Akay, Abdullah EminTaş, İ.2021-03-202021-03-2020212149-5637http://doi.org/10.33904/ejfe.843889https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12885/1415To use the resources allocated for firefighting in an optimum way, it is important to reach fire sites within the critical response time (CRT) and determine regions with high fire risk. This study aimed to evaluate forests that can be reached within CRT using GIS techniques, regarding fire risk levels. The study area is selected from Yeniköy Forest Enterprise Chief, which is in Bursa Regional Directorate of Forestry and located in second-degree fire-sensitive zone. The accessible forests within CRT were determined using the "Network Analyst" method in ArcGIS 10.4 software. Then, a fire risk map was developed using the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) tool (ExtAHP 2.0) in ArcGIS 10.4. The results showed that the firefighting team near the study area can reach 24.25% of forests within CRT for the second-degree fire-sensitive areas (30 minutes). Besides, it was determined that 46.86% of forests can be reached in 40 minutes and 84.31% in one hour. It was found that 85% of forests were in a very high and high fire risk zones. It was determined that 42% of forests that could not be reached within CRT was in a very high fire risk zones while 43.45% was in a high fire risk zone. © Copyright 2020 by Forest Engineering and Technologies Platform.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAHPFire riskForest firesNetwork analysisShortest pathUsing GIS techniques for assessment of accessible forest lands by firefighting teams considering fire risk degreesArticle10.33904/ejfe.8438896287952-s2.0-85100263697Q4