Yıldırır Keser, HilalEryiğit, K.Y.2021-03-202021-03-2020182413-6670http://doi.org/10.32861/jssr.411.246.256https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12885/1409The main aim of this paper, based on the importance of the logistics sector for economic growth and, accordingly, competitiveness, is to explain the impact of the logistics sector on competitiveness by testing its relationship with macroeconomic factors. In accordance with this aim, principally, some research literature has been given a place. A cointegration model with structural breaks has been used to analyze the effects of the logistics sector, exports, imports, the industry production index and oil prices on GDP, which is an indication of competitiveness. For two different pairs of structural breaks and the two cointegration relationships there is a mutual positive relationship between the logistics sector and the GDP. Along with this, while export, import and industrial production index affect the GDP, the finding that oil prices reduce the performance of the logistics sector has been reached. © 2017 Academic Research Publishing Group.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCointegrationCompetitivenessInternational tradeLogisticsStructural breaksTransportationThe impact of the logistic sector on competitiveness in the presence of structural breaks: A study on TurkeyArticle10.32861/jssr.411.246.2564112462562-s2.0-85057216524N/A