Havayolu ulaşımında yolcu tercihlerini etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi
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BTÜ, Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde, havayolu işletmeleri, sivil havacılık sektöründe yer alan rakipleriyle rekabet edebilmek ve sektörde daha iyi bir konuma sahip olabilmek için, hava yolculuğunu tercih eden bireylerin beklentilerini mevcut ürün ve kaynaklarla karşılayacak bir hizmet anlayışından öte, teknolojinin de desteğiyle çok daha yenilikçi ve farklı stratejilerle hizmet verme ve ürün sunma anlayışı içine girmişlerdir. Ancak, yolcunun memnuniyetinin ve sadakatinin sağlanmasına yönelik havayolları tarafından yürütülen tüm bu faaliyetler, yolcular tarafından farklı değerlendirmelerle ve tercihlerle karşılık bulabilmektedir. Havacılık sektörü, tüm dünyada çok hızlı değişim ve gelişim geçiren sektörlerden birisidir. Gerek teknolojik gerekse hizmet anlayışı açısından, sürekli iyileştirmeye gidilmeyi gerektirmektedir. Ancak, havacılık sektöründe işletme giderleri, bakım ve onarım masrafları yüksek olduğundan; böylesine yüksek sermaye gerektiren bir sektördeki karlılık oranı oldukça düşüktür. Artan rekabet, teknolojik gelişmeler, gelişmiş ülkelerde pazarın doyması ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde halkın, gelişmiş ülkelerin yaşam seviyesinde tüketim alışkanlıklarına ilgi göstermesi, havayolu işletmeciliğinde yeni hizmetlere gereksinim duyulmasını artırmıştır. Havayolu işletmelerinin, mevcut ve potansiyel yolcu beklentilerini tespit etmek ve onların havayolu tercihlerine ne şekilde etki edebileceklerini araştırmak amacıyla farklı stratejiler ortaya koyulduğu görülmektedir. Ancak, çoğunlukla geniş çerçevede yapılan bu değerlendirmeler, yolcuların havayolu ile seyahatlerinden beklentisini, bireysel önceliklerini tespit etmek ve onların memnuniyet düzeyini ölçebilmek açısından yetersiz kalabilmektedir. Bu çalışmayla elde edilen veriler sayesinde, havayolu işletmelerinin hizmet sağlayacağı yolcularının değişik demografik özelliklerine göre talep ve beklentilerin neler olabileceği hakkında genel bir kanıya varılabilmesinin mümkün olabileceği, yolcularının tercih nedenlerini anlamalarını kolaylaştıracağı ve onların memnuniyet düzeylerini artıracak "kişiye özel hizmet" stratejileri geliştirme konusunda bilgi sağlayacaktır. Bu çalışmada temel amaç, havayolunu tercih eden yolcuların seyahat ederken havayolu şirketi seçimlerinde neleri dikkate aldıklarını ve bu seçimlerde etken olan parametleri analiz etmektir. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuca göre, farklı demografik özellikteki yolcuların beklentilerinin neler olabileceğini önceden tahmin edilebilecek ve yolcuların demografik olarak kategorize edilmesiyle, tercih nedenleri açısından yolcu için öncelikli olan faktörlere daha fazla özen göstererek yolcu memnuniyeti ve sadakati sağlanacaktır. Bir havayolunun demografik unsurlara bağlı olarak yolcu üzerinde genelleme yapmasının ve pazarlama tekniklerini buna göre uygulayarak yolcu kazanmasının mümkün olduğu düşünülmektedir. Yapılan bu çalışmayla elde edilen veriler sayesinde, havayolu işletmelerinin hizmet sağlayacağı yolcularının değişik demografik özelliklerine göre talep ve beklentilerin neler olabileceği hakkında genel bir kanıya ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca bu çalışmayla yolcuların tercih nedenlerini anlamalarını kolaylaştıracak ve onların memnuniyet düzeylerini artıracak "kişiye özel hizmet" stratejileri geliştirme konusunda bilgi verecektir.
Today, in order to compete with their competitors in the civil aviation sector and to have a better position in the sector, airline companies provide services with much more innovative and different strategies with the support of technology, beyond a service understanding that will meet the expectations of individuals who prefer air travel with existing products and resources. and have entered into a product offering approach However, all these activities carried out by the airlines to ensure the satisfaction and loyalty of the passengers can be met with different evaluations and preferences by the passengers. The aviation sector is one of the sectors that undergoes rapid change and development all over the world. It requires continuous improvement in terms of both technology and service understanding. However, since operating costs, maintenance and repair costs are high in the aviation sector; The rate of profitability in a sector that requires such a high capital is very low. Increasing competition, technological developments, saturation of the market in developed countries and the interest of the people in developing countries to the consumption habits of developed countries increased the need for new services in airline business. It is seen that different strategies have been put forward in order to determine the current and potential passenger expectations of the airline companies and to investigate how they can affect their airline preferences. However, these evaluations, which are mostly made within a broad framework, may be insufficient in terms of determining the expectations of the passengers from their air travel, determining their individual priorities and measuring their satisfaction level. Thanks to the data obtained from this study, it will be possible to reach a general conclusion about the demands and expectations of the passengers to whom they will serve, according to the different demographic characteristics of the airline companies, it will provide information on the development of "personalized service" strategies that will make it easier for passengers to understand their reasons for preference and increase their satisfaction level. The main purpose of this study is to analyze what passengers who prefer airline take into account in their airline selection while traveling, and to analyze the parameters that affect these choices. According to the result of the research, it can be predicted what the expectations of the passengers with different demographic characteristics might be, and by categorizing the passengers as demographic, passenger satisfaction and loyalty will be ensured by paying more attention to the factors that are priority for the passengers in terms of preference reasons. It is thought that it is possible for an airline to generalize based on demographic factors and to gain passengers by applying marketing techniques accordingly. Thanks to the data obtained from this study, it has been tried to reach a general opinion about what the demands and expectations might be according to the different demographic characteristics of the passengers that airline companies will provide service to. In addition, this study will provide information on developing "personalized service" strategies that will make it easier for passengers to understand their reasons for preference and increase their satisfaction level.
Today, in order to compete with their competitors in the civil aviation sector and to have a better position in the sector, airline companies provide services with much more innovative and different strategies with the support of technology, beyond a service understanding that will meet the expectations of individuals who prefer air travel with existing products and resources. and have entered into a product offering approach However, all these activities carried out by the airlines to ensure the satisfaction and loyalty of the passengers can be met with different evaluations and preferences by the passengers. The aviation sector is one of the sectors that undergoes rapid change and development all over the world. It requires continuous improvement in terms of both technology and service understanding. However, since operating costs, maintenance and repair costs are high in the aviation sector; The rate of profitability in a sector that requires such a high capital is very low. Increasing competition, technological developments, saturation of the market in developed countries and the interest of the people in developing countries to the consumption habits of developed countries increased the need for new services in airline business. It is seen that different strategies have been put forward in order to determine the current and potential passenger expectations of the airline companies and to investigate how they can affect their airline preferences. However, these evaluations, which are mostly made within a broad framework, may be insufficient in terms of determining the expectations of the passengers from their air travel, determining their individual priorities and measuring their satisfaction level. Thanks to the data obtained from this study, it will be possible to reach a general conclusion about the demands and expectations of the passengers to whom they will serve, according to the different demographic characteristics of the airline companies, it will provide information on the development of "personalized service" strategies that will make it easier for passengers to understand their reasons for preference and increase their satisfaction level. The main purpose of this study is to analyze what passengers who prefer airline take into account in their airline selection while traveling, and to analyze the parameters that affect these choices. According to the result of the research, it can be predicted what the expectations of the passengers with different demographic characteristics might be, and by categorizing the passengers as demographic, passenger satisfaction and loyalty will be ensured by paying more attention to the factors that are priority for the passengers in terms of preference reasons. It is thought that it is possible for an airline to generalize based on demographic factors and to gain passengers by applying marketing techniques accordingly. Thanks to the data obtained from this study, it has been tried to reach a general opinion about what the demands and expectations might be according to the different demographic characteristics of the passengers that airline companies will provide service to. In addition, this study will provide information on developing "personalized service" strategies that will make it easier for passengers to understand their reasons for preference and increase their satisfaction level.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sivil Havacılık, Civil Aviation