Bilecik ilinde tarımsal ve hayvansal atık kaynaklı bir biyogaz tesisi için tekno–ekonomik analiz
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde dünya üzerinde kullanılan enerji kaynakları büyük ölçüde fosil kaynaklıdır ve fosil kaynaklar gün geçtikçe tükenmektedir. Dünya'da giderek artan nüfusun da etkisiyle beraber enerji talebi de aynı doğrultuda artmaya devam etmektedir ve fosil yakıtlar yakın gelecekte enerji talebini doğrudan karşılayamamaya başlayacaktır. Aynı zamanda fosil yakıtların kullanımı esnasında oluşturdukları emisyon değerleri de birçok farklı çevre kirliliğine yol açmaktadır. Bu nedenle, daha çevreci, sürekliliği sağlanabilecek alternatif enerji kaynakları günümüzde popüler hale gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada güdülen amaç, hem fosil yakıtların kullanımı sebebiyle oluşan kirlilik yükünü azaltmak, hem sürekliliği sağlanabilen bir enerji türünü yaygınlaştırmak, hem de ülkemizde mevcut olan enerji dışa bağımlılığından kurtulma konusunda, biyogaz tesisi aracılığıyla bir alternatif sunmanın mantıklı olup olmadığını gözler önüne sermektir. Bu çalışma hazırlanırken, Bilecik iline ait tarımsal üretim miktarları ve hayvan sayıları TÜİK'den veri olarak temin edilmiştir. Bu veriler doğrultusunda, il içerisindeki bu kaynaklarla elde edilebilecek biyogaz potansiyeli hesaplanmıştır. Oluşan biyogaz sonucunda elde edilebilecek elektrik miktarı verilmiştir. Bu elektrik miktarıyla beraber tesisin kurulu gücü hesaplanmıştır. Kurulu güce göre maliyetlendirme analizi yapılmış olup şehir içerisindeki optimum konum belirlenmiştir. Bu maliyetin geri ödeme süresi belirlenemiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlarda, Bilecik ilinin hayvansal ve tarımsal atık miktarından elde edilebilecek biyogaz potansiyeli 54.290.955 m3/yıl'dır. Buradan elde edilebilecek elektrik enerjisi de 126.569.317 kWh/yıl'dır. Bu elektrik enerjisinin karşılık geldiği toplam kurulu güç 15,43 MW'dır. Toplam şehir potansiyeli 8 ayrı tesise bölünmüştür. Her bir tesis için geri ödeme süresi ayrı ayrı 6,4 yıl olarak hesaplanmıştır. Tesis konumlandırmaları hammaddeye yakınlık için 5 adet Osmaneli, 1'er adet Merkez, Gölpazarı ve Yenipazar ilçelerine konumlandırılmıştır. Şehirde 8 adet biyogaz tesisini işletebilecek kapasite görülmüştür, dolayısıyla biyogaz tesisinin kurulmasının, şehrin enerji tüketimine fazlasıyla katkı sağlayacağına karar verilmiştir.
The energy sources used on Earth today are largely fossil-based, and these fossil resources are depleting day by day. With the increasing global population, energy demand is also rising accordingly, and in the near future, fossil fuels will no longer be able to directly meet this demand. Additionally, the emission values produced during the use of fossil fuels lead to various types of environmental pollution. Therefore, more environmentally friendly, and sustainable alternative energy sources are becoming popular nowadays. The aim of this study is to assess whether it is feasible to present biogas plants as an alternative to reduce the pollution burden caused by the use of fossil fuels, promote a sustainable energy source, and help our country reduce its dependence on foreign energy. During the preparation of this study, agricultural production quantities and animal numbers specific to Bilecik province were obtained from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK). Based on this data, the biogas potential that could be obtained from these resources within the province was calculated. The amount of electricity that could be generated from the resulting biogas was provided. The installed capacity of the plant was calculated based on this electricity amount. A cost analysis was conducted according to the installed capacity, and the optimal location within the city was determined. The payback period for this cost was also determined. The results showed that the biogas potential from the animal and agricultural waste in Bilecik province is 54,290,955 m³/year. The electricity that can be generated from this biogas is 126,569,317 kWh/year. The total installed capacity of this electricity is 15.43 MW. The total city potential was divided into 8 separate plants. The payback period for each plant was calculated to be 6.4 years. The plant locations were determined with a preference for proximity to raw materials, with 5 in Osmaneli, 1 each in Merkez, Gölpazarı, and Yenipazar districts. It was concluded that Bilecik has the capacity to operate 8 biogas plants, and thus, establishing biogas plants would significantly contribute to the city's energy consumption.
The energy sources used on Earth today are largely fossil-based, and these fossil resources are depleting day by day. With the increasing global population, energy demand is also rising accordingly, and in the near future, fossil fuels will no longer be able to directly meet this demand. Additionally, the emission values produced during the use of fossil fuels lead to various types of environmental pollution. Therefore, more environmentally friendly, and sustainable alternative energy sources are becoming popular nowadays. The aim of this study is to assess whether it is feasible to present biogas plants as an alternative to reduce the pollution burden caused by the use of fossil fuels, promote a sustainable energy source, and help our country reduce its dependence on foreign energy. During the preparation of this study, agricultural production quantities and animal numbers specific to Bilecik province were obtained from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK). Based on this data, the biogas potential that could be obtained from these resources within the province was calculated. The amount of electricity that could be generated from the resulting biogas was provided. The installed capacity of the plant was calculated based on this electricity amount. A cost analysis was conducted according to the installed capacity, and the optimal location within the city was determined. The payback period for this cost was also determined. The results showed that the biogas potential from the animal and agricultural waste in Bilecik province is 54,290,955 m³/year. The electricity that can be generated from this biogas is 126,569,317 kWh/year. The total installed capacity of this electricity is 15.43 MW. The total city potential was divided into 8 separate plants. The payback period for each plant was calculated to be 6.4 years. The plant locations were determined with a preference for proximity to raw materials, with 5 in Osmaneli, 1 each in Merkez, Gölpazarı, and Yenipazar districts. It was concluded that Bilecik has the capacity to operate 8 biogas plants, and thus, establishing biogas plants would significantly contribute to the city's energy consumption.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çevre Mühendisliği, Environmental Engineering