Akbaş, Şeref Doğuşcan2021-03-202021-03-2020192423-67132423-6705http://doi.org/10.22059/jcamech.2019.281285.392https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12885/627Akbas, Seref Doguscan/0000-0001-5327-3406This study presents axially forced vibration of a cracked nanorod under harmonic external dynamically load. In constitutive equation of problem, the nonlocal elasticity theory is used. The Crack is modelled as an axial spring in the crack section. In the axial spring model, the nonrod separates two sub-nanorods and the flexibility of the axial spring represents the effect of the crack. Boundary condition of the nanorod is selected as fixed-free and a harmonic load is subjected at the free end of the nanorod. Governing equation of the problem is obtained by using equilibrium conditions. In the solution of the governing equation, analytical solution is presented and exact expressions are obtained for the forced vibration problem. On the solution method, the separation of variable is implemented and the forced vibration displacements are obtained exactly. In the open literature, the forced vibration analysis of the cracked nanorod has not been investigated broadly. The objective of this study is to fill this blank for cracked nanorods. In numerical results, influences of the crack parameter, position of crack, the nonlocal parameter and dynamic load parameters on forced vibration responses of the cracked nanorod are presented and discussed.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessNanorodsCrackNonlocal Elasticity TheoryForced Vibration AnalysisAxially Forced Vibration Analysis of Cracked a NanorodArticle10.22059/jcamech.2019.281285.3925016368WOS:000484843700001N/AQ3