Ağaç türlerine göre akma reçine üretimi ve ekonomisi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
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Doğal reçine, ekolojik ve ekonomik bir değer ihtiva eden yapısı ile her geçen gün önemi artan bir ürün olarak gelişim göstermektedir. Ağaçlarda doğal yola oluşan bir salgı olan reçine ve türevlerine duyulan ihtiyaç nedeniyle, ülkemizde iç kaynakların canlandırılarak üretiminin arttırılması gereği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile, farklı ağaç türlerinden elde edilen doğal reçinenin ağaç türleri itibariyle verimliliğinin ve ekonomisinin değerlendirilmesi ve bu konuda üreticilere faydalı bilgiler üretilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda öncelikle reçinenin tanımına ve önemine, kullanım alanlarına, üretim tekniklerine, ekonomik önemine ve ticaretine ilişkin bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Ardından, yapılan arazi çalışması sonucu elde edilen veriler ışığında, Karaçam, Kızılçam ve Fıstıkçamından üretilen akma reçine verimliliği ve ekonomisi kıyaslamalı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamında Balıkesir Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü (OBM), Edremit Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü (OİM) sınırları içinde, her bir ağaç türü için bir sahada ve toplam üç ayrı sahada çalışılmıştır. Reçine elde edilmesi için yöntem olarak Asit Pasta yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya 3 Mayıs 2021 tarihinde başlanmış, öncelikle ağaç kabukları soyularak gövde kızıllatması adlandırılan işlem yapılmıştır. 41. günden itibaren 15 gün aralıklarla sahaya gidilerek ağaçlarda aşağıdan yukarıya doğru, 5 cm yüksekliğinde ve 30 cm genişliğinde yara açılmış ve açılan yaraya asit pasta sürülmüştür. Yaranın hemen alt kısmına yerleştirilen polietilen torba ile yaradan akan reçinenin toplanması sağlanmıştır. Araştırma için seçilen sahaların güney bakıda olmasına ve %30 eğimden fazla eğimli olmamasına dikkat edilmiştir. Reçine verimini artırmak için literatür bilgilerine dayalı olarak 1,30 m göğüs yüksekliği çapı en az 26 cm olan ağaçlar tercih edilmiştir. Yapılan saha çalışması neticesinde elde edilen veriler SPSS v. 22.0® programında analiz edilmiş, bu amaçla tanımlayıcı istatistikler hesaplanmış ve korelasyon analizi ile varyans analizlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre ağaç başına Karaçamda toplam 968 - 1452 gr aralığında (ortalama 1.285 gr), Kızılçamda 859 – 1.296 gr aralığında (ortalaması 1.040 gr) ve Fıstıkçamında da 998 – 1.331 gr aralığında (ortalaması 1.168 gr) akma reçine üretilmiştir. Verilerin istatistik analizi sonucunda ağaç başına elde edilen akma reçine miktarı ile göğüs çapı arasında Karaçam ve Kızılçamda zayıf, Fıstıkçamında ise orta düzeyde ve pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişkinin olduğu saptanmıştır. Yine yapılan tek yönlü varyans analizi sonucunda ağaç türlerine göre ağaç başına üretilen akma reçine miktarları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılığın ortaya çıktığı gözlenmiştir. Yapılan çoklu karşılaştırma sonucunda ise türlerin akma reçine verimliliği en yüksek Karaçam olurken, en düşük ise Kızılçam olmuştur. Ekonomik değerlendirmeler için yapılan gelir-maliyet analizleri sonucunda ise, 2021 yılı fiyatlarına göre Karaçam, Fıstıkçamı ve Kızılçam için ağaç başına üretilen ürün değeri sırası ile 29,58, 26,86 ve 23,92 Türk Lirası (Tl) bulunmuşken ağaç başına üretim maliyeti her üç ağaç türü için aynı ve 33,22 Tl maliyet hesaplanmıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre reçine üretiminin, araştırmanın yapıldığı koşullarda ekonomik olmadığı anlaşılmıştır. Ancak reçine üretim miktarı, reçine piyasa fiyatlarının ve üretim maliyetlerinin değişmesi durumunda bu sonuç da değişebilecektir.
Natural resin, with its ecological and economic value, is developing as a product whose importance is increasing day by day. Due to the need for resin and its derivatives, which is a naturally occurring secretion in trees, it is needed to increase production by revitalizing domestic resources in our country. With this study, it was aimed to evaluate the efficiency and economy of natural resin obtained from different tree species and to produce useful information for producers in this regard. For this purpose, firstly, information on the definition and importance of resin, areas of use, production techniques, economic importance, quality classes and trade are given. Then, in the light of the data obtained as a result of the field study, the efficiency and economy of the flow resin produced from Pinus nigra, Pinus pinea and Pinus brutia were evaluated. In this study, 3 different sites, one for each tree species were taken from the forest areas located in Balıkesir Regional Directorate of Forestry, Edremit Forest Enterprise. Acid Paste method was used to obtain resin. The study was started on May 3, 2021, first of all, the bark of the tree was peeled and the process called trunk reddening was performed. From the 41st day onwards, by going to the field at 15-day intervals, a 5 cm high and 30 cm wide wound was opened on the trees from the bottom up, and acid paste was applied to the opened wound. With the polyethylene bag placed just below the wound, the resin flowing from the wound was collected. Attention was paid to the fact that the selected sites for the study were in the south-facing direction and should not be more than 30% inclined. In order to increase the resin yield, trees with a beast height of 1.30 m and a diameter of at least 26 cm were preferred based on the literature. Data obtained as a result of the fieldwork were analyzed in the SPSS v. 22.0® program, for this purpose descriptive statistics were calculated and correlation analysis and variance analysis were performed. According to the results, flow resin was produced in the range of 968 - 1452 gr (average 1,285 gr) in P. nigra, 998 – 1,331 gr (average 1,168 gr) in P. pinea, and 859 – 1,296 gr (average 1,040 gr) in P. brutia per tree. The result of the statistical analysis of the data showed that there was a weak and positive relationship between the amount of flow resin per tree and the diameter at breast height in P. nigra and P. brutia, and moderate and positive correlation in P. pinea. As a result of the one-way analysis of variance, it was observed that there was a statistically significant difference between the amount of flow resin produced per tree according to tree species. The multiple comparisons showed that, the highest yield resin yield of the species was determined by P. nigra, while the lowest was P. brutia. The result of the cost-income analyzes made for economic evaluations indicated that, the resin product valuee per tree for P. nigra, P. pinea and P. brutia were found to be 29.58, 26.86 and 23.92 TL, respectively, according to 2021 prices, while the production cost per tree was calculated same as 22,22 TL for all tree species. According to these results, it was understood that resin production was not economical under the conditions of the research. However, if the resin market unit prices and production costs change, this result may also change.
Natural resin, with its ecological and economic value, is developing as a product whose importance is increasing day by day. Due to the need for resin and its derivatives, which is a naturally occurring secretion in trees, it is needed to increase production by revitalizing domestic resources in our country. With this study, it was aimed to evaluate the efficiency and economy of natural resin obtained from different tree species and to produce useful information for producers in this regard. For this purpose, firstly, information on the definition and importance of resin, areas of use, production techniques, economic importance, quality classes and trade are given. Then, in the light of the data obtained as a result of the field study, the efficiency and economy of the flow resin produced from Pinus nigra, Pinus pinea and Pinus brutia were evaluated. In this study, 3 different sites, one for each tree species were taken from the forest areas located in Balıkesir Regional Directorate of Forestry, Edremit Forest Enterprise. Acid Paste method was used to obtain resin. The study was started on May 3, 2021, first of all, the bark of the tree was peeled and the process called trunk reddening was performed. From the 41st day onwards, by going to the field at 15-day intervals, a 5 cm high and 30 cm wide wound was opened on the trees from the bottom up, and acid paste was applied to the opened wound. With the polyethylene bag placed just below the wound, the resin flowing from the wound was collected. Attention was paid to the fact that the selected sites for the study were in the south-facing direction and should not be more than 30% inclined. In order to increase the resin yield, trees with a beast height of 1.30 m and a diameter of at least 26 cm were preferred based on the literature. Data obtained as a result of the fieldwork were analyzed in the SPSS v. 22.0® program, for this purpose descriptive statistics were calculated and correlation analysis and variance analysis were performed. According to the results, flow resin was produced in the range of 968 - 1452 gr (average 1,285 gr) in P. nigra, 998 – 1,331 gr (average 1,168 gr) in P. pinea, and 859 – 1,296 gr (average 1,040 gr) in P. brutia per tree. The result of the statistical analysis of the data showed that there was a weak and positive relationship between the amount of flow resin per tree and the diameter at breast height in P. nigra and P. brutia, and moderate and positive correlation in P. pinea. As a result of the one-way analysis of variance, it was observed that there was a statistically significant difference between the amount of flow resin produced per tree according to tree species. The multiple comparisons showed that, the highest yield resin yield of the species was determined by P. nigra, while the lowest was P. brutia. The result of the cost-income analyzes made for economic evaluations indicated that, the resin product valuee per tree for P. nigra, P. pinea and P. brutia were found to be 29.58, 26.86 and 23.92 TL, respectively, according to 2021 prices, while the production cost per tree was calculated same as 22,22 TL for all tree species. According to these results, it was understood that resin production was not economical under the conditions of the research. However, if the resin market unit prices and production costs change, this result may also change.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Orman Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Ormancılık Ekonomisi Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ormancılık ve Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry and Forest Engineering