İnegöl (Bursa) doğu kayını (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) ormanlarında kızıl kuyruklu kayın tırtılı [Calliteara pudibunda (Linneaus, 1758)] üzerine araştırmalar
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BTÜ, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmada son yıllarda İnegöl (Bursa) kayın sahalarında ciddi boyutlarda zarar yapan Kızıl Kuyruklu Kayın Tırtılı [Calliteara pudibunda (Linneaus, 1758)]'nın zararı, biyolojisi ve doğal düşmanları araştırılmış, zararlıya karşı savaş yöntemleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu amaçla zararlının varlığının tespit edildiği İnegöl Doğu kayını ormanları araştırma alanı olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu sahalarda yapılan arazi çalışmalarının yanı sıra alanlardan toplanan araştırma materyali laboratuvarda kültüre alınarak beslenmiş ve yürütülen laboratuvar çalışmalarıyla gözlemler yapılmıştır. C. pudibunda'nın kanatları beyazımsı gri renklidir. Ön kanatlar arka kanatlara göre daha koyu renklidir. Kanatlarda enine çizgiler bulunmakta ve bu çizgiler daha koyu renklidir. Erkek bireylerde toraks'ın orta kısmında siyah renkli bir nokta şeklinde kısım bulunmaktadır. Erkek bireylerin bu kısmındaki tüyler daha koyu renklidir. Ön kanatlar arasındaki açıklık dişi erginlerde 58-67 mm. arasında olup ortalama 60.57±4.27 mm.'dir. Bu mesafe erkeklerde ise 47-53 mm. arasında değişmekte ve ortalama 49±2.35 mm.'dir. Yumurtalar açık mavimsi-gri renklidir. Yuvarlak şekilli, yuvarlağın üst kısmı biraz basık olup, bu basık kısmının ortasında siyah bir nokta bulunmaktadır. Siyah noktanın bulunduğu kısımda hafif bir çöküntü mevcuttur. Büyüklüğü ise yaklaşık 0.8-1.0 mm çapındadır. Yumurtaların dış kısmı sert bir dokuya sahip ve dayanıklıdır. C. pudibunda'nın olgun larvaları 18-24 mm. arasında olup, vücutları sarı renkli demet şeklinde kıllarla kaplıdır. 4, 5, 6 ve 7'nci segmentlerin üzerinde vücuttaki kıllara göre daha koyu ve kısa boylu fırça şeklinde kıl demetleri ve bu segmentler arasında siyah renkli kadifemsi doku bulunmaktadır. Vücudun üst kısmının yan taraflarında iki sıralı siyah çizgiler mevcuttur. Abdomenin sonundaki dik kıl demeti ise belirgin, diğer tüylerden uzun ve kızıl renktedir. Erkek ve dişi pupaların görünüşleri itibariyle aynı olmasına karşın erkek pupaların dişilerinkine oranla daha hafif ve daha küçük olduğu saptanmıştır. Erkek ve dişi ergin pupalarının üzerinde yapılan ölçümlerde; dişi pupaların ağırlıklarının 0.42-1.11 gr arasında değişmekte olduğu ve ortalama ağırlığının 0.69 ± 0.153 gr. olduğu, boylarının ise 1.7-3.0 mm. arasında değiştiği, ortalama 2.07±0,21 mm. olarak tespit edilirken, erkek pupaların ağırlıklarının 0.21-0.62 gr. arasında ve ortalama ağırlığı 0.45 ± 0.07 gr. ve boylarının ise 1.5-2.2 mm arasında ve ortalama 1.79±1.23 mm olarak tespit edilmiştir. C. pudibunda'nın İnegöl Doğu kayını ormanlarında ağaçların yapraklarını tamamen yiyerek zarar yaptığı tespit edilmiştir. İlk dönem larvalar yaprakların alt epidermisini küçük parçacıklar halinde yemek suratiyle beslenmekte ve yapraklarda beslenilen alanı şeffaflaştırmaktadır. Bu dönemde meşcerenin genel görünümüne bakıldığında zarar çok belirgin olmamaktadır. Ancak, larvaların olgunlaşmasıyla birlikte ısırıcı-çiğneyici ağızlarıyla, yaprakların tamamını kemirerek yeme suretiyle zarar yaptıkları gözlemlenmiştir C. pudipunda erginlerinin çıkışı üzerinde günlük ortalama sıcaklığın etkili olduğu, günlük ortalama sıcaklığın yüksek olduğu günlerde ergin çıkışının fazla olduğu görülmüştür. Basit genarasyona sahip olan zararlı ile yapılan çalışmalarda mayıs ayı başlangıcında ilk ergin bireyler görülmektedir. En fazla ergin bireylerin ise mayıs ayı sonu haziran ayı ilk haftası olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Uçuşlar haziran sonuna kadar devam etmektedir hatta temmuz ayı ortalarına kadar münferit olarak ergin uçuşları tespit edilmiştir. C.pudibunda'nın popülasyonunu etkileyen önemli faktörlerden biri bu zararlının doğal düşmanlarıdır. Zararlının 4 adet parazitoit türü elde edilmiştir. Bunlar; Gregopimpla inquisitor (Scopoli, 1763), Pimpla rufipes (Miller, 1759), Itoplectis maculator (Fabricius, 1775) ve Apophua bipunctorius (Thunberg, 1824)'dur.
In this study, the damage, biology and natural enemies of the Pale Tussock Moth [Calliteara pudibunda (Linneaus, 1758)], which has caused serious damage to the beech fields of İnegöl (Bursa) in recent years, were investigated, and methods of control against the pest were emphasized. For this purpose, İnegöl beech forests, where the presence of the pest was detected, were determined as the research area. In addition to the field studies carried out in these fields, the research material collected from the fields was cultured in the laboratory, fed, and observations were made with the laboratory studies carried out. The wings of C. pudibunda are whitish gray. The fore wings are darker than the hind wings. There are transverse stripes on the wings and these lines are darker. Male individuals have a black dot-shaped part in the middle of the thorax. The feathers in this part of the males are darker in color. The opening between the front wings is 58-67 mm in female adults with an average of 60.57±4.27 mm. This distance is 47-53 mm for male ranges between and average 49±2.35 mm. Eggs are light bluish-gray in color. It is round in shape, the upper part of the round is slightly flattened, and there is a black spot in the middle of this flattened part. There is a slight depression in the part where the black point is located. Its size is about 0.8-1.0 mm in diameter. The outer part of the eggs has a hard texture and is durable. Mature larvae of C. pudibunda are 18-24 mm. Their bodies are covered with yellow hairs in the form of bunches. On the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th segments, there are darker and shorter brush-shaped bristles compared to the hairs on the body, and there is a black velvety texture between these segments. There are two rows of black lines on the sides of the upper part of the body. The upright hair bundle at the end of the abdomen is prominent, longer than the other hairs, and red in color. Although the male and female pupae are the same in appearance, the male pupae were found to be lighter and smaller than those of the females. In the measurements made on male and female adult pupae, the weight of the female pupae varies between 0.42-1.11 g and the average weight is 0.69 ± 0.153 g. and their length is 1.7-3.0 mm. While it was determined that the average was 2.07±0.21 mm, the weight of the male pupae was 0.21-0.62 gr. and its average weight is 0.45 ± 0.07 g. and their lengths were found to be between 1.5-2.2 mm and an average of 1.79±1.23 mm. It has been determined that C. pudibunda causes damage by completely eating the leaves of the trees in the Eastern beech forests of İnegöl. The first period larvae feed by sucking the sap of the leaves and make the leaves transparent. In this period, when the general appearance of the stand is considered, the damage is not very obvious. However, it has been observed that as the larvae mature, they cause damage by eating the whole leaves with their biting-chewing mouths. It was observed that the average daily temperature was effective on the emergence of adults in C. pudipunda, and the adult emergence was higher on the days when the daily average temperature was high. The first adult individuals are seen at the beginning of May in the studies conducted with the pest, which has a simple generation. It was observed that the most adult individuals were in the end of May and the first week of June. Flights continue until the end of June, even adult flights have been detected individually until mid-July. One of the important factors affecting the population of C. pudibunda is the natural enemies of this pest. 4 parasitoid species of the pest were obtained. These are Gregopimpla inquisitor (Scopoli, 1763), Pimpla rufipes (Miller, 1759), Itoplectis maculator (Fabricius, 1775), and Apophua bipunctorius (Thunberg, 1824).
In this study, the damage, biology and natural enemies of the Pale Tussock Moth [Calliteara pudibunda (Linneaus, 1758)], which has caused serious damage to the beech fields of İnegöl (Bursa) in recent years, were investigated, and methods of control against the pest were emphasized. For this purpose, İnegöl beech forests, where the presence of the pest was detected, were determined as the research area. In addition to the field studies carried out in these fields, the research material collected from the fields was cultured in the laboratory, fed, and observations were made with the laboratory studies carried out. The wings of C. pudibunda are whitish gray. The fore wings are darker than the hind wings. There are transverse stripes on the wings and these lines are darker. Male individuals have a black dot-shaped part in the middle of the thorax. The feathers in this part of the males are darker in color. The opening between the front wings is 58-67 mm in female adults with an average of 60.57±4.27 mm. This distance is 47-53 mm for male ranges between and average 49±2.35 mm. Eggs are light bluish-gray in color. It is round in shape, the upper part of the round is slightly flattened, and there is a black spot in the middle of this flattened part. There is a slight depression in the part where the black point is located. Its size is about 0.8-1.0 mm in diameter. The outer part of the eggs has a hard texture and is durable. Mature larvae of C. pudibunda are 18-24 mm. Their bodies are covered with yellow hairs in the form of bunches. On the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th segments, there are darker and shorter brush-shaped bristles compared to the hairs on the body, and there is a black velvety texture between these segments. There are two rows of black lines on the sides of the upper part of the body. The upright hair bundle at the end of the abdomen is prominent, longer than the other hairs, and red in color. Although the male and female pupae are the same in appearance, the male pupae were found to be lighter and smaller than those of the females. In the measurements made on male and female adult pupae, the weight of the female pupae varies between 0.42-1.11 g and the average weight is 0.69 ± 0.153 g. and their length is 1.7-3.0 mm. While it was determined that the average was 2.07±0.21 mm, the weight of the male pupae was 0.21-0.62 gr. and its average weight is 0.45 ± 0.07 g. and their lengths were found to be between 1.5-2.2 mm and an average of 1.79±1.23 mm. It has been determined that C. pudibunda causes damage by completely eating the leaves of the trees in the Eastern beech forests of İnegöl. The first period larvae feed by sucking the sap of the leaves and make the leaves transparent. In this period, when the general appearance of the stand is considered, the damage is not very obvious. However, it has been observed that as the larvae mature, they cause damage by eating the whole leaves with their biting-chewing mouths. It was observed that the average daily temperature was effective on the emergence of adults in C. pudipunda, and the adult emergence was higher on the days when the daily average temperature was high. The first adult individuals are seen at the beginning of May in the studies conducted with the pest, which has a simple generation. It was observed that the most adult individuals were in the end of May and the first week of June. Flights continue until the end of June, even adult flights have been detected individually until mid-July. One of the important factors affecting the population of C. pudibunda is the natural enemies of this pest. 4 parasitoid species of the pest were obtained. These are Gregopimpla inquisitor (Scopoli, 1763), Pimpla rufipes (Miller, 1759), Itoplectis maculator (Fabricius, 1775), and Apophua bipunctorius (Thunberg, 1824).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ormancılık, Orman Mühendisliği, Forest Engineering, Forestry