Adıyaman ve Şanlıurfa'daki Dardağan (Celtis tournefortii Lam.) gen kaynakları üzerine araştırmalar
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Dardağan (Celtis tournefortii Lam.) ülkemizde serpili yayılışa sahip önemli yabanıl meyveli türlerden biridir. Özellikle kurak ve yarı kurak alanlarda dayanıklı olması ile orman örtüsü zayıf bölgelerde de yaşarlar. Bu çalışmada; Adıyaman ve Şanlıurfa'da doğal halde bulunan dardağan (Celtis tournefortii Lam) gen kaynakları araştırılmıştır. Çalışma yedi ana başlık altında yürütülmüştür: (1) Adıyaman ve Şanlıurfa'daki bireylerin tespit edilmesi, (2) meyve ve tohum morfolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi, (3) tohum ve meyve ekim zamanı (4) fidanlıktaki bir ve iki yaşındaki fidan özellikleri, (5) fidan taze ve kuru ağırlıkları (6) fidanların arazi performansı (7) aşı denemeleri. Araştırma alanındaki 12 farklı popülasyonda doğal bireylerin konumları ve morfolojik özellikleri kaydedilmiştir. Sıcak ve kurak olan Birecik ve Halfeti popülasyonları ile Besni popülasyonu dardağanın yoğun bulunduğu bölgeler olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ortalama meyve ağırlıkları 0,330 g, tohum ağırlıkları 0,145 g'dır. Popülasyonların ortalama meyve 1000-dane ağırlığı 316,0 g, tohum 1000-dane ağırlığı 142,0 g'dır. Ekilen tohumların ortalama çıkış yüzdesi %36,7'dir. Aralık, ocak ve mart ekim dönemlerinin çıkış yüzdeleri birbirine yakındır. En fazla çıkış yüzdesi %42,1 ile ocak dönemindedir. Tohumlar ortalama 14,7 haftalık bir çıkış hızına sahiptir. 1+0 fidanların ortalama boyu 37,2 cm, ortalama kök boğazı çapı ise 4,5 mm'dir. 2+0 fidanlar ortalama 51,7 cm boyundadır. Ortalama kök boğazı çapları ise 6,6 mm'dir. Popülasyonlara göre genel ortalamada en yüksek boya Birecik (78,6 cm), en aza Gerger popülasyonu (34,9 cm) sahiptir. En fazla kök boğazı çap ortalamasına Besni (8,1 mm), en aza ise yine Gerger popülasyonu (5,3 mm) sahiptir. 1+0 fidanların ortalama sak taze ağırlıkları (STA) 3,11 g ve kök taze ağırlıkları (KTA) 6.07 g'dır. Buna göre ortalama fidan taze ağırlığı (FTA) 9,18 g'dır. Sak kuru ağırlığı (SKA) 1,99 g ve kök kuru ağırlığı (KKA) 3.88 g'dır. Toplam fidan kuru ağırlığıysa (FKA) 5,87 g'dır. Popülasyonlar arasında fark olmakla beraber, genel ortalama kök yüzdesi %66,9'dur. Arazi performansını belirlemek üzere seçilen dört popülasyona ait fidanlar iki ayrı yükseltide (650 m ve 1400 m) dikilmiştir. Bu popülasyonların ortalama yaşama yüzdeleri %68,8 olmuştur. Aşılama çalışmaları %10,2'lik tutma başarısıyla sonuçlanmıştır. Bir çok yönüyle ekosisteme hizmet eden dardağanlar biyoçeşitliliğe katkı sunan nadide türlerdendir. Bu araştırmada, türün tanınırlığıyla birlikte faydalanmanın da arttırılması hedeflenmiştir. Geniş taç yapısı, yüksek gölgelendirme kapasitesi ve bakım gerektirmemesiyle öne çıkan bu tür, özellikle kurak bölgelerde kent bitkilendirmeleri için uygun bir tercihtir. Türün fidan üretimi artırılmalı ve ağaçlandırmalarda yaygın olarak kullanılmalıdır. Belirli popülasyonları gen kaynağı olarak koruma altına alınmalıdır.
Oriental hackberry (Celtis tournefortii Lam.) is one of the important wild-fruiting species with scattered distribution in our country. Particularly, they live in lands with poor forest cover due to its hardiness in arid and semi-arid areas. In this study, gene resources of Oriental Hackberry which naturally exist in Adiyaman and Sanliurfa provinces were researched. The study was conducted under seven main topics: (1) Identification of the individuals in Adıyaman and Şanlıurfa, (2) determination of the fruit and seed characteristics, (3) sowing date of the seed and fruit, (4) one and two aged seedling characteristics in the nursery, (5) seedling fresh-weight and dry-weight, (6) field performance of the seedlings, (7) grafting tests. The location and morphologic characteristics of natural individuals of the 12 different populations in the study area were noted. Hot and arid Birecik and Halfeti populations and Besni population were identified as the regions where Oriental hackberry is abundant. The average fruit weight was 0,330 g and the seed weight was 0,145 g. The average 1000-fruit weight was 316,0 g, 1000-seed weight was 142,0 g in the populations. The average germination percentage of the sown seeds was 36,7%. The germination percentages of December, January and March sowing periods were close. The seeds sown in January had the highest percentage with 42,1%. The seeds had an average germination speed of 14,7 weeks. The average height of 1+0 seedlings was 37.2 cm and the average root collar diameter was 4,5 mm. The 2+0 seedlings had an average height of 51,7 cm. The average root-collar diameter was 6,6 mm. Based on the populations on average the Birecik (78,6 cm) had the highest height and the Gerger (34,9 cm) population had the lowest. Besni (8,1 mm) had the highest average root-collar diameter and the Gerger (5,3 mm) population had the lowest, again. The average fresh weight of the stems (STA) of 1+0 seedlings was 3,11 g and the average fresh weight of the roots (KTA) was 6,07 g. Accordingly, the average seedling fresh weight (FTA) was 9,18 g. Stem dry weight (SKA) was 1,99 g and root dry weight (KKA) was 3,88 g. The total seedling dry weight (FKA) was 5,87 g. With the difference among the population, the average root percentage was 66,9%. The seedlings of four populations selected to determine field performance were planted at two different elevations (650 m and 1400 m). The average survival percentage of this populations was 68,8%. The grafting trials resulted in a 10,2% success rate. Oriental hackberry serving ecosystems in many ways is one of the unique species that contributes to biodiversity. In this research, it was aimed to increase the recognition with the utilization of the species. Oriental hackberry, which stands out with its wide crown structure, high shading capacity, and low maintenance is a suitable choice for urban plantings, especially in arid regions. The seedling production of the species should be increased and it should be widely used in afforestation. Some appropriate populations should be conserved as a gene resources.
Oriental hackberry (Celtis tournefortii Lam.) is one of the important wild-fruiting species with scattered distribution in our country. Particularly, they live in lands with poor forest cover due to its hardiness in arid and semi-arid areas. In this study, gene resources of Oriental Hackberry which naturally exist in Adiyaman and Sanliurfa provinces were researched. The study was conducted under seven main topics: (1) Identification of the individuals in Adıyaman and Şanlıurfa, (2) determination of the fruit and seed characteristics, (3) sowing date of the seed and fruit, (4) one and two aged seedling characteristics in the nursery, (5) seedling fresh-weight and dry-weight, (6) field performance of the seedlings, (7) grafting tests. The location and morphologic characteristics of natural individuals of the 12 different populations in the study area were noted. Hot and arid Birecik and Halfeti populations and Besni population were identified as the regions where Oriental hackberry is abundant. The average fruit weight was 0,330 g and the seed weight was 0,145 g. The average 1000-fruit weight was 316,0 g, 1000-seed weight was 142,0 g in the populations. The average germination percentage of the sown seeds was 36,7%. The germination percentages of December, January and March sowing periods were close. The seeds sown in January had the highest percentage with 42,1%. The seeds had an average germination speed of 14,7 weeks. The average height of 1+0 seedlings was 37.2 cm and the average root collar diameter was 4,5 mm. The 2+0 seedlings had an average height of 51,7 cm. The average root-collar diameter was 6,6 mm. Based on the populations on average the Birecik (78,6 cm) had the highest height and the Gerger (34,9 cm) population had the lowest. Besni (8,1 mm) had the highest average root-collar diameter and the Gerger (5,3 mm) population had the lowest, again. The average fresh weight of the stems (STA) of 1+0 seedlings was 3,11 g and the average fresh weight of the roots (KTA) was 6,07 g. Accordingly, the average seedling fresh weight (FTA) was 9,18 g. Stem dry weight (SKA) was 1,99 g and root dry weight (KKA) was 3,88 g. The total seedling dry weight (FKA) was 5,87 g. With the difference among the population, the average root percentage was 66,9%. The seedlings of four populations selected to determine field performance were planted at two different elevations (650 m and 1400 m). The average survival percentage of this populations was 68,8%. The grafting trials resulted in a 10,2% success rate. Oriental hackberry serving ecosystems in many ways is one of the unique species that contributes to biodiversity. In this research, it was aimed to increase the recognition with the utilization of the species. Oriental hackberry, which stands out with its wide crown structure, high shading capacity, and low maintenance is a suitable choice for urban plantings, especially in arid regions. The seedling production of the species should be increased and it should be widely used in afforestation. Some appropriate populations should be conserved as a gene resources.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ormancılık, Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry, Forest Engineering