Perdelerde kumaş özelliklerinin solar özellikler üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasında; kumaş konstrüksiyon, renk ve iplik yapısal parametrelerinin kumaş perdelerin solar, UV, ışık geçirgenlik, yansıma ve absorsiyon özellikleri ile hava geçirgenliği ve açıklık oranı üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Tez kapsamında bu parametrelerin solar özellikler üzerine etkisinin olup olmadığı ve olması halinde etki dereceleri tespit edilmiştir. Özellikle kumaş konstrüksiyon, kumaşı oluşturan iplik parametreleri ile kumaş renginin solar ve açıklık oranı özellikleri üzerine etkisine yönelik akademik çalışmaların az olduğu görülmüş ve tez çalışması ile bu alandaki bilimsel veri eksikliğinin giderilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla numune üretim ön hazırlığı için benzer iplik doğrusal yoğunluğu ve filament sayısına sahip tekstüre parlak, tekstüre yarımat, tekstüre fullmat, hava tekstüre fullmat, FDY yarımat filament iplikler ve bu filament ipliklere en yakın iplik doğrusal yoğunluğuna sahip karde kesik elyaf iplik seçilmiştir. Seçilen bu 7 ipliğin BI-CO low melt iplikle kaplaması sonucu oluşturulan kaplanmış iplikler kumaş numune üretimi için kullanılmıştır. Atkı ve çözgü olarak tekstüre parlak, tekstüre yarımat, tekstüre fullmat içerikli, kaplanmış ipliklerle (12x12), (16x16), (20x18) sıklıklarda, panama örgüsünde numune üretilmiştir. Tekstüre fullmat içerikli kaplanmış iplik, atkı ve çözgüde kullanılmak üzere 2/1 dimi, 3/1 dimi, bezayağı örgülerinde (12x12) sıklıkta diğer numune seti üretilmiştir. Hava tekstüre fullmat, FDY yarımat, karde kesik elyaf içerikli kaplanmış ipliklerle ise atkı ve çözgüde kullanılmak üzere panama örgüsünde (12x12) sıklıkta numune üretilmiştir. 15 farklı dokuma kumaş koyu, orta, açık olmak üzere 3 farklı renkte boyanmıştır. Üretilen dokuma kumaşların solar özellikleri UV/VIS/NIR Cihazında ölçülerek kumaşların perde olarak kullanılması halinde ışık konfor karakterleri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca tüm numunelerin açıklık oranları hesaplanmış, hava geçirgenlikleri, birim alan ağırlıkları, nihai iplik doğrusal yoğunlukları da ölçülmüştür. Tüm solar özelliklerin ve hava geçirgenlik değerinin kumaş konstrüksiyon, iplik yapısı, renk parametrelerinden etkilendiği görülmüştür. Solar, ışık ve UV geçirgenlik değerlerine en fazla atkı ve çözgü sıklığı etkilemiş olup aralarında ters orantı tespit edilmiştir. İkinci büyük etkiyi iplik matlık durumu göstermiş olup, geçirgenlik değerleri ile aralarında ters ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Sırasıyla renk, kumaş dokusu ve iplik yapısının etkileri daha düşük olmuştur. Solar ve ışık yansıtma oranlarının ise kumaş renginden en yüksek seviyede etkilendiği, renk koyuldukça yansıtma oranlarının düştüğü görülmüştür. Yansıtma oranları üzerinde etkili diğer iki parametre sıklık ve iplik matlık durumu olup, aralarında doğru orantı bulunmuştur. Kumaş dokusu ve iplik yapısının yansıtma oranları üzerine etkisinin düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Solar absorbsiyon oranı ise en fazla renk parametresinden etkilenmiş olup renk koyuldukça absorbsiyon değerinin arttığı görülmüştür. Absorbsiyon oranı üzerinde etkili diğer iki parametre sıklık ve iplik matlık durumu olup, aralarında doğru orantı bulunmuştur. Kumaş dokusu ve iplik yapısının absorbsiyon oranı üzerine etkisinin düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca kumaşların açıklık oranları (openness faktör) hesaplanmış ve en fazla sıklık faktöründen, ters orantılı olarak etkilediği görülmüştür. Numunelerin hava geçirgenlik ve açıklık oranı değerleri arasında yüksek seviyede korelasyon olduğu görülmüş (r2=%99) ve korelasyon denklemi y=0,0122x0,9428 formülüyle oluşturulmuştur.
In this thesis study; yarn structure, fabric construction and color effects on the solar, UV, light transmittance, reflection and absorption properties, air permeability and openness factor of the fabrics were examined. Within the scope of the thesis, the effect rate of these parameters on solar properties were determined. Especially; it has been observed that, there are just a few academic studies on solar and openness factor properties related with the yarn and fabric parameters. So the thesis study is aimed to provide support on this subject. For this purpose, , textured bright, textured semi-dull, textured fulldull, air-textured fulldull, FDY semi-dull filament yarns with similar yarn count and filament number, and staple fiber yarns with the similiar yarn linear density to these filament yarns were selected. The coated yarns formed as a result of coating these 6 selected yarn types with BI-CO low melt yarn were used for sample production. Samples were produced with textured bright, textured semi-dull, textured fulldull coated yarns in panama weave as weft and warp (12x12), (16x16), (20x18) densities. The other sample set was woven with textured fulldull in 2/1 twill, 3/1 twill, plain weaves (12x12). Air textured fulldull, FDY semi-dull and staple fiber containing coated yarns were woven with density of (12x12) in panama weave to be used in warp and weft. 15 different woven fabrics are dyed in 3 different colors as dark, medium and light. The solar properties of the woven fabrics were measured in the UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer device and the light comfort characteristics were determined as if the fabrics used as curtains. In addition, the opennes ratios of all samples were calculated, air permeability, mass per unit area, final yarn linear density were also measured. It has been observed that all solar properties and air permeability values are affected by fabric construction, yarn structure and color parameters. Weft and warp density affected the solar, visual and UV transmittance values the most and an inverse ratio was found between them. The opacity of the yarn showed the greatest effect, and an inverse relationship between the permeability values was found. Respectively, the effects of color, fabric texture and yarn structure were less. It has been observed that the solar and visual reflectance rates are affected by the fabric color at the highest level and the reflectance decrease as the color is darkened. The other two parameters that effective on reflectancewere density and yarn opacityand a direct proportion was found between them. It was observed that the effect of fabric texture and yarn structure on reflectivity was less. The solar absorption -value was mostly affected by the color, and it was observed that the absorption value increased as the color darkened. Density and yarn opacity were the other two parameters that affect the absorption value, and a direct proportion was found between them. It was observed that the effect of fabric texture and yarn structure on the absorption rate was low. In addition, the openness factor of the fabrics was calculated and it was seen that it was inversely affected by the density of the fabrics. It was observed that there was a absolute correlation between the air permeability and openness ratio values of the samples (r2=99%) and the correlation equation was calculated with the formula y=0.0122x0.9428.
In this thesis study; yarn structure, fabric construction and color effects on the solar, UV, light transmittance, reflection and absorption properties, air permeability and openness factor of the fabrics were examined. Within the scope of the thesis, the effect rate of these parameters on solar properties were determined. Especially; it has been observed that, there are just a few academic studies on solar and openness factor properties related with the yarn and fabric parameters. So the thesis study is aimed to provide support on this subject. For this purpose, , textured bright, textured semi-dull, textured fulldull, air-textured fulldull, FDY semi-dull filament yarns with similar yarn count and filament number, and staple fiber yarns with the similiar yarn linear density to these filament yarns were selected. The coated yarns formed as a result of coating these 6 selected yarn types with BI-CO low melt yarn were used for sample production. Samples were produced with textured bright, textured semi-dull, textured fulldull coated yarns in panama weave as weft and warp (12x12), (16x16), (20x18) densities. The other sample set was woven with textured fulldull in 2/1 twill, 3/1 twill, plain weaves (12x12). Air textured fulldull, FDY semi-dull and staple fiber containing coated yarns were woven with density of (12x12) in panama weave to be used in warp and weft. 15 different woven fabrics are dyed in 3 different colors as dark, medium and light. The solar properties of the woven fabrics were measured in the UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer device and the light comfort characteristics were determined as if the fabrics used as curtains. In addition, the opennes ratios of all samples were calculated, air permeability, mass per unit area, final yarn linear density were also measured. It has been observed that all solar properties and air permeability values are affected by fabric construction, yarn structure and color parameters. Weft and warp density affected the solar, visual and UV transmittance values the most and an inverse ratio was found between them. The opacity of the yarn showed the greatest effect, and an inverse relationship between the permeability values was found. Respectively, the effects of color, fabric texture and yarn structure were less. It has been observed that the solar and visual reflectance rates are affected by the fabric color at the highest level and the reflectance decrease as the color is darkened. The other two parameters that effective on reflectancewere density and yarn opacityand a direct proportion was found between them. It was observed that the effect of fabric texture and yarn structure on reflectivity was less. The solar absorption -value was mostly affected by the color, and it was observed that the absorption value increased as the color darkened. Density and yarn opacity were the other two parameters that affect the absorption value, and a direct proportion was found between them. It was observed that the effect of fabric texture and yarn structure on the absorption rate was low. In addition, the openness factor of the fabrics was calculated and it was seen that it was inversely affected by the density of the fabrics. It was observed that there was a absolute correlation between the air permeability and openness ratio values of the samples (r2=99%) and the correlation equation was calculated with the formula y=0.0122x0.9428.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dokuma Kumaş, Screen Perde, Açıklık Oranı, Solar Özellik, EN410, Woven fabric, Screen Curtain, Openness Factor, Solar Caracteristics