Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi

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Güncel Gönderiler

Palestinian Conflict and Turkey: A Policy of Balance
(2019) Sarıaslan, Fatma
Turkey, as a country built on the heritage of the Ottoman Empire dominated most of the Middle East region for a quite a big part time, has always been interested in Palestinian conflict which has been a chronic problem in the region until today and this issue has always been a priority in its foreign policy. Although Turkey finds the claims of Arab countries more acceptable in the Palestinian conflict, Turkey has avoided damaging relations with both the West and Israel in the events regarding the issue. Despite siding with Palestine in times of crises between two countries, Turkey has maintained its relations of nearly all dimensions including economic and social interactions with Israel, which is the only non-Muslim state in the region. In this article, it is claimed that the policy of Turkey towards Palestinian conflict has primarily been designated upon a balance between the parts of the question. The study also provides a general projection of the development of relations with Israel, in parallel with the ongoing process of Turkey's position on Palestinian conflict and the fluctuant policy pursued on this issue.
Forest Fire Risk Mapping by using GIS Techniques and AHP Method: A Case Study in Bodrum (Turkey)
(2019) Akay, Abdullah Emin; Şahin, Halil
In Turkey, forest areas located along the coastline of the Marmara, the Aegean and the Mediterranean regions are very sensitive to fire. As a result of forest fires, about 10000 hectares of forest area is damaged annually. One of the key elements in firefighting is early detection and quick intervention. In order to achieve this goal, first of all, the forest areas with fire risk should be determined especially for fire sensitive forest areas. The forest fire risk can be evaluated considering various risk factors such as stand structures, topographic factors, proximity to some features (roads, settlements, and water resources), and climatic factors. In this study, GIS techniques and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used to produce forest fire risk map for the first degree fire sensitive forest land located in Bodrum province of Muğla in Turkey. The results indicated that 11.83% and 21.98% of the forest area was categorized as very high and high fire risk, respectively, while 22.28% and 25.93% was moderate and low fire risk, respectively. The fire risk was found to be very low at the rest of the study area (17.98%). To compare the fire risk map with actual forest fire occurrences in the study area, it was overlapped with the fire map indicating forest components where previous forest fires (>1.0 ha) occurred in the study area in last five years. It was found that 38.32% of the areas damaged by the previous fires were categorized as high and very high fire risks zones in fire risk map, while 28.44% was moderate fire risk zones. The result showed that tree species was the most effective risk factor, followed by tree stages and proximity to water resources. This study revealed that the combination of GIS techniques and AHP method is very advantageous approach to map forest areas with fire risk in short time.
Nanomaterials with potential EMI shielding properties
(2019) Altın, Yasin; Bedeloğlu, Ayşe
Nanomaterials exhibit unexpected superior properties such as electrical, magnetic, optical, etc., compared with bulk materials. In this chapter, electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding properties of different nanomaterials based on metal, metal oxide, ceramic, conductive polymer-modified, and their hybrids are reviewed. The effects of size, shape, structure, and morphology of nanomaterials on EMI shielding properties were also discussed. EMI shielding is mainly realized by three mechanisms, which are absorption, reflection, and multiple reflections. In recent years, academic studies have mostly focused on hybrid nanostructures, which often combine absorption and reflection properties. Meanwhile, an evaluation covering most of the important advancements related to nanomaterials with potential EMI shielding properties is also provided.
Using GIS Techniques for Modeling Noise Propagation from Mechanized Harvesting Equipment
(2019) Akay, Abdullah Emin; Acar, H. Hulusi
The noise is a kind of environmental pollutions that affects human health and decreases performance of people, education, and home life. Harvesting activities in forestry are one of working environments where noise effect is very intense. Noise is an element of environmental pollution that is effective on human health and needs to be controlled. To evaluate the noise effect, maps of noise propagation are used. The noise map is defined as numerical model of noise sources. The changes in sound level determined by measurements in certain points are shown in noise map. Noise maps are used in calculation of average sound level if it is within acceptable limits and in determination of risky areas where employees are adversely effected. Computer-aided systems have been used in modeling noise propagation in recent years. SPreAD-GIS is free program developed to estimate acoustic effects of anthropogenic noise propagation and adapted to ArcGIS software. In this study, it was aimed to introduce SPreAD-GIS program that can be used to model noise propagation caused by mechanized harvesting equipment. In addition, main factors affecting noise propagation in forest (elevation, land use type, temperature, humidity, wind direction and intensity, climate and weather conditions) were evaluated.
Giyilebilir elektronikler için nanolif esaslı esnek ve hibrit nanojeneratörlerin geliştirilmesi
(Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2024) Ünsal, Ömer Faruk; Bedeloğlu, Ayşe
Bu projede, çift etki kullanarak mekanik/biyomekanik enerji dönüşümü sağlayan hibrit nanojeneratörler geliştirilmiştir. Literatürde piezoelektrik, triboelektrik ve her ikisinin kullanıldığı hibrit nanojeneratörler üzerine oldukça fazla çalışma yayınlanmıştır. Fakat bu çalışmalarda hibrit nanojeneratörlerin elde edilişi, bağımsız üretilmiş iki bileşenin makro düzeyde ve herhangi bir yolla birleştirilmesi temeline dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada tek bir aşamada piezoelektrik, triboelektrik ve iletken bileşenler birlikte üretime alınarak kompakt bir sistem ortaya çıkartılmıştır. Burada elektro-üretim metodunun piezoelektrik nanojeneratörlerde sık kullanılan bir metot olması ve triboelektrik nanojeneratörler için mikro-nano yapının büyük önem arz etmesi nano ölçekte kontrollü bir üretimi mümkün kılmıştır. Piezoelektrik bir polimer olan Poli(viniliden florür) (PVDF) ile termoplastik poliüretan (TPU) nanoliflerin, elektroüretim metodu kullanılarak birlikte üretimleri sonucu hibrit nanolifler elde edilmiştir. Hibrit nanolif üretimi esnasında ayrı bir dispersiyondan ise grafen oksit (GO) beslemesi yapılarak nanolifli yapının içerisinde üretilen elektriksel enerjinin nanojeneratör elektrotlarına daha verimli ulaştırılması sağlanmıştır. Bu aşamaya kadar, elektro-üretim parametre optimizasyonu ve GO takviye oranının optimizasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu projenin özgün yanı, hibrit nanolifli yapı ile oluşturulacak hibrit nanojeneratör sistemdir. Sonraki adımda, belirlenen optimum GO takviye oranı ile PVDF/TPU hibrit nanoliflerin gözenekli olarak üretilmesi ile çıkış performansı yükseltilmiştir. Çalışmanın son aşamasında ise nanojeneratör performansının nanoliflerin yüzeyinde hidrotermal yolla çinko oksit (ZnO) nanoteller büyütülerek artırılması hedeflenmiştir. Nanoliflerin yüzeyinde dikey yönlenmiş ZnO nanotel büyütülmesi, hem nanotel-ormanının yüzey pürüzlülüğü katması ile hem temas yüzey alanının artması hem de ZnO kullanımına bağlı olarak piezoelektrik etkinin güçlendirileceği değerlendirilmiştir. Bu aşamada da optimum GO takviyesi ve optimum gözenek miktarı içeren nanolifli yapılar kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen nihai nanojeneratörler 16,47 mW/m2 çıkış güç yoğunluğuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca elde edilen nanojeneratörler ile farklı kapasitelerde ticari kondansatörlerin şarj edilebilirliği ve depolanan enerjinin sürekli bir şekilde bazı elektronik cihazlarda kullanılabilirliği kanıtlanmıştır. Bunun da ötesinde, nanojeneratörler tekstil yüzeyine uygulanarak sensör uygulamaları için uygunluğu da kanıtlanmıştır.