Çiftçi, Mustafa2021-03-202021-03-2020182149-01202149-0120http://doi.org/10.18596/jotcsa.396618https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TXpJME9UZzRPQT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12885/1614A new polymerization mechanistic transformation strategy, combining two different techniques of controlled polymerization modes, namely atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and photoinduced radical oxidation/addition/deactivation (PROAD), is effectively used for the block copolymers’ formation. Thus, mono- or bi- bromide functional polystyrenes (PS-Br or Br-PS-Br) synthesized by light-induced ATRP were used as a macroinitiator on isobutyl vinyl ether in the living cationic polymerization via PROAD process to give the corresponding block copolymers. Thus, depending upon the macroinitiator’s surface, AB/ABA type block copolymers (PS-b-PIBVE or PIBVEb- PS-b-PIBVE) were formed. The final polymers and precursor polymers were characterized by spectral and chromatographic analyses.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKimya, AnalitikKimya, UygulamalıKimya, İnorganik ve NükleerKimya, TıbbiKimya, OrganikFizikokimyaSpektroskopiTermodinamikPhotoinduced Synthesis of Block Copolymers by Combining Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Photoinduced Radical Oxidation/Addition/DeactivationArticle10.18596/jotcsa.39661852469478Q4