavramını daha geniş çerçeveden görmek ise çok fazla noktada gelişime katkı sağlayacaktır.
The concept of game is a phenomenon that is as old as human history. Game, which is a common motive in humans and animals, is as important as it is conceptually old. As much as the educational aspect of the game, its cultural constructive quality and its effect on decision-making theories come to the fore. In this study, the concept of game is examined mostly through game theory and Homo Ludens. The spread and development of the concept of the game, especially in the recent period, took place from these two points. The first of these, game theory, is one of the decision-making theories. Game-like theoretical thinking goes back to before Christ. These foundations, the first scientific basis of which date back to the 17th century, were developed more rapidly in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the concept of game was theorized mathematically and game theory emerged as a decision theory. With its simple definition, this theory, which is a mathematical-logical modeling tool that analyzes the dynamics of cooperation and conflict between decision makers who act strategically, is based on the principle of interdependence. Homo Ludens is a philosophical essay on play and culture by the Dutch philosopher and historian Johan Huizinga. This essay, which was written close to the development stages of game theory, evaluated the effect of the game in human history and the cultural constructive qualities of the game and revealed that the game is a simplified concept. Thinkers have evaluated the game as the subject and even the founder of human nature and daily life such as language and culture, and the game has taken its place in psychology as a therapy in the development of post-Freudian psychoanalysis. While the studies related to the game used to keep the concept of game only within the framework of children and education, different studies, experiments and trials carried out over time caused the concept of game to spread to and different fields; The concept of game has taken place and contributed in many fields from biology to software, from linguistics to mathematics, apart from philosophy and psychology. The concept of game, which also contributed to the formation of cross-sciences where natural sciences and social sciences come together, became more important as it changed its framework. Although the game is used as a concept at many points, it has been researched and evaluated in a very limited way and studies have been made on these evaluations. Seeing the concept of game from a wider perspective will contribute to development in many points.
The concept of game is a phenomenon that is as old as human history. Game, which is a common motive in humans and animals, is as important as it is conceptually old. As much as the educational aspect of the game, its cultural constructive quality and its effect on decision-making theories come to the fore. In this study, the concept of game is examined mostly through game theory and Homo Ludens. The spread and development of the concept of the game, especially in the recent period, took place from these two points. The first of these, game theory, is one of the decision-making theories. Game-like theoretical thinking goes back to before Christ. These foundations, the first scientific basis of which date back to the 17th century, were developed more rapidly in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the concept of game was theorized mathematically and game theory emerged as a decision theory. With its simple definition, this theory, which is a mathematical-logical modeling tool that analyzes the dynamics of cooperation and conflict between decision makers who act strategically, is based on the principle of interdependence. Homo Ludens is a philosophical essay on play and culture by the Dutch philosopher and historian Johan Huizinga. This essay, which was written close to the development stages of game theory, evaluated the effect of the game in human history and the cultural constructive qualities of the game and revealed that the game is a simplified concept. Thinkers have evaluated the game as the subject and even the founder of human nature and daily life such as language and culture, and the game has taken its place in psychology as a therapy in the development of post-Freudian psychoanalysis. While the studies related to the game used to keep the concept of game only within the framework of children and education, different studies, experiments and trials carried out over time caused the concept of game to spread to and different fields; The concept of game has taken place and contributed in many fields from biology to software, from linguistics to mathematics, apart from philosophy and psychology. The concept of game, which also contributed to the formation of cross-sciences where natural sciences and social sciences come together, became more important as it changed its framework. Although the game is used as a concept at many points, it has been researched and evaluated in a very limited way and studies have been made on these evaluations. Seeing the concept of game from a wider perspective will contribute to development in many points.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Oyun, Oyun Kavramı, Oyun Teorisi, Homo Ludens, Sosyal Bilimler, Game, The Concept of Game, Game Theory, Homo Ludens, Social Sciences