Gürsoy, EsimErtaşoğlu Deniz, Leyla2022-12-082022-12-082019978-152258129-1https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12885/2108The literature is dominated by the studies on refugee studies since it is a current issue with great importance. In addition, this group of people leaving their homes due to serious human rights violations need to occupy a great space in the policy agendas and to be studied to enlighten policymakers and authorities in this fragile process of handling the issue of immigration. This necessitates higher education institutions involvement for a healthier and more systematic process of adaptation. Among the large group of refugees, Syrians-upon the break of the civil war in 2011-are the most visible group in Turkey. Witnessing the swiftly changing socioeconomic dynamics in the world, Turkey is now home to a considerable number of Syrians. Furthermore, the intersection of Syrian refugees and the Turkish society has generated an intercultural space impacting on their SLA experiences, which is complicated by the process of adjustment concerning the two groups-those “uprooted” from their homes and the host society.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAcculturation of Syrian Refugees in Turkey as a Condition for Successful SLABook Chapter10.4018/978-1-5225-8128-4.ch0022644N/A