Yün-PET karışımlı ipliklerde lif tanım ve kompozisyonunun analitik metotlarla tespiti
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
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İplik kompozisyonda bulunan lif tanımı TS 4739 standardı ve/veya analitik cihazlarla; karışımlarının miktarsal tayini ise TS 1700, TS 4785 ve TS EN ISO 1833 standartlarında belirtilen yöntemlerle yapılmaktadır. Bu yöntemlerin yüksek maliyetli ve uzun süreçli olması, uzman iş gücü gerektirmesi, laboratuvarlar arası tekrarlanabilirliğinin düşük olması ve kullanılan kimyasalların çevreye ve insan sağlığına olan zararlı etkileri nedeniyle yeni analiz yöntemleri geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasında yün-polyester (PET) karışımlı iplik ve kumaş formundaki tekstil ürünlerinde lif tanınması ve lif kompozisyonlarının belirlenmesinde, mevcut klasik yöntemlere alternatif olacak çevre dostu, hızlı ve düşük maliyetli Diferansiyel taramalı kalorimetre (DSC) bazlı analitik bir analiz yöntemi geliştirilmiştir. DSC çalışması için %3'lük polyester lifi artışlarıyla %0'dan %100'e kadar polyester içerecek şekilde yün-polyester karışımlı 35 adetten oluşan 1 set numune hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmanın doğruluğunu arttırmak için aynı oranlarda 2. bir numune seti hazırlanarak toplam numune sayısı 70'e yükseltilmiştir. Yapılan DSC analizlerinde her bir numune için yün su çıkışı ve PET erime entalpileri değişimleri incelenmiştir. Bu değişim miktarları ile yün ve polyester lif oranları arasında doğrusal bir ilişki bulunmuş ve bu ilişki formüle edilmiştir. Bu formüllerde farklı DSC'lerdeki yan etkilerin oluşturduğu belirsizliğin azaltılmasına yönelik olarak indiyum referans malzemesi erime entalpi düzeltmesi, kat sayı olarak kullanılmıştır. Bulunan formüllerin kontrolü için, yün-polyester oranı bilinmeyen 3 farklı numune DSC ile analiz edilerek yün su çıkış ve PET erime entalpileri tespit edilmiştir. Bu değerler oluşturulan formüllere girilerek lif oranları tayin edilmiştir. Aynı numuneler bağımsız akredite 3 farklı laboratuvara gönderilerek TS ISO EN 1833-4 metoduna göre lif oran analizi yaptırılmıştır. Yapılan istatistiksel değerlendirme ile laboratuvar sonuçları ve DSC metodu sonuçları karşılaştırılmış, sonuçlar arasında %95 güven aralığında PET oranı sonuçlarında %96 benzerlik, yün oranı sonuçlarında %100 benzerlik bulunmuştur. Böylece yeni geliştirilen metodun doğru, güvenilir ve kesin sonuç verdiği kanıtlanmıştır. Geliştirilen metodun daha fazla örnekle ve daha farklı karışımlarla çalışma yapılarak pamuk-PET, viskon-PET gibi diğer lif kompozisyon oranlarının belirlenmesinde de kullanılabileceği öngörüsü yapılmıştır. Diğer analitik cihazlar olan Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) ve Termal Gravimetrik Analiz (TGA) ile benzer bir çalışmanın yapılıp yapılamayacağını görmek için de analizler yapılmıştır. FT-IR cihazı için %10'luk artışlarla PET lifi içeren 11 adet; TGA cihazı için yaklaşık %20'lik artışlarla PET lifi içeren 5 adet yün-PET karışımlı numune hazırlanmıştır. Analizler sonucunda FT-IR spektrumlarının ATR ünitesi üzerine denk gelen lif yoğunluğuna göre değiştiği görülmüş, pikler incelenerek karışım içindeki liflerin varlığı veya yokluğu tespit edilebilmiştir. Ancak numune içindeki lif dağılımının homojen olmaması nedeniyle miktarsal analiz yapılamamıştır. TGA Termogramları incelendiğinde ise karışım içindeki lif oranı değiştikçe eğrideki eğim değişiminin doğrusal olmadığı görülmüştür. Eğimdeki değişikler ile kompozisyon içindeki lif oranları arasında bir regresyon bulunmadığı için TGA ile miktarsal analize yönelik çalışma yapılamamıştır. Hem FT-IR hem TGA analizlerinin lif kompozisyonunun miktarsal analizinde kullanımının uygun olmadığı görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak lif cinsi ve miktarı tayininde karmaşık ve uzun süren klasik yöntemleri kullanmaktansa DSC gibi daha hızlı, basit ve güvenilir analitik bir yöntem kullanmanın daha verimli olduğu gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca bu yöntem kullanılarak test tekrarlanabilirliğinin arttırılması hedeflenmiştir. Geliştirilen yöntemle test, 2 gün süren klasik yöntemin aksine, numunenin hazırlanması ve cihaza yüklenmesi, cihazın analiz süresi ile birlikte maksimum 1,5 saat sürmektedir. Böylece zaman ve iş gücü tasarrufu sağlanmış, ayrıca hiçbir kimyasal kullanılmadığından kimyasal sarfı, zararı veya bertaraf problemi ortadan kaldırılmıştır.
The fiber description in the yarn composites is made with TS 4739 standard and/or analytical instruments; and the quantitative determination of the mixtures is made with the methods which specified in TS 1700, TS 4785 and TS EN ISO 1833 standards. After the publication of the TS EN ISO 1833 standard series, TS 1700 and TS 4785 have lost the update. Since the TS EN ISO 1833 standard series is prepared to include both standards, comparisons are made with this series. New analysis methods are needed to be developed due to the high cost and long process of current methods, the need for the specialized labor force, the low reproducibility between laboratories and the detrimental effects on the environment and human health of chemicals which are used. In this thesis, an environmentally friendly, fast and low-cost Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) based analytical method has been developed to identify fibers and determine fiber compositions of wool-polyester (PET) blended yarns and fabrics. In this study, firstly TS EN ISO 1833 standard was explained; the general principles of this method, the experimental setups used in quantitative fiber analysis, the steps of quantitative analysis method are explained. TS EN ISO 1833-4 standard, which describes the method of quantitative analysis of binary fiber mixtures containing wool, was then described. The problems and obstacles experienced during the application of the test method according to this standard were stated. In particular, the preparation of the sodium hypochlorite solution and the difficulty in controlling the active chlorine content were addressed. In this study, 2,8 dtex black dyed combed wool fibers and 1,44 Den polyester (PET) fibers were used. Wool and PET fibers were conditioned for 24 hours in a laboratory environment to provide standard moisture content. DSC, Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) instruments were used to test the determination of wool-PET fiber composition ratios by analytical methods. First, suitable test specimens for these devices have been prepared. For the DSC study, 35 samples of wool-polyester blends were prepared. These samples contain polyester fiber in 3% increments from 0% to 100%. To increase the accuracy of the work, the second set of samples was prepared at the same rate and the total number of samples was increased to 70. From the thermograms obtained from the DSC, the water output enthalpy of wool was calculated at the first heating, while the melting enthalpy of the PET was calculated at the second heating. In the first heating step, the output enthalpy of the water near 100°C was examined and the ratio between the change in this energy and the amount of wool was established. Because the wool contains 18% moisture and does not contain moisture in the PET structure, the water output only occurs in wool and the water output increase was observed as the amount of wool in the sample increases. Wool is a fiber that directly decomposes without melting, so the enthalpy change observed near 250°C in the second heating is due to melting of PET fiber. The ratio between this enthalpy change and the amount of PET was established. A linear relationship between the wool and polyester fiber ratios were found at the end of the DSC study and the relationship was formulated. In order to reduce the uncertainty of the side effects of the different DSCs in these formulations, the indium reference material melt enthalpy correction was used as the coefficient. For control, 3 different samples of wool-polyester ratio were analyzed by DSC and wool water output and PET melting enthalpies were determined. The fiber ratios were determined by entering these values into the formed formulas. The same samples were sent to 3 independent laboratories and subjected to fiber ratio analysis according to TS ISO EN 1833-4. The results of the laboratory and DSC methods were compared with the statistical evaluation, and the results showed 96% similarity in the 95% confidence interval. Thus, the newly developed method proved to be accurate, reliable and accurate. It was predicted that the developed method can be used in determining other fiber composition ratios such as cotton-PET, viscose-PET by working with more samples and different mixtures. Analyses were also conducted to see if a similar work could be done with other analytical instruments, FT-IR and TGA. 11 wool-PET blend samples containing PET fiber with 10% increments for FT-IR and 5 wool-PET blend samples containing PET fiber with approximately 20% increments for TGA were used. It was observed in FT-IR spectra that the peaks changed as the fiber composition ratios changed. Through the presence and absence of the peaks, comments on the fiber description in the composition could be made, but no information was available to make a quantitative analysis. In the FT-IR measurements, inconsistencies were observed in the spectra as the fiber distribution in the sample was not homogeneous. How the fiber distribution at the corresponding portion of the ATR is, the device gave its spectrum and did not give the spectrum of the general mixture. For this reason, no study for quantitative analysis according to FT-IR data was made. In TGA study, it was concluded that the ratio change was difficult to calculate from the mass change. There was no regression analysis between the changes in the fibers and the fiber ratios in the composition, so no study on quantitative analysis with TGA was made. It has been found that the use of both FT-IR and TGA analyses in quantitative analysis of fiber composition is not appropriate. As a result, it has been observed that it is more efficient to use faster, simpler and more reliable analytical method such as DSC ?when using complex and long-standing classical methods for determining fiber quality and quantity. It is also aimed to increase the test reproducibility using this method. Unlike the conventional analytical method, which takes 2 days, preparation of the sample and loading of the device takes a maximum of 1,5 hours with the analysis time of the device. This new method saves time and labor?, and since no chemicals are used, the problem of chemical consumption, environmental and health damage or chemical disposal has been removed.
The fiber description in the yarn composites is made with TS 4739 standard and/or analytical instruments; and the quantitative determination of the mixtures is made with the methods which specified in TS 1700, TS 4785 and TS EN ISO 1833 standards. After the publication of the TS EN ISO 1833 standard series, TS 1700 and TS 4785 have lost the update. Since the TS EN ISO 1833 standard series is prepared to include both standards, comparisons are made with this series. New analysis methods are needed to be developed due to the high cost and long process of current methods, the need for the specialized labor force, the low reproducibility between laboratories and the detrimental effects on the environment and human health of chemicals which are used. In this thesis, an environmentally friendly, fast and low-cost Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) based analytical method has been developed to identify fibers and determine fiber compositions of wool-polyester (PET) blended yarns and fabrics. In this study, firstly TS EN ISO 1833 standard was explained; the general principles of this method, the experimental setups used in quantitative fiber analysis, the steps of quantitative analysis method are explained. TS EN ISO 1833-4 standard, which describes the method of quantitative analysis of binary fiber mixtures containing wool, was then described. The problems and obstacles experienced during the application of the test method according to this standard were stated. In particular, the preparation of the sodium hypochlorite solution and the difficulty in controlling the active chlorine content were addressed. In this study, 2,8 dtex black dyed combed wool fibers and 1,44 Den polyester (PET) fibers were used. Wool and PET fibers were conditioned for 24 hours in a laboratory environment to provide standard moisture content. DSC, Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) instruments were used to test the determination of wool-PET fiber composition ratios by analytical methods. First, suitable test specimens for these devices have been prepared. For the DSC study, 35 samples of wool-polyester blends were prepared. These samples contain polyester fiber in 3% increments from 0% to 100%. To increase the accuracy of the work, the second set of samples was prepared at the same rate and the total number of samples was increased to 70. From the thermograms obtained from the DSC, the water output enthalpy of wool was calculated at the first heating, while the melting enthalpy of the PET was calculated at the second heating. In the first heating step, the output enthalpy of the water near 100°C was examined and the ratio between the change in this energy and the amount of wool was established. Because the wool contains 18% moisture and does not contain moisture in the PET structure, the water output only occurs in wool and the water output increase was observed as the amount of wool in the sample increases. Wool is a fiber that directly decomposes without melting, so the enthalpy change observed near 250°C in the second heating is due to melting of PET fiber. The ratio between this enthalpy change and the amount of PET was established. A linear relationship between the wool and polyester fiber ratios were found at the end of the DSC study and the relationship was formulated. In order to reduce the uncertainty of the side effects of the different DSCs in these formulations, the indium reference material melt enthalpy correction was used as the coefficient. For control, 3 different samples of wool-polyester ratio were analyzed by DSC and wool water output and PET melting enthalpies were determined. The fiber ratios were determined by entering these values into the formed formulas. The same samples were sent to 3 independent laboratories and subjected to fiber ratio analysis according to TS ISO EN 1833-4. The results of the laboratory and DSC methods were compared with the statistical evaluation, and the results showed 96% similarity in the 95% confidence interval. Thus, the newly developed method proved to be accurate, reliable and accurate. It was predicted that the developed method can be used in determining other fiber composition ratios such as cotton-PET, viscose-PET by working with more samples and different mixtures. Analyses were also conducted to see if a similar work could be done with other analytical instruments, FT-IR and TGA. 11 wool-PET blend samples containing PET fiber with 10% increments for FT-IR and 5 wool-PET blend samples containing PET fiber with approximately 20% increments for TGA were used. It was observed in FT-IR spectra that the peaks changed as the fiber composition ratios changed. Through the presence and absence of the peaks, comments on the fiber description in the composition could be made, but no information was available to make a quantitative analysis. In the FT-IR measurements, inconsistencies were observed in the spectra as the fiber distribution in the sample was not homogeneous. How the fiber distribution at the corresponding portion of the ATR is, the device gave its spectrum and did not give the spectrum of the general mixture. For this reason, no study for quantitative analysis according to FT-IR data was made. In TGA study, it was concluded that the ratio change was difficult to calculate from the mass change. There was no regression analysis between the changes in the fibers and the fiber ratios in the composition, so no study on quantitative analysis with TGA was made. It has been found that the use of both FT-IR and TGA analyses in quantitative analysis of fiber composition is not appropriate. As a result, it has been observed that it is more efficient to use faster, simpler and more reliable analytical method such as DSC ?when using complex and long-standing classical methods for determining fiber quality and quantity. It is also aimed to increase the test reproducibility using this method. Unlike the conventional analytical method, which takes 2 days, preparation of the sample and loading of the device takes a maximum of 1,5 hours with the analysis time of the device. This new method saves time and labor?, and since no chemicals are used, the problem of chemical consumption, environmental and health damage or chemical disposal has been removed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Polimer Bilim ve Teknolojisi, Polymer Science and Technology, Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering, DSC =, Differensiyel tarama kalorimetresi, Differential scanning calorimetry, Kantitatif analiz, Quantitative analysis, Karışım ipliği, Blend yarn, Karışım oranları, Mixture rates, Poliester kumaşlar, Polyester fabrics, Poliester lif, Polyester fibre, Yün iplik, Worsted, Yünlü kumaşlar, Wool fabrics