Zein esaslı yenilebilir filmlerin üretiminde plastikleştirici olarak derin ötektik çözücü kullanımı
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Son yıllarda dünya genelinde birçok alanda teknolojik gelişmeler yaşanmaktadır. Bu teknolojik gelişmeler her alanda olduğu gibi gıda ve gıda ile bağlantılı alanları da etkilemiş ve gelişmesine sebep olmuştur. Gıda endüstrisi ile ilintili olan gelişmeler gıdanın kendi olabildiği gibi gıdayı tamamlayıcı nitelikteki diğer grupları da etkisi altına almıştır. Gıda endüstrisinde, gıda olarak değerlendirilmeyen ancak gıdadan da ayrı düşünülemeyen ambalaj sektörü bu gelişmelerden etkilenmiştir. Özellikle çevreci ve ekonomik yaklaşımlar, ambalaj mefhumunu daha farklı düşünmeye ve ambalajın yetersiz kaldığı yönlere dikkat çekmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, yenilebilir film ve kaplama teknolojisi inovatif olarak hem gıdada dayanıklılık, aroma gibi çeşitli özelliklerin geliştirilmesi ile katma değeri artırmada hem de organik temelli olması hasebiyle besin döngüsüne katılması ile çevreci niteliği bu yaklaşımı ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Yenilebilir film ve kaplama teknolojisi yeni bir teknoloji olmamakla beraber geçmiş yıllarda geleneksel olarak birçok şekilde kullanılmıştır. Bunlardan en bilineni parafinin meyvelerin ömürlerini artırmada kullanılması örneğidir. Geleneksel metotların dışında yurt içi ve yurt dışında birçok çalışma mevcuttur. Ancak yapılan çalışmalarda ekseriyetle geleneksel materyaller kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmayı diğer çalışmalardan ayıran en önemli faktör üretilen filmin yapısında kullanılan materyallerden birinin derin ötektik çözücü olmasıdır. Derin ötektik çözücü kullanımı ile filmin yapısında bulunan diğer materyallerin ve özellikle plastikleştiricinin etkisinin geliştirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Temel materyal olarak zein proteininin seçildiği çalışmada plastikleştirici olarak PEG-400 kuru maddede %30 oranda olacak şekilde etil alkol çözeltisine ilave edilerek kontrol filmleri hazırlanmıştır. Bunun yanında 1:2 molar konsantrasyonda kolin klorit çözeltisi ve PEG-400 karışımı ile farklı bir plastikleştirici hazırlanmıştır. Kontrol filminden kullanılan plastikleştirici yerine, hazırlanmış olan bu çözelti kuru maddenin %5, %10, %15, %20, %25 ve %30 oranlarında olacak şekilde zein çözeltisine ilave edilerek filmler üretilmiştir. Üretilen filmlerin birbirleri arasındaki ilişki kalınlık, renk, opaklık, mekanik, bariyer, termal ve mikro-yapısal özellikleri bakımından incelenmiş ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Neticede çalışmanın en başında öngörüldüğü şekliyle derin ötektik çözücü ilave edilerek üretilen filmlerin klasik plastikleştirici kullanılarak elde edilen diğer filmlere nazaran mekanik ve yapısal olarak daha üstün özelliklere sahip olduğu ortaya konulmuştur.
In recent years, there have been technological developments in many areas around the world. These technological developments have affected and developed food and food-related fields as well as in every field. Developments related to the food industry have affected the food itself, as well as other food complementary groups. In the food industry, the packaging sector, which is not considered as food but cannot be considered separately from food, has been affected by these developments. In particular, environmental and economic approaches have drawn attention to the concept of packaging in a different way and to the aspects where packaging is insufficient. In this direction, the edible film and coating technology brings this approach to the forefront by innovatively improving various properties such as durability and aroma in food, increasing the added value, and incorporating it into the nutrient cycle due to its organic-based nature. Although edible film and coating technology is not a new technology, it has traditionally been used in many ways in the past years. The most well-known of these is the use of paraffin to increase the lifespan of fruits. Apart from traditional methods, there are many studies in the country and abroad. However, mostly traditional materials were used in the studies. The most important factor that distinguishes the study from other studies is that one of the materials used in the structure of the produced film is a deep eutectic solvent. With the use of deep eutectic solvent, it is aimed to improve the effect of other materials in the structure of the film, especially the plasticizer. In the study, in which zein protein was chosen as the base material, control films were prepared by adding PEG-400 as a plasticizer at a rate of 30% in dry matter to ethyl alcohol solution. In addition, a different plasticizer was prepared with a mixture of choline chloride solution and PEG-400 at 1:2 molar concentration. Instead of the plasticizer used from the control film, films were produced by adding this solution to the zein solution at 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% of the dry matter. The relationships between the produced films were examined and compared in terms of thickness, color, opacity, mechanical, barrier, thermal and microstructural properties. As a result, it has been revealed that the films produced by adding deep eutectic solvent as predicted at the beginning of the study have mechanical and structural superior properties compared to other films obtained by using classical plasticizers.
In recent years, there have been technological developments in many areas around the world. These technological developments have affected and developed food and food-related fields as well as in every field. Developments related to the food industry have affected the food itself, as well as other food complementary groups. In the food industry, the packaging sector, which is not considered as food but cannot be considered separately from food, has been affected by these developments. In particular, environmental and economic approaches have drawn attention to the concept of packaging in a different way and to the aspects where packaging is insufficient. In this direction, the edible film and coating technology brings this approach to the forefront by innovatively improving various properties such as durability and aroma in food, increasing the added value, and incorporating it into the nutrient cycle due to its organic-based nature. Although edible film and coating technology is not a new technology, it has traditionally been used in many ways in the past years. The most well-known of these is the use of paraffin to increase the lifespan of fruits. Apart from traditional methods, there are many studies in the country and abroad. However, mostly traditional materials were used in the studies. The most important factor that distinguishes the study from other studies is that one of the materials used in the structure of the produced film is a deep eutectic solvent. With the use of deep eutectic solvent, it is aimed to improve the effect of other materials in the structure of the film, especially the plasticizer. In the study, in which zein protein was chosen as the base material, control films were prepared by adding PEG-400 as a plasticizer at a rate of 30% in dry matter to ethyl alcohol solution. In addition, a different plasticizer was prepared with a mixture of choline chloride solution and PEG-400 at 1:2 molar concentration. Instead of the plasticizer used from the control film, films were produced by adding this solution to the zein solution at 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% of the dry matter. The relationships between the produced films were examined and compared in terms of thickness, color, opacity, mechanical, barrier, thermal and microstructural properties. As a result, it has been revealed that the films produced by adding deep eutectic solvent as predicted at the beginning of the study have mechanical and structural superior properties compared to other films obtained by using classical plasticizers.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yenilebilir film ve kaplama, Derin ötektik çözücü, Zein, Kolin klorit, Edible film and coating, Deep eutectic solvent, Choline chloride