Türkiye'de hazır giyim sektörünün rekabet gücü: Markalaşma yönüyle bir değerlendirme
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Hazır giyim sektörü, rekabet gücü kavramının önemli araçlarından birisi olarak nitelendirilebilmektedir. Günümüz itibarıyla globalleşmenin de etkisiyle imalatçı firmalar yalnızca bulundukları ülkelerde bulunan işletmelerle değil, aynı zamanda dünya çapında aynı iş kolunda çalışma yapan diğer firmalarla da rekabet halindedirler. Gerçekleşen ekonomik durumlar ve değişebilen rekabet sistemi, işletmeler ve ülkeler açısından rekabet edebilmeyi daha da zorlaştırabilmektedir. Bir işletmenin rekabet gücüne sahip olabilmesi, işletmelerin en iyi fiyatlandırmayı sunarak, ürünlerini ise en nitelikli şekilde imal ederek, mümkün olan en çabuk şekilde alıcılarına ulaştırabilmesi gibi unsurlara bağlı olabilmektedir. Özellikle 1980 yılı itibarıyla Türkiye, ihracata dayalı, dışa açılma stratejisiyle, global pazarda, tekstil ve hazır giyimde öncü ülkelerden olmuştur. Türk Hazır giyim konfeksiyon sektörü, oluşturduğu istihdam, gerçekleştirdiği ihracat faaliyetleri ile Türkiye'nin ekonomik anlamda büyümesine katkı sağlamaktadır. Hazır giyim sektörünün pazardaki varlığına devam edip rekabet üstünlüğü sağlayabilmesi için markalaşmanın önemi üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada markalaşma kavramıyla ilgili çeşitli yayınlarla belgelerin bazı özellikleri, sorular çerçevesinde irdelenerek bibliyometrik analiz yöntemiyle incelenmiş ve çeşitli bulgular elde edilmiştir. Rekabet gücünün sektörler üzerindeki etkisinin açıklanabilmesi için, Michael E. Porter'ın ortaya koymuş olduğu Elmas Modeli en çok yararlanılan yaklaşımlardan olmaktadır. Bu yaklaşım doğrultusunda firmalar, rekabet edebilir duruma gelebilmek için, imalat proseslerinde bazı geliştirmeler yaparak gerek firma içinde gerekse firma dışında çeşitli uygulamalar yapmaktadırlar. Bu tezin amacı, Michael E. Porter'ın Elmas Modeli kapsamında Türkiye'nin hazır giyim sektörünün rekabet gücünü ele alarak, markalaşma bağlamında yorumlanması ve bibliyometrik analizinin yapılmasıdır. Bu bağlamda Porter'ın Elmas Modelinin analiziyle birlikte hazır giyim sektörü ve gelişimi ile ilgili öngörülerde bulunulmuştur. Hazır giyim sektörü özelinde markalaşma kavramının rekabet gücü üzerindeki etkisinin ne olduğunun belirlenmesine yönelik bir çalışma gerçekleştirilerek literatüre katkı sağlanılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırmada elde edilen bulgular ışığında, Türkiye'nin öncelikle Avrupa Birliği olarak, küresel platformdaki rekabet gücünü devam ettirebilmesi için, teknolojik gelişmelere, AR-GE çalışmalarına önem vererek, verimlilikte artış gerçekleştirmesi gerektiği görülmektedir.
The ready made industry can be described as one of the important tools of the concept of competitiveness. As of today, with the impact of globalization, manufacturers are competing not only with businesses located in their countries, but also with other companies working in the same line of business worldwide. Economic situations and a changing competition system can make it more difficult for businesses and countries to compete. The ability of a business to be competitive can depend on such elements as the ability of businesses to deliver to their buyers as quickly as possible by offering the best pricing and manufacturing their products in the most qualified way. Especially since 1980, Turkey has become one of the leading countries in textile and ready-to-wear clothing in the global market with its export-oriented, opening-up strategy. The Turkish ready-to-wear garment sector contributes to Turkey's economic growth with the employment it creates and the export activities it realizes. The importance of branding is emphasized in order for the ready-to-wear sector to continue its presence in the market and provide competitive advantage. In this study, some features of various publications and documents related to the concept of branding were examined within the framework of questions and examined by bibliometric analysis method and various findings were obtained. Because brands are in competition today, brand power impacts product differentiation and market. The importance of branding is focused on ensuring that the apparel sector can also continue its market presence and achieve competitive advantage. To explain the impact of competitiveness on sectors, the Diamond Model by Michael E. Porter is one of the most utilized approaches. In line with this approach, companies are implementing various applications, both within and outside the company, by making some improvements in manufacturing processes in order to become competitive. The aim of this thesis is to interpret the competitiveness of Turkey's apparel industry within the scope of Michael E. Porter's Diamond Model, in the context of branding and to conduct a bibliometric analysis. In this context, with the analysis of Porter's Diamond Model, predictions have been made about the apparel sector and its development. It is aimed to contribute to the literature by conducting a study to determine the effect of the concept of branding on competitiveness in the apparel sector. In the light of the findings obtained in this research, it is seen that Turkey, primarily as the European Union, needs to increase productivity by giving importance to technological developments, R&D studies in order to maintain its competitiveness in the global platform.
The ready made industry can be described as one of the important tools of the concept of competitiveness. As of today, with the impact of globalization, manufacturers are competing not only with businesses located in their countries, but also with other companies working in the same line of business worldwide. Economic situations and a changing competition system can make it more difficult for businesses and countries to compete. The ability of a business to be competitive can depend on such elements as the ability of businesses to deliver to their buyers as quickly as possible by offering the best pricing and manufacturing their products in the most qualified way. Especially since 1980, Turkey has become one of the leading countries in textile and ready-to-wear clothing in the global market with its export-oriented, opening-up strategy. The Turkish ready-to-wear garment sector contributes to Turkey's economic growth with the employment it creates and the export activities it realizes. The importance of branding is emphasized in order for the ready-to-wear sector to continue its presence in the market and provide competitive advantage. In this study, some features of various publications and documents related to the concept of branding were examined within the framework of questions and examined by bibliometric analysis method and various findings were obtained. Because brands are in competition today, brand power impacts product differentiation and market. The importance of branding is focused on ensuring that the apparel sector can also continue its market presence and achieve competitive advantage. To explain the impact of competitiveness on sectors, the Diamond Model by Michael E. Porter is one of the most utilized approaches. In line with this approach, companies are implementing various applications, both within and outside the company, by making some improvements in manufacturing processes in order to become competitive. The aim of this thesis is to interpret the competitiveness of Turkey's apparel industry within the scope of Michael E. Porter's Diamond Model, in the context of branding and to conduct a bibliometric analysis. In this context, with the analysis of Porter's Diamond Model, predictions have been made about the apparel sector and its development. It is aimed to contribute to the literature by conducting a study to determine the effect of the concept of branding on competitiveness in the apparel sector. In the light of the findings obtained in this research, it is seen that Turkey, primarily as the European Union, needs to increase productivity by giving importance to technological developments, R&D studies in order to maintain its competitiveness in the global platform.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hazır giyim, Rekabet gücü, Elmas modeli, Markalaşma, Bibliyometrik analiz, Ready made, Competitiveness, Diamond model, Branding, Bibliometric analysis