Doğal lif ile güçlendirilmiş polilaktik asit/polipropilen kompozitlerin mekanik ve termal özellikleri
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde odun-plastik kompozit ürünler dış cephe kaplamaları, sandalye, masa, bank, mobilya, otomotiv, inşaat gibi birçok alanda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Odun-plastik kompozitlerin bu alanlarda kullanılabilmesi için kompozitlerin dayanıklı ve ekonomik olması gerekmektedir. Ülkemizde her yıl ciddi miktarda tarımsal atık oluşmaktadır. Bu atıklar odun plastik kompozitlerde kullanılarak ekonomiye geri kazandırılabilir. Bu tez çalışmasında polilaktik asit (PLA) /polipropilen (PP)/pirinç sapından oluşan biyokompozit malzemeler üretilmiştir. PLA özellikleri sayesinde petrol bazlı polimerlere alternatif olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Pirinç sapları Trakya Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü'nden temin edilmiştir. Maleik anhidrit aşılanmış polipropilen (MAPP) kullanılarak doğal lifler ile polipropilen arasındaki bağı güçlendirmek amaçlanmıştır. PLA/PP karışımı %4 MAPP ve %30 pirinç sapı ile takviye edilmiştir. PLA/PP aralarında % 75-25, 50-50 ve 25-75 oranlarında 3 farklı varyasyon hazırlanmıştır. Değişen PLA/PP oranlarının biyokompozit malzemenin termal ve mekanik özellikleri üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Kontrol numuneleri olarak takviyesiz PLA ve PP plakalar üretilmiştir. Malzemeler homojen karışım elde edilebilmesi için öğütücü kullanılarak toz haline getirilmiştir. Mekanik karıştırmanın ardından karışımlar çift vidalı ekstrüder ile granül haline getirilmiştir. Böylece ilk biyokompozit ara ürünler elde edilmiştir. Granül halindeki biyokompozit karışıma sıcak presle 200x200x3.5 mm kalıpla plaka şekli verilmiştir. Son olarak plakalardan lazer kesim cihazı ile test numuneleri elde edilmiştir. Hazırlanan test numuneleri mekanik özellikleri çekme-eğilme, termal özellikleri TGA ve kimyasal yapısı FTIR ile belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar katkısız PP ve PLA'nın özelliklerine karşı ve kendi aralarında değerlendirilmiştir. Termal testler sonucu biyokompozit malzemelerde kalıntı miktarının arttığı, ilk bozunma sıcaklıklarının düştüğü görülmüştür. Mekanik analizler ile birlikte kompozit malzemelerin kontrol örneklerine kıyasla daha düşük performans gösterdikleri görülmüştür. PLA25 çekme direnci 18,74 MPa ve eğilme direnci 42,92 MPa ile en yüksek mekanik özelliklere sahiptir. PLA75 en düşük performansı sergilemiştir. Çalışma göz önüne alındığında biyokompozit malzemeler maliyet ve performans açısından tercih edilebilir birer alternatif olabilirler.
Wood-plastic based composite products are being commonly used in many areas in the industry nowadays such as sidings, chairs, tables, banks, items of furniture, automotive, construction, etc. Wood-plastic based composites need to meet the high strength and low production cost. Turkey produces a significance amount of agricaltural wastes each year. Agricultural wastes should be used in wood-plastic composites in order to contribute to the country's economy. In this thesis study, our aim is to produce Polylactic Acid (PLA)/Polypropylene (PP)/Rice stem based biocomposite materials. With the help of its certain features, PLA is being used as a substitute for petroleum-based polymers. Rice stems which supplied from Trakya Agricultural Research Institute were used as natural fiber. Maleic anhydrit infused Polypropylene (MAPP) was used in order to strengthen the bond between wood flour and Polypropylene. PLA / PP mixture was consolidated with 4% MAPP and 30% rice stem. PLA/PP was prepared with 3 different variations in the following rates: 75%-25%, 50%-50%, 25%, 75%. Neat PLA and PP specimens were produced as control samples. The effects of a variety of PLA/PP rates on thermal and mechanical features of biocomposite materials was investigated. The materials were pulverized using a grinder to obtain a homogeneous mixture. After mechanical stirring, the mixtures were granulated with a twin screw extruder. With doing so, first biocomposite midproducts was obtained. Granular shaped biocomposite transformed into 200x200x3,5 mm plates by hot press. Finally control samples obtained with laser cut machine from those plates. The mechanical properties of the test samples were determined by tensile-bending, thermal properties by TGA and chemical structures by FTIR. Results compared with and between non-reinforced PP and PLA. As a result of thermal tests, it was observed that residual amount increased and initial decomposition temperatures decreased in biocomposite materials. Along with mechanical analysis, composite materials showed lower performance than pure samples. PLA25 has the highest mechanical properties with tensile strength of 18.74 MPa and flexural strength of 42.92 MPa. PLA75 shows the lowest performance. The produced biocomposite materials can be a preferable alternative in terms of cost and performance.
Wood-plastic based composite products are being commonly used in many areas in the industry nowadays such as sidings, chairs, tables, banks, items of furniture, automotive, construction, etc. Wood-plastic based composites need to meet the high strength and low production cost. Turkey produces a significance amount of agricaltural wastes each year. Agricultural wastes should be used in wood-plastic composites in order to contribute to the country's economy. In this thesis study, our aim is to produce Polylactic Acid (PLA)/Polypropylene (PP)/Rice stem based biocomposite materials. With the help of its certain features, PLA is being used as a substitute for petroleum-based polymers. Rice stems which supplied from Trakya Agricultural Research Institute were used as natural fiber. Maleic anhydrit infused Polypropylene (MAPP) was used in order to strengthen the bond between wood flour and Polypropylene. PLA / PP mixture was consolidated with 4% MAPP and 30% rice stem. PLA/PP was prepared with 3 different variations in the following rates: 75%-25%, 50%-50%, 25%, 75%. Neat PLA and PP specimens were produced as control samples. The effects of a variety of PLA/PP rates on thermal and mechanical features of biocomposite materials was investigated. The materials were pulverized using a grinder to obtain a homogeneous mixture. After mechanical stirring, the mixtures were granulated with a twin screw extruder. With doing so, first biocomposite midproducts was obtained. Granular shaped biocomposite transformed into 200x200x3,5 mm plates by hot press. Finally control samples obtained with laser cut machine from those plates. The mechanical properties of the test samples were determined by tensile-bending, thermal properties by TGA and chemical structures by FTIR. Results compared with and between non-reinforced PP and PLA. As a result of thermal tests, it was observed that residual amount increased and initial decomposition temperatures decreased in biocomposite materials. Along with mechanical analysis, composite materials showed lower performance than pure samples. PLA25 has the highest mechanical properties with tensile strength of 18.74 MPa and flexural strength of 42.92 MPa. PLA75 shows the lowest performance. The produced biocomposite materials can be a preferable alternative in terms of cost and performance.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ağaç İşleri, Wood Products, Polimer Bilim ve Teknolojisi, Polymer Science and Technology