Ersoy Mirici, MerveTulek, B.2021-03-202021-03-2020200209-4541 have a structure that contains many functions and ecosystem services with their natural and cultural components. Vegetation especially in natural landscapes stands out not only visually, but also in terms of ecosystem services. It is known that carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gases are among the greenhouse gases that have the highest share in global warming. Forest areas have climate protection functions by protecting settlements, agricultural areas and recreational facilities from the harmful effects of cold weather and wind, extreme weather changes and improving the regional climate. In this study, the focus is on the carbon storage service, which is evaluated in the category of regulatory services under ecosystem services. For the determination of forest biomass carbon storage capacity of Gokcay Basin, located in Turkey’s western Black Sea region, biomass estimation method calculated at the unit area level is used within the scope of LULUCF (Land use land use change and forestry) applications. In the method: (i) map of forest stand types; (ii) acreage of forest stand types; (iii) tree volume value; (iv) biomass expansion factor, wood density, root/shoot rate coefficients, and (v) percent tree cover map produced with remote sensing data are used. © 2020, Scibulcom Ltd.. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessEcological riskForest biomassGokcay basinLandscape planningSpatial distributionTerrestrial carbon storageSpatial distribution of gokcay basin forest biomass and carbon storage serviceArticle4335035152-s2.0-85092592847Q4