Kirlenmiş topraklardan tekstil boyarmaddesinin elektrooksidasyon ile giderimi
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Tekstil boyar maddeleri birçok sektörde kullanılmaktadır. Çözünürlüğü yüksek boyalar, zengin parlak renk içeriği ve uygulama kolaylığı nedeniyle tekstil boyamada birçok açıdan uygun görülmektedir. Tekstil endüstrisinin farklı üretim aşamalarında büyük miktarlarda su, sentetik boyalar, farklı özelliklerde kimyasal kullanılmaktadır ve üretim faaliyetlerinden kaynaklanan atıksuyun alıcı ortama deşarjı sonucunda sucul ekosistemlere ve toprağa ulaşır. Deşarj ortamında bulunan atık boyaların bir kısmı ışık geçirgenliğini azaltır, fotosentez faaliyetlerini engeller ve ötrofikasyona neden olur. Ayrıca su kütlelerinde zehirli ve mutojenik boyar maddelerin bulunması sucul yaşamı olumsuz etkilemektedir. Ayrıca boyar maddelerin bir kısmı ise toprağa karışarak kirliliğe neden olur. Kirlenmiş toprakların arıtımında birçok farklı yöntem kullanılmaktadır. Günümüzde elektrokimyasal teknolojiler, kirleticileri gidermek için laboratuvar ve pilot ölçekte yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bor katkılı elmas (BDD) elektrotlar, çözünür redoks sistemleri için hızlı elektron transfer oranları ve oksidasyon reaksiyonları için geniş bir elektrokimyasal potansiyel penceresi gibi üstün özelliklerinden dolayı sulu ortamlarda doğal ve sentetik kirletici giderimi için verimli malzemeler olarak kabul edilmektedir. Boyar maddelerin topraktan giderimi biyolojik ve fizikokimyasal yöntemlerle sağlanabiliyor olsa da; ikincil bir kirletici oluşturmaması, kullanım kolaylığı, yüksek giderim verimliliği ve parçalanması zor olan organik kirleticileri tamamen karbondioksite mineralize etmesi nedeniyle bu çalışmada elektrooksidasyon yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada Reactive black 5 (RB5) boya çözeltisinden BDD anot elektrot kullanılarak elektrooksidasyon reaktör sisteminde kirlenmiş topraklardan tekstil boyarmaddesinin renk giderimi araştırıldı. Çalışmada, boyarmadde (1), kum-boyarmadde (2), kum-torf-toprak-boyarmadde (3) olmak üzere 3 farklı ortam oluşturularak boyar madde giderimleri incelendi. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda yüksek akım (0,04A) uygulandığında her 3 ortamdada boyarmadde gideriminin bir birine yakın oranda (%87 (1), %90 (2), %84 (3)) giderildiği ancak düşük akım (0,005A) uygulandığında 2 ve 3 nolu ortamlardan boyarmaddenin daha iyi oranda (%41 (1), %72 (2), %62 (3)) giderildiği tespit edildi. Düşük akım yoğunluğunda özellikle dolgunun kullanılmadığı (1) nolu reaktör ile dolgunun kullanıldığı diğer reaktörler (2),(3) arasındaki bu verim farkı, dolgulu reaktörlerdeki dolgu maddesinden (kum, toprak) gelebilecek Cl gibi bazı reaktif ajanların endirekt elektrooksidasyona neden olup verimi artırmasına bağlandı.
Textile dyestuffs are used in many sectors. Due to its high soluble dyes, rich bright color content and ease of application, it is considered suitable for textile dyeing in many respects. Large amounts of water, synthetic dyes, chemicals with different properties are used in different production stages of the textile industry, and as a result of the discharge of wastewater from production activities to the receiving environment, it reaches aquatic ecosystems and soil. Some of the waste dyes in the discharge environment reduce the light transmittance, prevent photosynthesis activities, and cause eutrophication. In addition, the presence of toxic and mutagenic dyestuffs in water bodies negatively affects aquatic life. In addition, some of the dyestuffs mix with the soil and cause pollution. Many different methods are used in the treatment of contaminated soils. Today, electrochemical technologies are widely used in laboratory and pilot scale to remove contaminants. Boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes are considered efficient materials for natural and synthetic pollutant removal in aqueous media due to their superior properties such as fast electron transfer rates for soluble redox systems and a wide electrochemical potential window for oxidation reactions. Although the removal of dyestuffs from the soil can be achieved by biological and physicochemical methods; Electrooxidation method was preferred in this study because it does not create a secondary pollutant, is easy to use, has high removal efficiency and completely mineralizes organic pollutants that are difficult to decompose into carbon dioxide. In this study, the color removal of textile dyestuff from polluted soils in the electrooxidation reactor system was investigated by using BDD anode electrode from Reactive black 5 (RB5) dye solution. In the study, dyestuff removal was investigated by creating three different media: dyestuff (1), sand- dyestuff (2), sand-peat-soil- dyestuff (3). As a result of the study, when high current (0.04A) is applied, dyestuff removal rate is close to each other (87% (1), 90% (2), 84% (3)) in all 3 environments, but when low current (0.005A) is applied, 2 and 3 It was determined that the dyestuff was removed at a better rate (41% (1), 72% (2), 62% (3)) from media no. At low current density, this efficiency difference between the reactor no. (1), where the filler is not used, and the other reactors (2), (3) where the filler is used, was attributed to the fact that some reactive agents such as Cl, which may come from the filler (sand, soil) in the filled reactors, cause indirect electrooxidation and increase the efficiency.
Textile dyestuffs are used in many sectors. Due to its high soluble dyes, rich bright color content and ease of application, it is considered suitable for textile dyeing in many respects. Large amounts of water, synthetic dyes, chemicals with different properties are used in different production stages of the textile industry, and as a result of the discharge of wastewater from production activities to the receiving environment, it reaches aquatic ecosystems and soil. Some of the waste dyes in the discharge environment reduce the light transmittance, prevent photosynthesis activities, and cause eutrophication. In addition, the presence of toxic and mutagenic dyestuffs in water bodies negatively affects aquatic life. In addition, some of the dyestuffs mix with the soil and cause pollution. Many different methods are used in the treatment of contaminated soils. Today, electrochemical technologies are widely used in laboratory and pilot scale to remove contaminants. Boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes are considered efficient materials for natural and synthetic pollutant removal in aqueous media due to their superior properties such as fast electron transfer rates for soluble redox systems and a wide electrochemical potential window for oxidation reactions. Although the removal of dyestuffs from the soil can be achieved by biological and physicochemical methods; Electrooxidation method was preferred in this study because it does not create a secondary pollutant, is easy to use, has high removal efficiency and completely mineralizes organic pollutants that are difficult to decompose into carbon dioxide. In this study, the color removal of textile dyestuff from polluted soils in the electrooxidation reactor system was investigated by using BDD anode electrode from Reactive black 5 (RB5) dye solution. In the study, dyestuff removal was investigated by creating three different media: dyestuff (1), sand- dyestuff (2), sand-peat-soil- dyestuff (3). As a result of the study, when high current (0.04A) is applied, dyestuff removal rate is close to each other (87% (1), 90% (2), 84% (3)) in all 3 environments, but when low current (0.005A) is applied, 2 and 3 It was determined that the dyestuff was removed at a better rate (41% (1), 72% (2), 62% (3)) from media no. At low current density, this efficiency difference between the reactor no. (1), where the filler is not used, and the other reactors (2), (3) where the filler is used, was attributed to the fact that some reactive agents such as Cl, which may come from the filler (sand, soil) in the filled reactors, cause indirect electrooxidation and increase the efficiency.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Toprak Kirliliği, Elektrooksidasyon, Boyar madde, Soil Pollution, Electrooxidation, Dyestuff