Türkiye Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği (TDBY)'ne göre dolgu duvarların sönüme etkisinin analitik olarak incelenmesi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Dolgu duvarlar, mimari işlevleri yerine getirmek için taşıyıcı sistemin içine yerleştirilen bölme veya kaplama amaçlı kullanılan inşaat elemanlarıdır. Genellikle çimento, tuğla, gazbeton blok, briket, hafif beton veya diğer malzemelerden yapılır. Dolgu duvarlar, genellikle yapısal olmayan unsurlar olarak değerlendirilmelerine rağmen, yapı davranışı üzerinde önemli etkilere sahip oldukları bilinmektedir Özellikle son yıllarda yapılan analitik ve deneysel çalışmalar, dolgu duvarların yapıda sadece bölme elemanı olarak katkı vermediğini aynı zamanda yapının ağırlığını ve rijitliğine arttırarak yapının dinamik davranışını etkilediğini göstermiştir. Dolgu duvarların depreme dayanıklılığı, yapıları tasarlarken ve inşa ederken dikkate alınması gereken önemli bir faktördür. Depreme dayanıklı dolgu duvarların tasarımı, malzeme seçimi, inşa tekniği ve yerleşim yeri gibi faktörler, yapıların deprem hasarından korunmasına yardımcı olabilir. Bu çalışmada Van ili Tuşba ilçesine bağlı olan bodrum kat, zemin kat ve 5 normal kattan oluşan 7 katlı yapı, Van ili İpekyolu ilçesine bağlı zemin kat ve 6 normal kattan oluşan 7 katlı yapı ve Bingöl ilinde zemin kat ve 3 normal kattan oluşan 4 katlı yapının deprem davranışı incelenmiştir. SAP2000 programıyla yapıların dolgu duvarlı ve duvarsız olmak üzere iki farklı modeli oluşturulmuştur. Dolgu duvarlı modellemede duvar malzemesi olarak tuğla kullanılmıştır. Farklı analitik modellerle kurulan duvarlı ve duvarsız binanın tepe deplasmanlarını, depremin binada oluşturduğu taban kesme kuvvetlerini ve sönüm karakteristiklerini açıklayabilmek için, yönetmeliğin tanımlamış olduğu zaman tanım alanında lineer hesap yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Modellere 11 farklı deprem kaydı etki ettirilmiştir. Deprem yükü altında çapraz eşdeğer basınç çubuğu modeli kullanılarak sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Dolgu duvarlı ve dolgu duvarsız çerçevelerin sonuçları kıyaslanmıştır. Türkiye Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği 2018 kriterleri dikkate alınarak tartışılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, dolgu duvarın betonarme binalarda bölme eleman olarak kullanılması dolgu duvarların binanın yanal rijitliğini artırdığını ve bundan dolayı binanın doğal titreşim periyodunu azalttığı, binanın tepe deplasman değerini azalttığı ve depremin binada oluşturduğu taban kesme kuvveti değerini artırdığı gözlemlenmiştir. Yapılan karşılaştırmalar sonucunda dolgu duvarın yapılarda taşıyıcı eleman olarak kabul edilip yönetmelikte bu yönde ele alınmasının elzem olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
Infill walls are construction elements used for partitioning or covering purposes placed for storage to fulfill architectural harmony. It is combined with reinforced concrete, brick, aerated concrete block, briquette, lightweight concrete or otherwise. Although infill walls are generally considered inflexible elements, it is documented that they are significantly protected at the exit of the building, especially in recent years, analytical courtesy and infill walls not only contribute to the structure as partitioning processes, but also increase its durability and rigidity by increasing its protection. Earthquake vulnerability of infill walls is an important factor that must be taken into account when designing and constructing buildings. Features such as the design of durable infill walls, material selection, construction technique and location can help protect structures from earthquake rupture. This is a 7-storey building consisting of a basement, ground floor and 5 normal floors in Tuşba district of Van province, a 7-storey building consisting of a ground floor and 6 normal floors in İpekyolu district of Van province, and a 4-year earthquake building consisting of ground floor and 3 normal floors in Bingöl province. distribution. Housing the buildings in two different models, with and without infill walls, with the SAP2000 program. It is made of infilled wall material as a wall material. In order to explain the top displacements of the walled and wallless building built with different analytical models, the base shear forces created during the earthquake and the damping properties, the linear calculation method was used in the time definition area defined by the regulation. 11 different earthquake records were factored into the models. Results were obtained using the cross equivalent pressure bar model under earthquake load. The results of frames with and without infill walls were compared. It was discussed taking into account the Turkish Earthquake Regulation 2018 criteria. As a result of the analysis, it has been seen that the use of infill walls as partition elements in reinforced concrete buildings increases the lateral rigidity of the building and therefore reduces the natural vibration period of the building, reduces the peak displacement value of the building and increases the base shear force value created by the earthquake in the building. As a result of the comparisons, it was concluded that the infill wall is considered as a load-bearing element in buildings and that it is essential to address it in this direction in the regulation.
Infill walls are construction elements used for partitioning or covering purposes placed for storage to fulfill architectural harmony. It is combined with reinforced concrete, brick, aerated concrete block, briquette, lightweight concrete or otherwise. Although infill walls are generally considered inflexible elements, it is documented that they are significantly protected at the exit of the building, especially in recent years, analytical courtesy and infill walls not only contribute to the structure as partitioning processes, but also increase its durability and rigidity by increasing its protection. Earthquake vulnerability of infill walls is an important factor that must be taken into account when designing and constructing buildings. Features such as the design of durable infill walls, material selection, construction technique and location can help protect structures from earthquake rupture. This is a 7-storey building consisting of a basement, ground floor and 5 normal floors in Tuşba district of Van province, a 7-storey building consisting of a ground floor and 6 normal floors in İpekyolu district of Van province, and a 4-year earthquake building consisting of ground floor and 3 normal floors in Bingöl province. distribution. Housing the buildings in two different models, with and without infill walls, with the SAP2000 program. It is made of infilled wall material as a wall material. In order to explain the top displacements of the walled and wallless building built with different analytical models, the base shear forces created during the earthquake and the damping properties, the linear calculation method was used in the time definition area defined by the regulation. 11 different earthquake records were factored into the models. Results were obtained using the cross equivalent pressure bar model under earthquake load. The results of frames with and without infill walls were compared. It was discussed taking into account the Turkish Earthquake Regulation 2018 criteria. As a result of the analysis, it has been seen that the use of infill walls as partition elements in reinforced concrete buildings increases the lateral rigidity of the building and therefore reduces the natural vibration period of the building, reduces the peak displacement value of the building and increases the base shear force value created by the earthquake in the building. As a result of the comparisons, it was concluded that the infill wall is considered as a load-bearing element in buildings and that it is essential to address it in this direction in the regulation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Energy damping, Rayleigh sönümü, Rayleigh fading, Tuğla duvarlar, Enerji sönümleme, Brick walls