Çınarcık Barajı ana dere bağlantılı bazı alt havzalarının arazi örtüsü değişiminin uzaktan algılama teknikleri ile analizi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Hızlı nüfus artışı ve 18. ve 19. yüzyılda sanayi devriminin gelişi, arazi kullanımı/örtüsü hızlı değişiklikleri beraberinde getirmektedir Arazi kullanımı ve arazi örtüsü hem doğal hem de antropojenik nedenlerle zaman içinde değişmektedir. Ziraat alanları, ormanlık alanlar ve meralar bozulmakta, kentleşme ve sanayileşme gibi insanların yapımı olan arazilerin kontrolsüz bir şekilde yayılmasına yol açmaktadır. Türkiye'de arazinin yanlış kullanımından kaynaklı erozyona maruz kalma sonucu toprak kayıpları yaşanmaktadır. Nüfusun gün geçtikçe arttığı ülkemizde arazilerin potansiyellerine uygun olarak değerlendirilmesi ülkesel kalkınma sağlayacaktır. Yeryüzündeki arazi örtüsü/kullanımının zamansal değişimin konumsal olarak tespit edilmesi, alansal değişimlerin belirlenmesi planlama yapabilmek için gereklidir. Geçmişe yönelik bilgi elde edinmek için Uzaktan Algılama (UA) ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) sistemleriyle uyumlu kullanılması ile sağlanabilmektedir. Uzaktan Algılama (UA) aynı konum için geçmişe ve günümüze ait uydu görüntülerinden yararlanarak arazi örtüsü/kullanımı değişimini tespit edebilmektedir. Çalışma alanı, Bursa ilinde Orhaneli Çayı üzerinde 2008 yılında hizmete başlayan Çınarcık Barajının üst havzası olup 9093.5 ha alan büyüklüğüne sahiptir. Çınarcık Barajı Bursa ili içerisinde bulunan su kaynakları arasında potansiyeli en yüksek olan su kaynaklarından biridir. Barajdan 145 hm3/yıl endüstriyel ve içme suyu olmak üzere su elde edilmektedir. 1997 yılı sınıflandırılmış arazi örtüsü/kullanımında 2452.7 hektar ziraat alanı tespit edilirken bu alan 2020 yılı sınıflandırılmış arazi örtüsü/kullanımında 1924.2 hektara kadar düşmüştür. 1997 yılı sınıflandırılmış arazi örtüsü/kullanımına göre 617 ha açıklık alan bulunmaktadır. Bu araziler genellikle taşlık kayalık çorak arazilerden orman içi açıklıklardan ve birkaç tane maden sahasından oluşmaktadır. 2020 yılı sınıflandırılmış arazi örtüsü/kullanımına göre ise çalışma alanında bulunan açıklık alanlar 1052.1 hektara kadar çıkmıştır. Bu durumda çalışma alanında faaliyet gösteren 15-20 tane maden ocağının etkisi şüphesiz ki bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca bu açıklık alanlardaki artış miktarı taşlık ve kayalık alanlarda da artış olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu durum çalışma sahasında erozyonun da etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. 1997 yılı sınıflandırılmış arazi örtüsü/kullanımında 5304.8 hektar olan ormanlık alanlar, 2020 yılı sınıflandırılmış arazi örtüsü/kullanımında 5694.7 hektar olarak artış göstermiştir. Bu durum Türkiye orman varlığının her geçen yıl arttığını da destekler niteliktedir. Çalışma alanında azalan nüfusun orman varlığı üzerindeki baskıyı da azalttığı gibi baltalık ormanlarının koruya dönüştürülmesi, ağaçlandırma çalışmaları gibi ormancılık faaliyetlerinin etkisini göstermektedir. Bunun yanı sıra arazi örtüsünün / kullanımının zaman içindeki mekânsal değişimlerini göstermek amacıyla yapılan parçalılık analizi sonucunda parça sayısı 365 değerinden 608 değerine kadar tüm alanda artmış ve buna bağlı olarakta ortalama parça büyüklüğü 10 ha azalmıştır. Ayrıca bozuk orman alanlarından maden sahalarına 34 ha, verimli orman alanlarından ise yine maden sahalarına 142,8 ha geçiş olurken su alanlarından ziraat alanlarına 16,1 ha, verimli orman alanlarına ise 88,7 ha geçiş olmuştur. Genel olarak tüm alan analiz edildiğinde; verimli orman alanları 140 ha ve su ile kaplı alanlar 100 ha azalmıştır. Maden alanlarında 173 ha, açıklık alanlarda 230 ha, iskan alanlarında 11 ha ve bozuk orman alanlarında ise 34 ha artış meydana gelmiştir.
Rapid population growth and the advent of the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries bring about rapid changes in land use/cover. Land use and land cover change over time for both natural and anthropogenic reasons. Agricultural areas, forest areas and pastures are deteriorating, leading to the uncontrolled spread of man-made lands such as urbanization and industrialization. Scientific studies have led to new studies on land use/cover concepts on remote sensing. Basin management is the process of shaping and evaluating the use of the natural resources of a basin in order to provide the desired products and services in line with the needs of the soil and water resources of a basin. However, in order to achieve the objectives of watershed management, it is necessary to identify the basins one by one and evaluate each one individually. In other words, watershed management is the economic, ecological and socio-cultural development of the society and the sustainable planning, management and development of the natural resources collected from the source. Soil losses are experienced in Turkey as a result of exposure to erosion caused by the misuse of the land. In our country, where the population is increasing day by day, the utilization of the lands in accordance with their potential will provide national development. The spatial determination of the temporal changes of the land cover/use on the earth and the determination of the spatial changes are necessary for planning. It can be achieved by using Remote Sensing (UA) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) systems in order to obtain historical information. Remote Sensing (UA) can detect land cover/use change by using past and present satellite images for the same location. Located in the Orhaneli district of Bursa, which is located in the Marmara Region in Turkey, there is the Sea of Marmara in the north, Kütahya in the south, Bilecik in the east and Balıkesir in the west. The study area is the upper basin of the Çınarcık Dam, which started service in 2008 on the Orhaneli Stream in Bursa, Turkey. The study area was determined as 9093.5 ha. Çınarcık Dam is one of the water resources with the highest potential among the water resources in Bursa. 145 hm3/year industrial and drinking water is obtained from Çınarcık Dam. This change in the population of Orhaneli district also caused a change in agricultural areas. One of the biggest effects of migration from the village to the city in our country can be shown as the decrease in occupations such as farmer and farmer dealing with agricultural fields in the past. This situation also causes a decrease in agricultural areas. While 2452.7 hectares of agricultural land were determined in the 1997 classified land cover/use, this area decreased to 1924.2 hectares in the 2020 classified land cover/use. Agricultural areas are shown in yellow on classified land cover/use maps. According to the classified land cover/use in 1997, there is an open area of 617 ha. These lands generally consist of stony rocky barren lands, clearings in forests and a few mining sites. This situation is changing as of 2020. According to the classified land cover/use in 2020, the open areas in the study area increased up to 1052.1 hectares. In this case, there is no doubt that there is an effect of 15-20 mines operating in the study area. In the east of the classified land cover/use map of 2020, it can be seen that there are many brown mines in a circular shape formed in brown. In addition, the amount of increase in these open areas reveals that there is an increase in stony and rocky areas. This shows that erosion is effective in the study area. Forest areas, which were 5304.8 hectares in 1997 classified land cover/use, increased to 5694.7 hectares in 2020 classified land cover/use. This situation also supports the fact that Turkey's forest assets are increasing every year. The declining population in the study area also reduces the pressure on forest assets, as well as the impact of forestry activities such as conversion of coppice forests into groves and afforestation.
Rapid population growth and the advent of the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries bring about rapid changes in land use/cover. Land use and land cover change over time for both natural and anthropogenic reasons. Agricultural areas, forest areas and pastures are deteriorating, leading to the uncontrolled spread of man-made lands such as urbanization and industrialization. Scientific studies have led to new studies on land use/cover concepts on remote sensing. Basin management is the process of shaping and evaluating the use of the natural resources of a basin in order to provide the desired products and services in line with the needs of the soil and water resources of a basin. However, in order to achieve the objectives of watershed management, it is necessary to identify the basins one by one and evaluate each one individually. In other words, watershed management is the economic, ecological and socio-cultural development of the society and the sustainable planning, management and development of the natural resources collected from the source. Soil losses are experienced in Turkey as a result of exposure to erosion caused by the misuse of the land. In our country, where the population is increasing day by day, the utilization of the lands in accordance with their potential will provide national development. The spatial determination of the temporal changes of the land cover/use on the earth and the determination of the spatial changes are necessary for planning. It can be achieved by using Remote Sensing (UA) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) systems in order to obtain historical information. Remote Sensing (UA) can detect land cover/use change by using past and present satellite images for the same location. Located in the Orhaneli district of Bursa, which is located in the Marmara Region in Turkey, there is the Sea of Marmara in the north, Kütahya in the south, Bilecik in the east and Balıkesir in the west. The study area is the upper basin of the Çınarcık Dam, which started service in 2008 on the Orhaneli Stream in Bursa, Turkey. The study area was determined as 9093.5 ha. Çınarcık Dam is one of the water resources with the highest potential among the water resources in Bursa. 145 hm3/year industrial and drinking water is obtained from Çınarcık Dam. This change in the population of Orhaneli district also caused a change in agricultural areas. One of the biggest effects of migration from the village to the city in our country can be shown as the decrease in occupations such as farmer and farmer dealing with agricultural fields in the past. This situation also causes a decrease in agricultural areas. While 2452.7 hectares of agricultural land were determined in the 1997 classified land cover/use, this area decreased to 1924.2 hectares in the 2020 classified land cover/use. Agricultural areas are shown in yellow on classified land cover/use maps. According to the classified land cover/use in 1997, there is an open area of 617 ha. These lands generally consist of stony rocky barren lands, clearings in forests and a few mining sites. This situation is changing as of 2020. According to the classified land cover/use in 2020, the open areas in the study area increased up to 1052.1 hectares. In this case, there is no doubt that there is an effect of 15-20 mines operating in the study area. In the east of the classified land cover/use map of 2020, it can be seen that there are many brown mines in a circular shape formed in brown. In addition, the amount of increase in these open areas reveals that there is an increase in stony and rocky areas. This shows that erosion is effective in the study area. Forest areas, which were 5304.8 hectares in 1997 classified land cover/use, increased to 5694.7 hectares in 2020 classified land cover/use. This situation also supports the fact that Turkey's forest assets are increasing every year. The declining population in the study area also reduces the pressure on forest assets, as well as the impact of forestry activities such as conversion of coppice forests into groves and afforestation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Arazi örtüsü, Grand cover, Barajlar, Dams, Bursa, Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri, Geographical information systems, Uzaktan algılama, Remote sensing, Zamansal değişimler, Temporal variations