Ticari olarak üretilip satılan kauçukların karakterizasyon parametrelerin belirlenmesi
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BTÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Ham kauçuk olarak elde edilen malzeme tropik bölgelerde yetişen süte benzer yapısı ile 'Lateks' olarak adlandırılan bitki veya ağaç öz suyundan elde edilmektedir. Bu malzeme doğal halde veya petrol ve alkolün bileşimlerinden elde edilir. Kauçuk terimi, Hevea Brasiliensis ağacından elde edilen malzemeyi adlandırmaktadır. Doğal kauçuk kendine özgü esneme, elastiklik, aşınma, darbe dayanımı, etkili ısı dağıtımı, iyi işlenebilirlik, düşük sıcaklıklarda yumuşaklık gibi üstün özellikler sayesinde birçok sentetik alternatifi olmasına rağmen bu üstün özelliklerin gerekli olduğu alanlarda uygulama bulmakta ve kauçuk sektöründeki önemini korumaktadır. Polimerik ve elastomerik malzemeler olarak bilinen ve bu yapıların yanında, günümüzde birçok endüstri bölgelerinde uygulama alanına sahip olan kauçuk malzemelerin mekanik fonksiyonel bileşimler alanında ve buna bağlı bir çok kauçuk üretim sistemlerinde geniş bir kullanım alanlarında sahip olunmuştur. Kauçuk malzemeler karmaşık mekanik ve reolojik davranışlar gösterirler. Yük altında meydana gelen küçük gerilme veya zorlanma değerleri ile beraber kırılmadan önce çok büyük deformasyonlar meydana gelir. İlaveten, gerilim ve zorlanma değerleri arasındaki kuvvetli doğrusal olmayan bir ilişki vardır. Buna ek olarak viskoz davranışlı malzemeler elastomerlerin tipik bir karakteristiğidir. Visko elastik modeller malzemenin statik olarak yapıya uygulanırlar. Kauçuk malzemeler; Endüstri uygulamalarında başta otomotiv olmak üzere, ayakkabı, giyim ve bir çok benzer sektörlerde geniş çapta kullanılmaktadır. Örnek olarak: Boru, hortum, taşıma bantları ve kayışlar vb. gibi kauçuk malzemeler daha çok tercih edilmektedir. Ayrca ağır sanayi fabrikalarda, araçlar, donanımlar, hareketli makineler, uçaklar, oyuncaklar bir çok mobilya malzemelerinde yoğun bir şekilde kalanılmaktadır. Kauçuk sektörü hızla ilerleyen bir sektör olduğu için teknolojiyi izlemek amaçlı sürekli yatırım yapılmasını gerektirmektedir. Türkiye'de en büyük sorun ise, hammadde alımında dışa bağımlı olunmasıdır. Ticari olarak alınan ve satılan kauçuk malzemelerin cinsi ve kompozisyonun tanımlanmasında sektörler büyük zorluk yaşamaktadır. Özellikle alım satım işlemlerinde teknik şartnamalerde yer alan kauçuk cinsi parametresinin analizinde büyük sorunlar oluşmaktadır. Bunun başlıca 2-sebebi vardır; bunlardan birincisi kauçuğun thermoset yapıda olması nedeliyle çözücülerde çözünmemesi, diğeri ise yüksek miktarda karbon siyahı içermesinden dolayı FTIR gibi tekniklerle analizinin zor olmasıdır. Her ne kadar polimer malzemelerin karekterizasyonunda kullanılan başlıca analiz cihazları FT-IR, NMR, SEM, DSC (diferansiyel taramalı kalorimetre), TGA ( Termogravimetrik Analiz Cihazı ) olsada, kauçuk cinsi analizinde en uygun cihazların DSC ve TGA olduğu görülmüştür. Diğer tekniklerden NMR tekniği, kauçuk ürünlerinin termoset olmasından dolayı çözünememesi nedeniyle katı NMR dışındaki analizlerin uygulamasının imkansız olmasıdır. FTIR tekniği ise kızılötesi ışınla çalışması ve karbon siyahının siyah cisim olarak ışını absorblama nedeniyle çözünürlüğü düşük spektrum oluşmasından dolayı uygulamasında sorunlar yaşanmaktadır. Termal analiz tekniklerinden olan DSC ve TGA analizlerinin ise kauçuk ürünlerin cinsinin belirlenmesinde en etkin teknikler olduğu görülmüştür. Bu tez kapsamında termal tekniklerin yanında elementel bazda analiz yapan XRF ve AAS gibi tekniklerinde uygulanması ile cins tayinindeki analiz sonuçlarının kesinliğini artabilir. Tez çalışması kapsamında kullanılan kauçuklar nihayi bitmiş ürün olan malzmeler olmadığından karbon siyahı içermemektedir. Bu nedenle FTIR spectrum analizleri yapılmıştır. Kauçuk hamuru cinsinin tayininde termal analizler yanında FTIR tekniğininde kullanılmasının analiz sonuçlarındaki kesinliği artırdığı görülmüştür.
The material obtained as raw rubber is obtained from plant or tree sap called "Latex" with its milklike structure grown in tropical regions. This material is obtained in natural form or from combinations of petroleum and alcohol. The term rubber refers to the material obtained from the Hevea Brasiliensis tree. Although natural rubber has many synthetic alternatives thanks to its unique features such as flexibility, elasticity, abrasion, impact resistance, effective heat dissipation, good processability, softness at low temperatures, it finds applications in areas where these superior properties are required and maintains its importance in the rubber industry. Rubber materials, which are known as polymeric and elastomeric materials and have applications in many industrial areas as well as these structures, have been used in a wide range of areas of use in the field of mechanical functional compounds and in many rubber production systems. Rubber materials exhibit complex mechanical and rheological behavior. With the small stress or strain values occurring under load, very large deformations occur before breaking. In addition, there is a strong nonlinear relationship between stress and strain values. In addition, materials with viscous behavior are a typical characteristic of elastomers. Visco elastic models are applied statically to the structure of the material. Rubber materials; It is widely used in industrial applications, especially in automotive, footwear, clothing and many similar sectors. For example: pipes, hoses, conveyor belts and straps etc. such as rubber materials are more preferred. In addition, vehicles, equipment, moving machines, planes, toys are left intensely in many furniture materials in heavy industry factories. Since the rubber industry is a rapidly developing sector, it requires continuous investment to monitor technology. The biggest problem in Turkey is foreign dependency in purchasing raw materials. Sectors have great difficulty in defining the type and composition of rubber materials purchased and sold commercially. Especially in trading transactions, big problems occur in the analysis of the rubber type parameter in the technical specifications. There are two main reasons for this; The first is that rubber is not dissolved in solvents due to its thermoset structure, and the other is that it is difficult to analyze with techniques such as FTIR because it contains high amounts of carbon black. Although the main analysis devices used in the characterization of polymer materials are FT-IR, NMR, SEM, DSC (differential scanning calorimeter), TGA (Thermogravimetric Analyzer), it has been seen that the most suitable devices in the analysis of rubber type are DSC and TGA. NMR technique, one of the other techniques, is that it is impossible to apply analyzes other than solid NMR because rubber products are not dissolved due to thermosetting. The FTIR technique, on the other hand, has problems in its application due to the fact that it works with infrared rays and the low resolution spectrum of carbon black due to the absorption of the beam as a black body. DSC and TGA analysis, which are among the thermal analysis techniques, have been found to be the most effective techniques in determining the type of rubber products. Within the scope of this thesis, besides thermal techniques, the application of techniques such as XRF and AAS, which analyze on an elemental basis, may increase the accuracy of analysis results in determination of breed. Since the rubbers used within the scope of the thesis study are not materials that are final products, they do not contain carbon black. For this reason, FTIR spectrum analyzes were carried out. It has been observed that the use of FTIR technique in addition to thermal analysis in the determination of the rubber pulp type increases the precision of the analysis results.
The material obtained as raw rubber is obtained from plant or tree sap called "Latex" with its milklike structure grown in tropical regions. This material is obtained in natural form or from combinations of petroleum and alcohol. The term rubber refers to the material obtained from the Hevea Brasiliensis tree. Although natural rubber has many synthetic alternatives thanks to its unique features such as flexibility, elasticity, abrasion, impact resistance, effective heat dissipation, good processability, softness at low temperatures, it finds applications in areas where these superior properties are required and maintains its importance in the rubber industry. Rubber materials, which are known as polymeric and elastomeric materials and have applications in many industrial areas as well as these structures, have been used in a wide range of areas of use in the field of mechanical functional compounds and in many rubber production systems. Rubber materials exhibit complex mechanical and rheological behavior. With the small stress or strain values occurring under load, very large deformations occur before breaking. In addition, there is a strong nonlinear relationship between stress and strain values. In addition, materials with viscous behavior are a typical characteristic of elastomers. Visco elastic models are applied statically to the structure of the material. Rubber materials; It is widely used in industrial applications, especially in automotive, footwear, clothing and many similar sectors. For example: pipes, hoses, conveyor belts and straps etc. such as rubber materials are more preferred. In addition, vehicles, equipment, moving machines, planes, toys are left intensely in many furniture materials in heavy industry factories. Since the rubber industry is a rapidly developing sector, it requires continuous investment to monitor technology. The biggest problem in Turkey is foreign dependency in purchasing raw materials. Sectors have great difficulty in defining the type and composition of rubber materials purchased and sold commercially. Especially in trading transactions, big problems occur in the analysis of the rubber type parameter in the technical specifications. There are two main reasons for this; The first is that rubber is not dissolved in solvents due to its thermoset structure, and the other is that it is difficult to analyze with techniques such as FTIR because it contains high amounts of carbon black. Although the main analysis devices used in the characterization of polymer materials are FT-IR, NMR, SEM, DSC (differential scanning calorimeter), TGA (Thermogravimetric Analyzer), it has been seen that the most suitable devices in the analysis of rubber type are DSC and TGA. NMR technique, one of the other techniques, is that it is impossible to apply analyzes other than solid NMR because rubber products are not dissolved due to thermosetting. The FTIR technique, on the other hand, has problems in its application due to the fact that it works with infrared rays and the low resolution spectrum of carbon black due to the absorption of the beam as a black body. DSC and TGA analysis, which are among the thermal analysis techniques, have been found to be the most effective techniques in determining the type of rubber products. Within the scope of this thesis, besides thermal techniques, the application of techniques such as XRF and AAS, which analyze on an elemental basis, may increase the accuracy of analysis results in determination of breed. Since the rubbers used within the scope of the thesis study are not materials that are final products, they do not contain carbon black. For this reason, FTIR spectrum analyzes were carried out. It has been observed that the use of FTIR technique in addition to thermal analysis in the determination of the rubber pulp type increases the precision of the analysis results.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diferensiyel termal analiz, Differential thermal analysis, Doğal kauçuk, Natural rubber, Kauçuk, Rubber