Ortiz C.Lara A.González J.Borat, Ayşe2022-02-172022-02-17202122277390https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12885/1823We describe and implement a randomized algorithm that inputs a polyhedron, thought of as the space of states of some automated guided vehicle R, and outputs an explicit system of piecewise linear motion planners for R. The algorithm is designed in such a way that the cardinality of the output is probabilistically close (with parameters chosen by the user) to the minimal possible cardinality.This yields the first automated solution for robust-to-noise robot motion planning in terms of simplicial complexity (SC) techniques, a discretization of Farber’s topological complexity TC. Besides its relevance toward technological applications, our work reveals that, unlike other discrete approaches to TC, the SC model can recast Farber’s invariant without having to introduce costly subdivisions. We develop and implement our algorithm by actually discretizing Macías-Virgós and Mosquera-Lois’ notion of homotopic distance, thus encompassing computer estimations of other sectional category invariants as well, such as the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of polyhedra.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAbstract simplicial complexBarycentric subdivisionContiguity of simplicial mapsHomotopic distanceMotion planningRandomized algorithmA randomized greedy algorithm for piecewise linear motion planningArticle10.3390/math9192358919N/AN/A