Kazdağı Milli Parkı'nın büyük memeli türleri
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye'nin önemli korunan alanlarından biri olan Kazdağı Milli Parkı içerisinde yürütülen bu çalışma kapsamında, Ocak 2020-Kasım 2020 tarihleri arasında, 18 farklı noktada kurulan, 13 adet fotokapan ile Milli Park içerisinde yayılış gösteren büyük memeli türlerin tespiti gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada amaç, mevcutta bulunan fotokapanlar ile Milli Parkın mümkün olduğunca fazla alanında izleme yapabilmektir. Kazdağı Milli Parkı Master Plan haritası üzerinde 4 km²'lik gridler oluşturularak, fotokapan kurulumu için Milli Park bölümlere ayrılmıştır. Alan içerisinde yaban hayvanı izleri tespit edilerek ve sistematik yöntemle kurulan fotokapanlar ile toplamda 1562 fotokapan gün değerine ulaşılmıştır. Çalışma alanından 7985 adet büyük memeli görüntüsü elde edilmiş olup, bunlardan 1493 adedi veri sağlamakta kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, Kazdağı Milli Parkı içerisinde yayılış gösterdiği tespit edilen 7 familyaya ait 9 büyük memeli türünün varlığı fotoğraflar ile ortaya konulmuştur. Alanda varlığı tespit edilen türler; karaca (Capreolus capreolus), yaban domuzu (Sus scrofa), yaban kedisi (Felis sylvestris), çakal (Canis aureus), porsuk (Meles meles), sansar (Martes spp.), yaban tavşanı (Lepus europaeus), tilki (Vulpes vulpes), bozayı (Ursus arctos)'dır. Tespit edilen türlerden en fazla görüntülenen tür, 834 görüntü ile yaban domuzu; en az görüntülenen tür ise 7 görüntü ile yaban kedisi olmuştur. Çalışmalar sırasında elde edilen büyük memeli görüntü sayılarına bakılarak, memeli türlerinin populasyonları için nadir, orta ve yaygın şeklinde kabaca yoğunluk bilgileri verilmiştir. Buna göre; sansar ve porsuk, kurulan fotokapanların %67'sine yakalanırken; bozayı %72'sine, çakal ve tilki %78'ine, yaban tavşanı %50'sine, yaban kedisi ise % 33'ine yakalanmıştır. Alanda önceki yıllarda yaşadığı belirtilen Canis lupus, Lynx lynx ve Hyaena hyaena türlerine ait herhangi bir kayıt elde edilememiştir. Çalışma süresince alandaki varlığı tespit edilen büyük memeli türlerinin gün içindeki aktiviteleri, fotokapanlarda görüntülenme sıklıkları, üçer aylık periyotlardaki aktiviteleri ve türlerin alandaki dağılımı ortaya konmuştur. Çalışma alanındaki büyük memelilerin elde edilen kayıtlarına göre gün içindeki aktivasyonları, yıl içerisinde alınan toplam kayıtlar baz alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler kapsamında bozayı, tilki, yaban kedisi, porsuk ve sansar türlerinin en aktif olduğu zaman dilimi 20:00-00:00, çakal, karaca ve tavşan türlerinin en aktif olduğu zaman dilimi 05:00-11:00, yaban domuzunun en aktif olduğu zaman dilimi ise 17:00-20:00 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışma ile fotokapana yakalanma sıklığına ve sahadaki dışkı, iz vb. gözlemlerine göre türlere ait yoğunluk verileri şu şekilde değerlendirilmiştir; Yabandomuzu ve Karaca yaygın, Bozayı, Çakal ve Tilki orta, Yaban tavşanı, Porsuk, sansar ve Yaban kedisi ise nadirdir.
The scope of this study was carried out in Kazdagi National Park, an important protected area in Turkey. Between January 2020 and November 2020, 13 camera-traps were set up in 18 different points which were used to detect large animal species. The aim of this study is to make monitoring in as many areas of the National Park as possible with the existing camera-traps. The National Park has been divided into sections for the installation of camera-traps by creating 4 km² grids on the map of Kazdağı National Park Master Plan. A total of 1562 camera-trap days were achieved by using a systematic set-up method which detected traces of wild animals. Of the 7985 large mammal images obtained, 1493 images were used to provide data. As a result of the study, the distribution of 10 large mammal species, belonging to 7 families were photographed in Kazdagi National Park. The species identified in the area included:, roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), wild cat (Felis sylvestris), golden jackal (Canis aureus), badger (Meles meles), marten (Martes spp.), european hare (Lepus europaeus), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), brown bear (Ursus arctos). Among the detected species, the most viewed was the wild boar with 834 images. The least viewed species was the wild cat with 7 images. Density information was given roughly for populations of mammal species in the form of rare, medium and common by looking at the number of large mammal images obtained during the studies. According to this, while marten and badger were caught in 67% of the camera-traps installed; brown bear was caught in 72%, jackal and red fox in 78%, european hare in 50% and wild cat in 33%. No records of the Canis lupus, Lynx lynx and Hyaena hyaena were found in the area despite their presence in the previous years. In this study, the activities of large mammal species in the area during the day, the frequency of capture in the camera-traps, the activities in three-month periods, and the distribution of each species in the area are revealed. According to the records obtained of large mammals in the study area, their activation during the day was evaluated based on the total records received during the year. Within the scope of the data obtained, the most active time of the brown bear, red fox, wild cat, badger and marten species has been identified as 20:00-00:00. The most active timezone of the species of golden jackal, roe deer and european hare has been determined as 05:00-11:00 whereas the most active timezone of the wild boar is 17:00-20:00. With this study, the frequency of being caught in the camera-trap and according to observations of the feces, traces, etc. in the field, the density data of the species were evaluated as follows; wild boar and roe deer are common; brown bear, golden jackal and red fox are medium; on the other hand european hare, badger, marten and the wild cat are rare.
The scope of this study was carried out in Kazdagi National Park, an important protected area in Turkey. Between January 2020 and November 2020, 13 camera-traps were set up in 18 different points which were used to detect large animal species. The aim of this study is to make monitoring in as many areas of the National Park as possible with the existing camera-traps. The National Park has been divided into sections for the installation of camera-traps by creating 4 km² grids on the map of Kazdağı National Park Master Plan. A total of 1562 camera-trap days were achieved by using a systematic set-up method which detected traces of wild animals. Of the 7985 large mammal images obtained, 1493 images were used to provide data. As a result of the study, the distribution of 10 large mammal species, belonging to 7 families were photographed in Kazdagi National Park. The species identified in the area included:, roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), wild cat (Felis sylvestris), golden jackal (Canis aureus), badger (Meles meles), marten (Martes spp.), european hare (Lepus europaeus), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), brown bear (Ursus arctos). Among the detected species, the most viewed was the wild boar with 834 images. The least viewed species was the wild cat with 7 images. Density information was given roughly for populations of mammal species in the form of rare, medium and common by looking at the number of large mammal images obtained during the studies. According to this, while marten and badger were caught in 67% of the camera-traps installed; brown bear was caught in 72%, jackal and red fox in 78%, european hare in 50% and wild cat in 33%. No records of the Canis lupus, Lynx lynx and Hyaena hyaena were found in the area despite their presence in the previous years. In this study, the activities of large mammal species in the area during the day, the frequency of capture in the camera-traps, the activities in three-month periods, and the distribution of each species in the area are revealed. According to the records obtained of large mammals in the study area, their activation during the day was evaluated based on the total records received during the year. Within the scope of the data obtained, the most active time of the brown bear, red fox, wild cat, badger and marten species has been identified as 20:00-00:00. The most active timezone of the species of golden jackal, roe deer and european hare has been determined as 05:00-11:00 whereas the most active timezone of the wild boar is 17:00-20:00. With this study, the frequency of being caught in the camera-trap and according to observations of the feces, traces, etc. in the field, the density data of the species were evaluated as follows; wild boar and roe deer are common; brown bear, golden jackal and red fox are medium; on the other hand european hare, badger, marten and the wild cat are rare.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kaz Mountain, Memeli hayvanlar, Kaz Dağı, Milli parklar, National parks