Yıllanmış p'p'-DDE'nin yosunlarda birikimi
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DDT (2,2-bis(klorofenil)-1,1,1-trikloroetan), sentetik pestisit olarak tüm dünyada sıklıkla kullanılmış olan kalıcı organik kirleticilerden biridir. DDT ve metabolitleri DDD (2,2-bis(klorofenil)-1,1-dikloroetan) ve DDE (2,2-bis(klorofenil)-1,1-dikloroetilen)'nin kalıntılarına toprak numunelerinde hala rastlanmaktadır. Cucurbita pepo ssp pepo'nun diğer bitki türlerine kıyasla topraktan iyi bir p,p'-DDE akümülatörü olduğu bilinmektedir. Yosunlar ise atmosferdeki ağır metaller ve klorlu organikler gibi kirleticileri absorbe eden ve biyoindikatör olarak çevresel kirliliğin izlenmesinde kullanılan canlı organizmalardır. p,p'-DDE gibi organoklorlu pestisitlerle kirlenmiş toprakların remediasyonunda sıklıkla kullanılan kabakgillerden biri olan Cucurbita pepo ssp pepo'nun alış mekanizması henüz tam olarak aydınlatılamamıştır. Biyoindikatör olarak kullanılan yosunların topraktan p,p'-DDE biriktirmesine dair kontrollü bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında; biyoindikatör olarak kullanılan yosunların topraktaki yıllanmış p,p'-DDE'yi biriktirme kabiliyeti ve hiperkümülatör bir bitki olduğu bilinen Cucurbita pepo ssp pepo'daki p,p'-DDE birikimine etkisi saksı deneyleriyle araştırılmıştır. Saksı deneyleri iki farklı kirletici konsantrasyonuna sahip topraklarla tasarlanmıştır. A ve B grubu olarak isimlendirilen saksı setlerindeki p,p'-DDE konsantrasyonu sırasıyla 2358,82 ve 1779,10 ng/g kuru ağırlık'tır. Her iki saksı grubu, 4 arıtım seti içermektedir. Tüm saksılar 1800 gram kirlenmiş toprak içermektedir. Bitki kontrol setlerinde, kirlenmiş toprak içeren saksılarda Golden Zuccihini bitkisi yetiştirilmiştir. Bitki ve yosun setlerinde, bitkiye ek olarak toprak yüzeyine tallus olarak yosunlar yerleştirilmiştir. Yosun kontrol seti ise kirlenmiş toprak üzerine yerleştirilmiş tallus yosun içermektedir. Kontrol grubunda grubu ise yalnızca kirlenmiş toprak bulunmaktadır. 45 günlük büyüme periyodundan sonra bitkiler hasat edilmiştir. Kök, gövde, yaprak ve yosun ekstraktlarının p,p'-DDE içeriği GC/µ-ECD ile ölçülmüştür. Hem A hem B grubu saksı setlerinde, yosun varlığında bitki köklerindeki p,p'-DDE miktarı %70, gövde numunelerinde %55, ve yaprak numunelerinde ise %48'i oranında azalmıştır. Bitki ve yosunun birlikte yetiştirildiği saksı setlerinde ise yosun numunelerindeki p,p'-DDE konsantrasyonu, kontrol yosun grubundaki yosun numunelerinin konsantrasyonundan ortalama %55 daha azdır. Yosun, p,p'-DDE'nin bitkiye geçişini ciddi bir miktarda engellemiştir.
DDT (2,2-bis(chlorophyll)-1,1,1-trichloroethane) is one of the persistent organic pollutants that is frequently used as a synthetic pesticide. DDT and its metabolites DDD (2,2-bis(chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethane) and DDE (2,2-bis(chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethylene) are still found in soil samples due to its past usage. Cucurbita pepo ssp pepo is known to be a good accumulator of these pollutants from the soil compared to other plant species. In addition, moss is a living organism that absorbs pollutants such as heavy metals and chlorinated organics in the atmosphere and is used as bioindicators in monitoring environmental pollution. The uptake mechanism of Cucurbita pepo ssp pepo, which is one of the zucchini plants used in the remediation of soils contaminated with organochlorine pesticides such as p,p'-DDE has not been well understood yet. There is no controlled study on the accumulation of p,p'-DDE from the soil by moss used as bioindicators. In this study, the ability of moss used as a bioindicator from p,p'-DDE contaminated soil and its effect on p,p'-DDE accumulation in Cucurbita pepo ssp pepo which is known to be a hyperaccumulator plant was evaluated by controlled pot experiments. Pot experiments were designed as p,p'-DDE contaminated soils have concentrations as 2358.82 and 1779.10 ng/g dry weight are named as group A and B, respectively. Both pot groups had 4 treatment sets and each pot contained around 1800 grams of p,p'-DDE contaminated soil. Golden Zucchini plants were grown in the pots as control plant sets and the control moss sets contain thallus moss placed on the contaminated soils, while the control groups only contained contaminated soils. In plant and moss sets, mosses were placed on the plant growing soil surface. After a 45-day growth period, the plants were harvested. The p,p'-DDE content of root, stem, leaf and moss extracts was measured by GC/µ-ECD. The results showed that in both group A and B, the amount of p,p'-DDE in plant roots decreased by 70%, 55% in stem samples, and 48% in leaf samples in the presence of moss. On the other hand, the p,p'-DDE concentration in the moss samples was detected on average 55% less than that of the control moss set. In conclusion, the moss significantly prevented the transfer of p,p'-DDE from the soil to the plant.
DDT (2,2-bis(chlorophyll)-1,1,1-trichloroethane) is one of the persistent organic pollutants that is frequently used as a synthetic pesticide. DDT and its metabolites DDD (2,2-bis(chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethane) and DDE (2,2-bis(chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethylene) are still found in soil samples due to its past usage. Cucurbita pepo ssp pepo is known to be a good accumulator of these pollutants from the soil compared to other plant species. In addition, moss is a living organism that absorbs pollutants such as heavy metals and chlorinated organics in the atmosphere and is used as bioindicators in monitoring environmental pollution. The uptake mechanism of Cucurbita pepo ssp pepo, which is one of the zucchini plants used in the remediation of soils contaminated with organochlorine pesticides such as p,p'-DDE has not been well understood yet. There is no controlled study on the accumulation of p,p'-DDE from the soil by moss used as bioindicators. In this study, the ability of moss used as a bioindicator from p,p'-DDE contaminated soil and its effect on p,p'-DDE accumulation in Cucurbita pepo ssp pepo which is known to be a hyperaccumulator plant was evaluated by controlled pot experiments. Pot experiments were designed as p,p'-DDE contaminated soils have concentrations as 2358.82 and 1779.10 ng/g dry weight are named as group A and B, respectively. Both pot groups had 4 treatment sets and each pot contained around 1800 grams of p,p'-DDE contaminated soil. Golden Zucchini plants were grown in the pots as control plant sets and the control moss sets contain thallus moss placed on the contaminated soils, while the control groups only contained contaminated soils. In plant and moss sets, mosses were placed on the plant growing soil surface. After a 45-day growth period, the plants were harvested. The p,p'-DDE content of root, stem, leaf and moss extracts was measured by GC/µ-ECD. The results showed that in both group A and B, the amount of p,p'-DDE in plant roots decreased by 70%, 55% in stem samples, and 48% in leaf samples in the presence of moss. On the other hand, the p,p'-DDE concentration in the moss samples was detected on average 55% less than that of the control moss set. In conclusion, the moss significantly prevented the transfer of p,p'-DDE from the soil to the plant.
Anahtar Kelimeler
p’p-DDE, Cucurbita pepo spp pepo, Yosun, Kirlenmiş Toprak, Mosses, Contaminated soil