GaN/InGaN tabanlı LED çip fabrikasyonu ve karakterizasyonu
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, InGaN/GaN çoklu kuantum kuyu tabanlı mavi Işık Saçan Diyot'ların (LED) c-düzlemli safir alttaş üzerinde başarılı bir şekilde fabrikasyonu yapılmış ve karakterize edilmiştir. Mavi dalgaboyu'nda ışık saçan LED çip'lerin üretiminde kullanılan epitaksiyel malzeme, Metal Organik Kimyasal Buhar Biriktirme (MOCVD) sistemi kullanılarak büyütülmüştür. Fabrikasyon ve karakterizasyon çalışmaları için iki örnek hazırlanmış, LED-A örneğinde p-GaN kontak üzerine Ni/Au tabakası geçirgen ohmik kontak olarak kaplanmış, hemen ardından hızlı ısıl tavlama işlemi yapılarak difüzyon yapması sağlanmıştır. İndiyum Tin Oksit (ITO) malzemesi akım yayma tabakası ve ışığı geçirgen malzeme olarak kaplanmış ve Ni/Au/ITO metallerinin p-GaN yüzeyine olan kontak direnci 2.45?10-2 ohm·cm2 seviyesinde ölçülmüştür. LED-B örneği ise, çip'in ısınma ve yüksek seri direnç problemine bir çözüm olup olamayacağını anlamak amacıyla ters çip fabrikasyon yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca, LED-A örneğinden farklı olarak Ni/Au p-kontak metalizasyonu üzerine, yansıtıcı katman olarak Ni/Ag kullanılmış, Ni/Au/Ni/Ag metallerinin p-GaN yüzeye olan kontak direnci 3.5?10-3 ohm·cm2 olarak ölçülmüş ve ışığın arka safir tarafından çıkması sağlanmıştır. LED-A ve LED-B örneklerinin Ti/Al/TiB2/Au metallerinin n-GaN yüzeyine yapılan kontak dirençleri sırasıyla 1.74?10-6 ve 7.72?10-7 ohm.cm2 olarak oldukça düşük elde edilmiştir. LED-A ve LED-B örnekleri kıyaslandığında, LED-B örneğinin 350 mA akım altında toplam güç ve dış kuvantum verimi değerleri bakımından %47 ve %49 oranında, LED-A örneğinden daha iyi olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.
This dissertation presents high performance of InGaN/GaN Multi Quantum Well (MQW) based blue LEDs fabrication and characterization methods on c-plane sapphire substrate in two different configurations. The epitaxial material used in the production of blue light emitting LED chips were grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) system. Two samples were prepared for fabrication and characterization studies. In the case of LED-A, Ni/Au layer was deposited as a contact on the p-GaN then subsequent annealing was performed to get NiOx ohmic form. To spread the current on the whole p-GaN surface, Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) material was deposited as current spreading layer. In the case of LED-B, it was fabricated by using flip-chip fabrication method in order to understand that the chip can be a solution to the heat and high series resistance problem. Ni/Ag was used as a reflective layer instead of the ITO. Ni/Au/ITO and Ni/Au/Ni/Ag to p-GaN specific contact resistances was obtained 2.45?10-2 and 3.5?10-3 ohm·cm2 respectively which is quite low for p-GaN contacts. On the other hand, Ti/Al/TiB2/Au to n-GaN specific contact resistances was obtained extrememly low for LED-A and LED-B as 1.74?10-6 and 7.72?10-7 ohm.cm2. When LED-A and LED-B samples were compared, it was obviously observed rapid thermal annealed (RTA) LED-B flip-chip fabrication with Ni/Au/RTA/Ni/(Ag) films could provide good electrical and optical properties to improve output power and external quantum efficiency (EQE) about 47 % and 49 % respectively at 350 mA current.
This dissertation presents high performance of InGaN/GaN Multi Quantum Well (MQW) based blue LEDs fabrication and characterization methods on c-plane sapphire substrate in two different configurations. The epitaxial material used in the production of blue light emitting LED chips were grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) system. Two samples were prepared for fabrication and characterization studies. In the case of LED-A, Ni/Au layer was deposited as a contact on the p-GaN then subsequent annealing was performed to get NiOx ohmic form. To spread the current on the whole p-GaN surface, Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) material was deposited as current spreading layer. In the case of LED-B, it was fabricated by using flip-chip fabrication method in order to understand that the chip can be a solution to the heat and high series resistance problem. Ni/Ag was used as a reflective layer instead of the ITO. Ni/Au/ITO and Ni/Au/Ni/Ag to p-GaN specific contact resistances was obtained 2.45?10-2 and 3.5?10-3 ohm·cm2 respectively which is quite low for p-GaN contacts. On the other hand, Ti/Al/TiB2/Au to n-GaN specific contact resistances was obtained extrememly low for LED-A and LED-B as 1.74?10-6 and 7.72?10-7 ohm.cm2. When LED-A and LED-B samples were compared, it was obviously observed rapid thermal annealed (RTA) LED-B flip-chip fabrication with Ni/Au/RTA/Ni/(Ag) films could provide good electrical and optical properties to improve output power and external quantum efficiency (EQE) about 47 % and 49 % respectively at 350 mA current.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering, InGaN/GaN multi quantum well LED, rapid thermal annealing, reflective layer, current spreading layer, indium tin oxide., InGaN/GaN kuantum kuyulu LED, hızlı ısıl tavlama, yansıtıcı tabaka, akım yayma tabkası, indiyum kalay oksit.