Optimization of asa emulsification in internal sizing of paper and paperboard
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kağıt ve karton yapımında, nihai ürünün suya daha dayanıklı hale getirilmesi için iç tutkallama kimyasalları kullanılır. Bu amaçla Reçine, Alkil Keten Dimer (AKD) ve Alkenil Süksinik Anhidrit (ASA) iç tutkallama kimyasalı olarak kullanılır. ASA, kağıt üretim işlemine, emülsiyon formunda eklenir. ASA, emülgatör ve su; dispersiyon, kapsülasyon ve emülsiyon oluşturmak için kuvvet altında karıştırılır. Bu yüksek lisans tezinde, hem laboratuvarda hem de endüstriyel ölçekte, çeşitli emülsifikasyon teknikleri ile çeşitli ASA ve ASA emülgatörleri incelenmiştir. Amaç, en iyi performans gösteren ASA'yı, en iyi ASA ve emülgatör eşleşleşmesini, en iyi emülsiyon oluşturma koşullarını ve kağıt makinelerinin en iyi koşullarını bulmak ve sonuç olarak uygun ASA ile uygun emülsiyonu bulmaktır. Üretilen emülsiyonların karışım oranı, parçacık boyutu ve emülsiyonun görsel kontrolü, Cobb 60& porozite değerleri kontrol edilmiştir. Üç farklı ASA ile birlikte, çeşitli yük yoğunlukları ve moleküler ağırlıklara sahip çeşitli katyonik nişastalar, poliakrilamidler ve polietileniminler, emülgatör olarak seçilmiştir. Altı adet emülgatör, emülsiyon damlacıkları üzerinde, sterik veya elektrostatik stabilizasyon ve kapsülleme yapmıştır. Partikül büyüklüğü ve görsel tespitler ve Cobb 60 deneyleri yapılmış ve endüstriyel kullanım için üç emülgatör ve bir ASA seçilmiştir. Ton kağıt başına 1-5 kg / ton ASA ile 0,5 ila 1,8 oranında karıştırma oranında kullanılan iki emülgatörle (C-PAM ve katyonik sıvı nişasta) birlikte, tüm laboratuvar ve endüstriyel işlem ölçekli deneylerde ortak olarak kullanılmıştır. Laboratuar ölçeğinde el safihaları ve işletme ölçeğinde bobinler üretilmiştir. Su emme testleri, C-PAM ile ASA ve katyonik sıvı nişasta ile ASA ile en iyi su iticiliğe sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. İyi bir ASA emülsiyonu tanecik ebadı, çap değerleri olarak 0,5 um ila 3 um arasındadır. En kararlı emülsiyonlar beyaz, faz ayrımı olmayan, köpük oluşmayan ve 2 saatten sonra stabil kalan emülsiyonlardı. Tüm deneysel çalışmalar yapıldıktan sonra, C-PAM ile ASA ve nişasta ile ASA emülsiyonları için endüstriyel denemelerde maliyet analizi ve tasarruf dikkate alınmıştır.
In paper and paperboardmaking, internal sizing is used for making the end product more resistant to liquid penetration. Rosin, Alkyl Ketene Dimer (AKD) and Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride (ASA) internal sizing agents exist for this purpose. ASA is added to the papermaking process in the form of an emulsion. The dispersion of ASA, water, and an emulsifier are mixed under shear forces to create the capsulation and emulsion. In this master's thesis, various ASA and ASA emulsifiers with various emulsification techniques in both laboratory and industrial process scale were studied. The goal was to find best performing ASA, best coupling ASA emulsifiers, best conditions for emulsification and paper machines and to have proper emulsion with proper ASA:emulsifier ratio, particle size&visual check of emulsion, cobb&porosity values of produced papers. Together with three various ASAs, the emulsifiers were various cationic starches, polyacrylamides and polyethyleneimines having various charge densities and molecular weights, so that six emulsifiers which gave steric or electrostatic stabilization and capsulation effect on emulsion droplets. Particle size and visual determinations and Cobb 60 tests were carried out and three emulsifiers and one ASA were selected for industrial utilization. ASA dosages of 1-5 kg/ton of paper together with two emulsifiers (C-PAM and cationic liquid starch) performed commonly well in all laboratory and industrial process scale experiment with mixing ratio from 0,5 to 1,8 was utilized to make paper sheets and paper reels. Water absorption tests showed that the best hydrophobation with ASA with C-PAM and ASA with cationic liquid starch. A good ASA emulsion particle size was in between 0,5 µm – 3 µm in diameter values. The most stable emulsions were white and had no phase inversion, only little creaming and foaming during at least 2-hour-study. After all experimental work done, Cost analysis and savings in industrial trials were taken into consideration for ASA with C-PAM and ASA with starch emulsifiers.
In paper and paperboardmaking, internal sizing is used for making the end product more resistant to liquid penetration. Rosin, Alkyl Ketene Dimer (AKD) and Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride (ASA) internal sizing agents exist for this purpose. ASA is added to the papermaking process in the form of an emulsion. The dispersion of ASA, water, and an emulsifier are mixed under shear forces to create the capsulation and emulsion. In this master's thesis, various ASA and ASA emulsifiers with various emulsification techniques in both laboratory and industrial process scale were studied. The goal was to find best performing ASA, best coupling ASA emulsifiers, best conditions for emulsification and paper machines and to have proper emulsion with proper ASA:emulsifier ratio, particle size&visual check of emulsion, cobb&porosity values of produced papers. Together with three various ASAs, the emulsifiers were various cationic starches, polyacrylamides and polyethyleneimines having various charge densities and molecular weights, so that six emulsifiers which gave steric or electrostatic stabilization and capsulation effect on emulsion droplets. Particle size and visual determinations and Cobb 60 tests were carried out and three emulsifiers and one ASA were selected for industrial utilization. ASA dosages of 1-5 kg/ton of paper together with two emulsifiers (C-PAM and cationic liquid starch) performed commonly well in all laboratory and industrial process scale experiment with mixing ratio from 0,5 to 1,8 was utilized to make paper sheets and paper reels. Water absorption tests showed that the best hydrophobation with ASA with C-PAM and ASA with cationic liquid starch. A good ASA emulsion particle size was in between 0,5 µm – 3 µm in diameter values. The most stable emulsions were white and had no phase inversion, only little creaming and foaming during at least 2-hour-study. After all experimental work done, Cost analysis and savings in industrial trials were taken into consideration for ASA with C-PAM and ASA with starch emulsifiers.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ormancılık ve Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry and Forest Engineering