KOBİ'lerin B2B (işletmeden işletmeye) e-ticaret uygulamalarına yönelik bir araştırma-Bursa örneği
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Genel bir ifade ile ekonominin lokomotifi olarak görülen Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmelerin (KOBİ) ülke ekonomileri, kalkınma ve sürdürülebilir büyüme üzerinde etkin rol oynadıkları bilinmektedir. 2015-2018 KOBİ Stratejisi Eylem Planı'nda yer alan verilere göre; Türkiye'de KOBİ'ler toplam işletmeler içerisinde %99,9'luk kısımda, ülke geneli ithalatın %39,9'unda ihracatın ise %59,2'sinde yer almaktadır. Büyük ölçekli işletmelerin ara mamul ve yan mamul gibi gereksinimlerinin karşılanabilmesinde, iş döngüsünün sağlanmasında KOBİ'ler aracı olarak etkin rol oynamaktadır. Ancak ticaret yöntemleri yeni müşteri ve yeni tedarikçilerin bulunmasında istenilen performansı sağlayamamaktadır. Bu bağlamda e-ticaretin en etkin şekilde kullanılabilmesi KOBİ'lerin sisteme dâhil edilmesi, faaliyetlerini sürdürebilmesi oldukça önemlidir. Tüm bunlar göz önüne alındığında Türkiye'nin e-ticaret potansiyelinin tam olarak farkına varılması, e-ticarete olan algı ve altyapının kuvvetlendirilmesinin ihracat verileri üzerinde önemli etkiler sağlaması, ülke ekonomisine katkıda bulunması beklenmektedir. Ticaret Bakanlığı E-ticaret bilgi platformu verilerine göre Türkiye'de e-ticaret ile uğraşan işletme sayısı 2019 yılında 68 bin civarında iken 2020 yılında 256 bin 861'e, 2021 yılında ise 321 bin 742'ye ulaşan büyüme ivmesi ile potansiyelini göstermektedir. E-ticaret faaliyetinde bulunan işletmelerin yüzde 72'si en az bir pazar yerinde işlem yapmaktadır. Dijital platformlar tarafından geliştirilen ekosistemlerin etki gücü her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu kapsamda özellikle KOBİ'ler için ürünlerini geniş bir alanda pazarlayabilecekleri ve ulaşmaları mümkün olmayan alıcılara kendilerini duyurabilecekleri elektronik pazaryerleri büyük önem taşımaktadır. Statista'nın "In-depth: B2B e-Commerce 2019" verilerinde B2B e-ticaret sitelerinin ve pazar yerlerinin küresel cirolarının 2019 yılında B2C sektörünü geride bırakarak %18,2 artışla 12,2 trilyon $ seviyelerine geldiğine yer verilmiştir. Raporda bu tutarın 2027'ye kadar 20,9 trilyon $ olacağı öngörülmektedir. Aynı zamanda Forrester, "US B2B e-commerce will hit $1.8 trillion by 2023" raporunda da, sadece ABD'de B2B e-ticaret pazarının 1,8 trilyon $ hacme ulaşacağı, 2023 itibarıyla ülkedeki tüm B2B satışlarının %17'sini oluşturacağı covid öncesi dönemde tahmin edilmektedir. Covid-19 salgını ile işlem hacmini arttıran e-ticaret sektöründe e-ticaret alanında yapılacak tüm faaliyetler büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışma Bursa ili sınırları içerisinde KOBİ (Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmeler)'lerin e-ticarete geçiş süreçlerini, elektronik pazaryerlerine olan bakış açılarını, elektronik pazaryerlerine üye olma kararları, aldıkları hizmet çeşitleri ve B2B elektronik ticaret uygulamalarına yönelik düzey ve tutumlarını incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. "KOBİ'lerin B2B (İşletmeden İşletmeye) e-ticaret uygulamalarına yönelik bir araştırma-Bursa örneği" nitel bir araştırma olup yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formları aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilen mülakat yöntemi ile konu hakkında bilgilerin derinleştirilmesi ve farklı boyutlarıyla ele alınarak değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
In general terms, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), which are considered as the locomotive of the economy, are known to be playing an active role in national economies, development and sustainable growth. According to the data included in the 2015-2018 SME Strategy Action Plan, in Turkey, the share of SMEs in total enterprises is 99.9%, in imports it is 39.9% and in exports it is 59.2%. SMEs play an active role as a mediator in meeting the demands (such as intermediate products and by-products) of large scale enterprises, and in ensuring the business cycle. However, their methods of trading cannot provide the desired performance in finding new customers and new suppliers. In this context, it is very imporant to utilize e-commerce in the most efficient way, to include SMEs in the system, and to let them sustain their activities. Considering all these, it is expected that Turkey's e-commerce potential is fully realized, and that the reinforcements in perception and infrastructure of e-commerce bring significant impacts on export data and contribute to the country's economy. According to the data of the e-commerce information platform of the Ministry of Commerce, while the number of enterprises which were engaged in e-commerce in Turkey was around 68 thousand in 2019, it reached 256 thousand 861 in 2020, and this increase is an indicative of e-commerce's potential. 72% of the businesses engaged in e-commerce activities do business in at least one marketplace. The impact of ecosystems developed by digital platforms is getting more powerful day by day. In this context, the electronic marketplaces, in which the SMEs can promote their products in an extensive area and in which they can make themselves noticed by the buyers out of their range, are of great importance, especially for SMEs. Within Statista's "In-depth: B2B e-Commerce 2019" data, it is noted that the global turnover of B2B e-commerce sites and marketplaces surpassed the B2C industry in 2019, increasing by 18.2% to $12.2 trillion. The report predicts that this amount will reach $20.9 trillion by 2027. Also, within Forrester's "US B2B e-commerce will hit $1.8 trillion by 2023" report, it is noted that the B2B e-commerce market in the US alone will reach $1.8 trillion in volume, and it will constitute 17% of all B2B sales in the country by 2023, which were all estimated before the COVID-19 period. In the e-commerce sector, which has increased its operational volume along with the COVID-19 pandemic, all activities to be carried out in the field of e-commerce are of great importance. In this context, the study aims to analyze the transition processes of SMEs (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) located within the borders of Bursa province to e-commerce, their perspectives on electronic marketplaces, the details of their decisions towards becoming a member of electronic marketplaces, the types of services they get, and their level and attitudes regarding B2B electronic commerce applications. "A research on B2B (Business to Business) e-commerce applications of SMEs - The Bursa example" is a qualitative research, and it is aimed to provide more in-depth information about the subject and evaluate the subject by addressing the different aspects of it by using the interview method conducted through semi-structured interview forms.
In general terms, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), which are considered as the locomotive of the economy, are known to be playing an active role in national economies, development and sustainable growth. According to the data included in the 2015-2018 SME Strategy Action Plan, in Turkey, the share of SMEs in total enterprises is 99.9%, in imports it is 39.9% and in exports it is 59.2%. SMEs play an active role as a mediator in meeting the demands (such as intermediate products and by-products) of large scale enterprises, and in ensuring the business cycle. However, their methods of trading cannot provide the desired performance in finding new customers and new suppliers. In this context, it is very imporant to utilize e-commerce in the most efficient way, to include SMEs in the system, and to let them sustain their activities. Considering all these, it is expected that Turkey's e-commerce potential is fully realized, and that the reinforcements in perception and infrastructure of e-commerce bring significant impacts on export data and contribute to the country's economy. According to the data of the e-commerce information platform of the Ministry of Commerce, while the number of enterprises which were engaged in e-commerce in Turkey was around 68 thousand in 2019, it reached 256 thousand 861 in 2020, and this increase is an indicative of e-commerce's potential. 72% of the businesses engaged in e-commerce activities do business in at least one marketplace. The impact of ecosystems developed by digital platforms is getting more powerful day by day. In this context, the electronic marketplaces, in which the SMEs can promote their products in an extensive area and in which they can make themselves noticed by the buyers out of their range, are of great importance, especially for SMEs. Within Statista's "In-depth: B2B e-Commerce 2019" data, it is noted that the global turnover of B2B e-commerce sites and marketplaces surpassed the B2C industry in 2019, increasing by 18.2% to $12.2 trillion. The report predicts that this amount will reach $20.9 trillion by 2027. Also, within Forrester's "US B2B e-commerce will hit $1.8 trillion by 2023" report, it is noted that the B2B e-commerce market in the US alone will reach $1.8 trillion in volume, and it will constitute 17% of all B2B sales in the country by 2023, which were all estimated before the COVID-19 period. In the e-commerce sector, which has increased its operational volume along with the COVID-19 pandemic, all activities to be carried out in the field of e-commerce are of great importance. In this context, the study aims to analyze the transition processes of SMEs (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) located within the borders of Bursa province to e-commerce, their perspectives on electronic marketplaces, the details of their decisions towards becoming a member of electronic marketplaces, the types of services they get, and their level and attitudes regarding B2B electronic commerce applications. "A research on B2B (Business to Business) e-commerce applications of SMEs - The Bursa example" is a qualitative research, and it is aimed to provide more in-depth information about the subject and evaluate the subject by addressing the different aspects of it by using the interview method conducted through semi-structured interview forms.
Anahtar Kelimeler
E-Ticaret, İşletmeden İşletmeye E-Ticaret, B2B, Dijital Pazarlama, KOBİ, E-Commerce, Business to Business E-Commerce, Digital Marketing