Bazı duvar materyalleri ve enkapsülasyon tekniklerinin zeytin yaprağı ekstraktının mikroenkapsülasyonu üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada günümüzde henüz endüstriyel olarak kullanılamayan ve bir yan ürün veya artık olarak kabul edilen zeytin yapraklarının fonksiyonel özellik gösteren bazı bileşenlerinin enkapsülasyonu amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında zeytin yaprağı ekstraktı; sodyum aljinat (%2 w/v), sodyum aljinat (%2 w/v)/jelatin (%5 w/v), sodyum aljinat (%2 w/v)/agar (%1,5 w/v) kaplama çözeltileri kullanılarak iyonik jelleşme/ekstrüzyon tekniği ile; jelatin (%5 w/v) kaplama çözeltisi kullanılarak jelleşme/emülsiyon tekniği ile enkapsüle edilmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan kaplama materyallerinin akış davranışları ve viskoziteleri incelenmiş, iyonik jelleşme yönteminde uygulanacak akış hızı ve enjeksiyon süresinin tespit edilmesi amacıyla optimizasyon işlemi gerçekleştirilmiş ve elde edilen kapsüllerin enkapsülasyon verimlilikleri, partikül boyutları, şişme hızları, in vitro salım profilleri ve antioksidan kapasiteleri belirlenmiştir. 25 °C'de 1–100 s-1 kayma hızı aralığında; jelatin ve sodyum aljinat/jelatin çözeltilerinin newtonyen, sodyum aljinat çözeltisinin psödoplastik, sodyum aljinat/agar çözeltisinin ise Herschel-Bulkley akış modeline uygun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Akış hızı ve enjeksiyon süresinin tespiti amacıyla gerçekleştirilen optimizasyon sonucunda, en yüksek enkapsülasyon etkinliği 2 mL/dk akış hızı ve 2 dk enjeksiyon süresi (%52,2±2,01) uygulandığı durumda elde edilmiştir. Jelleşme yöntemi ile jelatin kaplama çözeltisi kullanılarak elde edilen kapsüllerin enkapsülasyon verimliliğinin %98,2±0,99 olduğu; sodyum aljinat, sodyum aljinat/jelatin, sodyum aljinat/agar kaplama çözeltileri kullanılarak iyonik jelleşme yöntemi ile elde edilen kapsüllerde ise enkapsülasyon verimliliklerinin sırasıyla %48,71±1,26, %61,54±0,95, %55,7±0,60 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Jelleşme yöntemi ile elde edilen kapsüllerin ortalama hacmi 1,31±0,25 mm3; sodyum aljinat, sodyum aljinat/jelatin, sodyum aljinat/agar kaplama çözeltileri kullanılarak iyonik jelleşme yöntemiyle elde edilen kapsüllerin hacimleri ise sırasıyla 0,58±0,16 mm3, 1,39±0,35 mm3, 0,75±0,22 mm3 olarak tespit edilmiştir. En yüksek şişme hızına ve pH 1,1/pH 7,4 ortamlarında en yüksek salım hızına sahip kapsüllerin, jelleşme yöntemi ile jelatin kaplama çözeltisi kullanılarak elde edilen kapsüller olduğu saptanmıştır. Kapsüllerin antioksidan aktivitelerinin verim sonuçları ile orantılı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada zeytin yaprağı ekstraktının iyonik jelleşme ve jelleşme yöntemleri kullanılarak enkapsüle edilmesinin fenolik bileşiklerin stabilitesinin ve biyokullanılabilirliğinin arttırılmasına katkı sağlayacağı görülmüştür.
In this study, it is aimed to encapsulate some functional components of the olive leaves which not used industrially yet and considered to be a by-product or residue. In this study of thesis; olive leaf exract was encapsulated using solution of sodium alginate (2% w/v), sodium alginate (2% w/v)/gelatin (5% w/v) and sodium alginate (2% w/v)/agar (1.5% w/v) as wall material by ionic gelation/extrusion technique. In same study olive leaf extract was encapsulated using solution of gelatin (5% w/v) as wall material by gelation/emulsion technique. The flow behaviors and viscosities of the coating materials used in the thesis were investigated; the optimization process was performed in order to determine the flow rate and injection time to be applied in the ionic gealtion process and the encapsulation efficiencies, particle sizes, swelling rates, in vitro release profiles and antioxidant capacities of the obtained capsules were determined. It was found that flow behavior of gelatin and sodium alginate/gelatin materials were newtonian, flow behavior of sodium alginate material was pseudoplastic, flow behavior of sodium alginate/agar material was Herschel-Bulkley at 25 °C in the shear rate range of 1 – 100 s-1. As a result of the optimization was done for the purpose of determining the flow rate and injection time, the highest encapsulation efficiency was found when the flow rate of 2 mL/min. and 2 min. injection time (52.2±2.01%) were applied. It was determined that the encapsulation efficiency of the capsules obtained using gelation coating solution by gelation technique was 98.2±0.99%. Encapsulation efficiencies of sodium alginate, sodium alginate/gelatin and sodium alginate/agar coating solutions used in encapsulation by ionic gelation technique were determined as 48.71±1.26%, 61.54±0.95%, 55.7±0.60% respectively. It was determined that the particle size of the capsules obtained using gelation coating solution by gelation method was 1.31±0.25 mm3. Particle sizes of capsules obtained using sodium alginate, sodium alginate/gelatin and sodium alginate/agar coating solutions used in encapsulation by ionic gelation, were determined as 0.58±0.16 mm3, 1.39±0.35 mm3, 0.75±0.22 mm3 respectively. The highest swelling rate and the highest release rate in pH 1.1/pH 7.4 was obtained using the gelatin as coating solution by the gelation technique. The correlation were found between antioxidant activities and the encapsulation efficiencies of the capsules. In this study; it has been found that the encapsulation of olive leaf extract using ionic gelation and gelation techniques, will contribute to increase the stability and bioavability of the pheonolic compounds.
In this study, it is aimed to encapsulate some functional components of the olive leaves which not used industrially yet and considered to be a by-product or residue. In this study of thesis; olive leaf exract was encapsulated using solution of sodium alginate (2% w/v), sodium alginate (2% w/v)/gelatin (5% w/v) and sodium alginate (2% w/v)/agar (1.5% w/v) as wall material by ionic gelation/extrusion technique. In same study olive leaf extract was encapsulated using solution of gelatin (5% w/v) as wall material by gelation/emulsion technique. The flow behaviors and viscosities of the coating materials used in the thesis were investigated; the optimization process was performed in order to determine the flow rate and injection time to be applied in the ionic gealtion process and the encapsulation efficiencies, particle sizes, swelling rates, in vitro release profiles and antioxidant capacities of the obtained capsules were determined. It was found that flow behavior of gelatin and sodium alginate/gelatin materials were newtonian, flow behavior of sodium alginate material was pseudoplastic, flow behavior of sodium alginate/agar material was Herschel-Bulkley at 25 °C in the shear rate range of 1 – 100 s-1. As a result of the optimization was done for the purpose of determining the flow rate and injection time, the highest encapsulation efficiency was found when the flow rate of 2 mL/min. and 2 min. injection time (52.2±2.01%) were applied. It was determined that the encapsulation efficiency of the capsules obtained using gelation coating solution by gelation technique was 98.2±0.99%. Encapsulation efficiencies of sodium alginate, sodium alginate/gelatin and sodium alginate/agar coating solutions used in encapsulation by ionic gelation technique were determined as 48.71±1.26%, 61.54±0.95%, 55.7±0.60% respectively. It was determined that the particle size of the capsules obtained using gelation coating solution by gelation method was 1.31±0.25 mm3. Particle sizes of capsules obtained using sodium alginate, sodium alginate/gelatin and sodium alginate/agar coating solutions used in encapsulation by ionic gelation, were determined as 0.58±0.16 mm3, 1.39±0.35 mm3, 0.75±0.22 mm3 respectively. The highest swelling rate and the highest release rate in pH 1.1/pH 7.4 was obtained using the gelatin as coating solution by the gelation technique. The correlation were found between antioxidant activities and the encapsulation efficiencies of the capsules. In this study; it has been found that the encapsulation of olive leaf extract using ionic gelation and gelation techniques, will contribute to increase the stability and bioavability of the pheonolic compounds.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering