Uludağ'da (Bursa) yayılış gösteren Abies nordmanniana (Steven) Spach subsp. bornmuelleriana (Mattf) Coode&Cullen ormanlarının bitki sosyolojisi yönünden araştırılması
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışma Marmara Bölgesi'nin en yüksek kütlesi olan Uludağ (Bursa)'da yayılış gösteren Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana ormanlarının bitki sosyolojisi açısından araştırılmasını içermektedir. Araştırma alanı 1220,1 ha genişliğindedir ve 68 örneklik alan kullanılarak çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışmada braun-blanquet metodu uygulanmıştır. Örneklik alanların vejetasyonunu belirlemek için hem klasik yöntemler hem sayısal yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, 1 yeni bitki birliği bilim dünyası için yeni kayıt olarak tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen yeni birliğin habitat ve silvikültürel özellikleri, fizyonomi ve yayılış özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Bu birlik ve bağlı olduğu sistematik birimler şu şekildedir; Querco-Fagea Fukarek-Fabijanik 1968 Quercetea pubescentis (Ober 1948) Doing Kraft. 1955 Querco-Carpinetalia orientalis Akman et al., 1980 Buxo-Staphyllion Quezel, Barbero & Akman 1977 Hieracio leptodermo-Abietetum bornmuellerianae (ass.nova) Sayısal yöntemler kullanılarak, örneklik alanların ve taksonların istatistiksel özellikleri elde edilmiştir. Örneklik alanlar 5 gruba ayrılmış ve dendogram elde edilmiştir. Fidelity tabloları oluşturularak grupların ayırt edici türleri, sabit türleri ve baskın türleri elde edilmiştir. Lineer regresyon analizleri yapılarak değişkenler arası ilişkiler elde edilmiştir; yüksekliğin, ağaç katı örtüşü ile olan ilişkisi zayıftır, çalı katı örtüşü ile ilişkisi yoktur, ot katı örtüşü ile olan ilişkisi çok zayıftır, açık kaya örtüşü ile olan ilişkisi zayıftır, ağaç boyu ve ortalama ot boyu ile ilişkisi yoktur. Bakının ve eğimin diğer değişkenler ile ilişkisi yoktur. Ek olarak, örneklik alanlardan 26 familya, 52 cinse ait tür ve türaltı düzeyde 64 adet takson tespit edilmiştir. En çok taksona sahip 5 familya ve oranları; Asteraceae %13, Lamiaceae ve Ericaceae %8, Rosaceae ve Scrophulariaceae %6'dır. Bu taksonların fitocoğrafik bölgelere dağılımı; 41 takson (%64,06) Avrupa-Sibirya, 6 takson (%9,38) Akdeniz, 1 takson (%1,56) İran-Turan bölgesine aittir, bilinmeyenlerin sayısı 16 (%25)'dır. Örneklik alanlarda bulunan taksonların Raunkier Hayat Formu'na göre sınıflandırması ise şu şekildedir; 1 (%2) takson Terofit, 4 (%6) takson Kamofit, 7 (%11) takson Fanerofit, 12 (%19) takson Kriptofit ve 40 (%62) takson Hemikriptofit. Tespit edilen taksonların 8'i endemiktir ve tüm taksonlara oranı % 12,50'dir.
This study included that Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana forests in Uludag (Bursa) which is the highest mass of the Marmara Region in terms of plant sociology. The research area is 1220.1 hectares and the study was conducted using 68 sample areas. In the study, the Braun-Blanquet method was applied. Both classical and numerical methods were used to determine the vegetation of the sample areas. As a result of the research, 1 new plant association has been identified as a new record for the scientific world. Habitat and silvicultural characteristics, physiognomy and distribution characteristics of the new union were determined. This unity and its systematic units are as follows; Querco-Fagea Fukarek-Fabijanik 1968 Quercetea pubescentis (Ober 1948) Doing Kraft. 1955 Querco-Carpinetalia orientalis Akman et al., 1980 Buxo-Staphyllion Quezel, Barbero & Akman 1977 Hieracio leptodermo-Abietetum bornmuellerianae (ass.nova) Statistical features of sampling areas and taxa were obtained by using numerical methods. Sample areas were divided into 5 groups and dendrogram was obtained. Fidelity tables were created to obtain the Diagnostic species, Constant species and dominant species of the groups. Linear regression analysis was used to determine the relationships between variables; height, the relationship with the tree layer cover is weak, there is no relationship with the shrub layer cover, the relationship with grass layer cover is very weak, the relationship with open rock cover is weak, there is no relationship with tree height and average grass height. Aspect and slope are not related to other variables. Additionally, 64 species and subspecies taxa were determined that belonging to 26 families and 52 genera in the study areas. Most families have 5 taxons and rates; Asteraceae %13%, Lamiaceae and Ericaceae 8%, Rosaceae and Scrophulariaceae 6%. The distribution of these taxa into phytogeographical regions; 41 taxa (64.06%) belong to Euro-Siberia, 6 taxa (9.38%) Mediterranean, 1 taxa (1.56%) belong to Iran-Turanian region, the number of unknowns is 16 (25%). The taxa in the sample areas are classified according to Raunkier Life Form; 1 (2%) taxa Terofit, 4 (6%) taxa Kamofit, 7 (11%) taxa Phanerophite, 12 (19%) taxa Cryptophite and 40 (62%) taxa Hemicryptophite. 8 of the identified taxa are endemic and the rate of all taxa is 12,50%.
This study included that Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana forests in Uludag (Bursa) which is the highest mass of the Marmara Region in terms of plant sociology. The research area is 1220.1 hectares and the study was conducted using 68 sample areas. In the study, the Braun-Blanquet method was applied. Both classical and numerical methods were used to determine the vegetation of the sample areas. As a result of the research, 1 new plant association has been identified as a new record for the scientific world. Habitat and silvicultural characteristics, physiognomy and distribution characteristics of the new union were determined. This unity and its systematic units are as follows; Querco-Fagea Fukarek-Fabijanik 1968 Quercetea pubescentis (Ober 1948) Doing Kraft. 1955 Querco-Carpinetalia orientalis Akman et al., 1980 Buxo-Staphyllion Quezel, Barbero & Akman 1977 Hieracio leptodermo-Abietetum bornmuellerianae (ass.nova) Statistical features of sampling areas and taxa were obtained by using numerical methods. Sample areas were divided into 5 groups and dendrogram was obtained. Fidelity tables were created to obtain the Diagnostic species, Constant species and dominant species of the groups. Linear regression analysis was used to determine the relationships between variables; height, the relationship with the tree layer cover is weak, there is no relationship with the shrub layer cover, the relationship with grass layer cover is very weak, the relationship with open rock cover is weak, there is no relationship with tree height and average grass height. Aspect and slope are not related to other variables. Additionally, 64 species and subspecies taxa were determined that belonging to 26 families and 52 genera in the study areas. Most families have 5 taxons and rates; Asteraceae %13%, Lamiaceae and Ericaceae 8%, Rosaceae and Scrophulariaceae 6%. The distribution of these taxa into phytogeographical regions; 41 taxa (64.06%) belong to Euro-Siberia, 6 taxa (9.38%) Mediterranean, 1 taxa (1.56%) belong to Iran-Turanian region, the number of unknowns is 16 (25%). The taxa in the sample areas are classified according to Raunkier Life Form; 1 (2%) taxa Terofit, 4 (6%) taxa Kamofit, 7 (11%) taxa Phanerophite, 12 (19%) taxa Cryptophite and 40 (62%) taxa Hemicryptophite. 8 of the identified taxa are endemic and the rate of all taxa is 12,50%.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ormancılık ve Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry and Forest Engineering