Almanya'da aşırı sağın teşkilatlanması ve İslamofobi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
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Kökenleri Endülüs'ün fethine dayanan Müslüman ve İslam karşıtlığı yıllar içerisinde Avrupa'ya yapılan işçi gücü göçü, 11 Eylül saldırıları ve Arap Baharı sonrası yaşanan mülteci kriziyle derinleştirilmiştir. Batı'da yaşayan Müslümanların yaşadıkları ülkelerde görünürlüklerinin artması ve kendi kültürlerini yaşadıkları ülkelerde devam ettirmek istemeleri Müslümanlara karşı zaten var olan önyargıların artmasına sebep olmuştur. Müslümanlara karşı ayrımcılık yapmak, yabancı düşmanlığı, toplumdan dışlama, nefret dürtüsüyle hareket etme ve özellikle de ırkçılık Avrupa toplumunu İslamofobi'ye götüren eylemler olmuştur. Şüphe götürmez bir gerçek ki insanlık tarihinin en utanç verici olgusu milliyetçi duygularla yapılan ırkçılık eylemleridir. Eski çağların hastalığı, kölelik ve kalıtsal farklılığa dayalı biyolojik ırkçılık iken; günümüzün hastalığı ise yabancı ve zayıf olana karşı kültür ve din temelli ötekileştiriciliği ifade eden kültürel ırkçılıktır. İslam ile Hristiyanlığın karşılaştığı tarihten itibaren iki din arasında yaşanan çatışmalar bizi bir kültürel ırkçılık türü olan İslamofobi'nin günümüzdeki şeklini almasına sebebiyet vermiştir. Kendisini daima diğer toplumlardan üstün gören Avrupa'nın öteki kimlikleri aşağı görerek kendi kimliğini oluşturması çabası yabancı düşmanlığını körüklemiştir. İslam kültürünün Hristiyan değerlerine dayanan Avrupa kültürüyle uyumsuz olduğuna dair ortaya atılan milliyetçi söylemler de yabancı olarak gördükleri Müslümanlara karşı İslamofobik söylem ve eylemlerin artmasına sebebiyet vermiştir. Milliyetçi söylemlerle süslenmiş dışlayıcı bir siyaset izleyen aşırı sağ partilerin politikaları İslamofobi'nin en büyük sebebi olarak çalışmada anlatılmıştır. Geniş bir yelpazede yer alan İslamofobi bu çalışmada Avrupa genelinde, özelde ise Almanya ülkesinde incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın çerçevesi Almanya'da görülenİslamofobi'nin ve kamuoyunda Müslümanlara karşı yapılan nefret söylemlerinin artmasındaki en büyük payın aşırı sağ partilerin ve aşırı sağ etkisinde hareket eden her türlü oluşumun milliyetçi ve ırkçı söylemlerinin olduğu teziyle çizilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı ise Müslüman toprakları dışında yaşayan tüm Türklerin ve Müslümanların özellikle de Almanya'da maruz kaldıkları İslamofobik söylemlerin ve şiddetin boyutunu göstermek ve bu nefret suçunun tehlikesini anlatmaktır.
Anti-Muslim and anti-Islamism, whose origins are based on the conquest of Andalusia, has been deepened over the years by the migration of labor force to Europe, the attacks of September 11 and the refugee crisis after the Arab Spring. The increase in the visibility of Muslims living in the West in the countries they live in and their desire to continue their own culture in the countries they live in has led to an increase in prejudices against Muslims. Discrimination against Muslims, xenophobia, exclusion from society, acting with the impulse of hatred and especially racism have been actions that have led the European society to Islamophobia. It is an undoubted fact that the most shameful phenomenon in the history of humanity is the acts of racism committed with nationalistic feelings. While the disease of ancient times was slavery and biological racism based on hereditary difference; today's disease is cultural racism, which expresses culture and religion-based othering against the foreign and weak. Conflicts between the two religions since the encounter of Islam and Christianity have caused us to take the form of Islamophobia, which is a form of cultural racism. The effort of Europe, which always considers itself superior to other societies, to create its own identity by seeing other identities as inferior has fueled xenophobia. Nationalist rhetoric, which has been put forward that Islamic culture is incompatible with European culture based on Christian values, has also led to an increase in Islamophobic discourses and actions against Muslims, whom they see as foreigners. The policies of far-right parties, which follow an exclusionary policy embellished with nationalist rhetoric, are explained in the study as the biggest cause of Islamophobia. In this study İslamophobia was examined in Europe and Germany in particular. The framework of the study is drawn with the thesis that the nationalist and racist discourses of far-right parties and all kinds of formations acting under the influence of the far-right have the biggest share in the increase of Islamophobia in Germany and hate speech against Muslims in the public. The aim of the study is to show the extent of Islamophobic discourses and violence that all Turks and Muslims living outside of Muslim lands are exposed to, especially in Germany, and to explain the hazard of this hate crime.
Anti-Muslim and anti-Islamism, whose origins are based on the conquest of Andalusia, has been deepened over the years by the migration of labor force to Europe, the attacks of September 11 and the refugee crisis after the Arab Spring. The increase in the visibility of Muslims living in the West in the countries they live in and their desire to continue their own culture in the countries they live in has led to an increase in prejudices against Muslims. Discrimination against Muslims, xenophobia, exclusion from society, acting with the impulse of hatred and especially racism have been actions that have led the European society to Islamophobia. It is an undoubted fact that the most shameful phenomenon in the history of humanity is the acts of racism committed with nationalistic feelings. While the disease of ancient times was slavery and biological racism based on hereditary difference; today's disease is cultural racism, which expresses culture and religion-based othering against the foreign and weak. Conflicts between the two religions since the encounter of Islam and Christianity have caused us to take the form of Islamophobia, which is a form of cultural racism. The effort of Europe, which always considers itself superior to other societies, to create its own identity by seeing other identities as inferior has fueled xenophobia. Nationalist rhetoric, which has been put forward that Islamic culture is incompatible with European culture based on Christian values, has also led to an increase in Islamophobic discourses and actions against Muslims, whom they see as foreigners. The policies of far-right parties, which follow an exclusionary policy embellished with nationalist rhetoric, are explained in the study as the biggest cause of Islamophobia. In this study İslamophobia was examined in Europe and Germany in particular. The framework of the study is drawn with the thesis that the nationalist and racist discourses of far-right parties and all kinds of formations acting under the influence of the far-right have the biggest share in the increase of Islamophobia in Germany and hate speech against Muslims in the public. The aim of the study is to show the extent of Islamophobic discourses and violence that all Turks and Muslims living outside of Muslim lands are exposed to, especially in Germany, and to explain the hazard of this hate crime.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uluslararası Ekonomi Politikası Ana Bilim Dalı, Uluslararası Ekonomi Politikası Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science, Uluslararası İlişkiler