Antalya ilinde bulunan turizm tesislerindeki içme ve kullanma sularının mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin incelenmesi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada turizm tesislerindeki su hijyeni seviyesini ortaya koymak amacıyla Antalya'da bulunan bazı otellerde kullanılan içme ve kullanma sularının mikrobiyolojik kalitesi incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında farklı tesislerden ve tesislerin farklı noktalarından alınan su örnekleri üzerinde çalışmalar yapılmıştır. İçme ve kullanma sularının kalitesini belirlemek amacıyla toplam koliform ve E. coli analizleri için TS EN ISO 9308-1:2004 standart metoduna uyularak çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Analizler membran filtrasyon yöntemi kullanılarak çalışılmıştır. 0,45 µm gözenek aralığına sahip membran filtrasyon kağıdı ile süzme işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Filtreleme işlemi, bakterilerin filtre üzerinde eşit dağılımını sağlamak amacıyla 10 ml numune veya seyreltmeleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Süzülen numunelerin filtre kağıtları CCA besiyeri üzerine yerleştirilerek 36 ± 2 °C'de 21–24 saat inkübasyona bırakılmıştır. İnkübasyon sonucunda numunelerde oluşan koyu pembe ve mavi-koyu menekşe rengi gözlemlenen koloniler doğrulanmıştır. 2022 yılında yapılan çalışmada 270 adet numune alınarak toplam koliform bakteri ve E. coli analizleri yapılmıştır. 2022 yılında turizm tesislerinin 8 tanesinde farklı aylarda ve 29 farklı noktada toplam koliform, 1 tesiste ise sebze yıkamak için kullanılan suda E. coli üremesi görülmüştür. 2023 yılında aynı turizm tesislerinin aynı noktalarından 270 adet örnek alınarak toplam koliform ve E. coli analizleri yapılmıştır. 2023 yılında turizm tesislerinin 11 tanesinde farklı aylarda ve 53 farklı noktada toplam koliform üremesi, 3 turizm tesisinin ikisinin buz makinelerinde, diğer tesisin ise havuz bar kullanma suyunda E. coli tespit edilmiştir. Bu noktalarda elde edilen değerlerin yasal limit olan 0 kob/100 ml'yi aştığı ortaya konmuştur.
In this study, the microbiological quality of drinking and utility water used in several hotels in Antalya was examined in order to reveal the level of water hygiene in tourism facilities. Within the scope of the study, studies were carried out on water samples taken from different establishments and different points of the establishments. In order to determine the quality of drinking and utility water, studies were carried out in accordance with TS EN ISO 9308-1: 2004 standard method for total coliform and E. coli analyzes. Analyses were performed using the membrane filtration method. Filtration was performed with membrane filtration paper with a pore size of 0.45 µm. Filtration was performed using 10 ml of sample or its dilutions to ensure even distribution of bacteria on the filter. The filter papers of the filtered samples were placed on CCA medium and incubated at 36 ± 2 °C for 21-24 hours. At the end of incubation, dark pink and blue-dark violet colonies were confirmed. In the study conducted in 2022, 270 samples were taken and total coliform bacteria and E. coli were analyzed. In 2022, total coliforms were observed in 8 of the tourism facilities in different months and at 29 different points, and E. coli growth was observed in the water used for washing vegetables in 1 establishment. In 2023, 270 samples were taken from the same points of the same tourism facilities and total coliform and E. coli analyzes were performed. In 2023, total coliform growth was detected in 11 of the tourism facilities in different months and at 53 different points, and E. coli was detected in the ice machines of two of the 3 tourism facilities and in the pool bar water of one other facility. It was revealed that the values obtained at these points exceeded the legal limit of 0 cfu/100 ml.
In this study, the microbiological quality of drinking and utility water used in several hotels in Antalya was examined in order to reveal the level of water hygiene in tourism facilities. Within the scope of the study, studies were carried out on water samples taken from different establishments and different points of the establishments. In order to determine the quality of drinking and utility water, studies were carried out in accordance with TS EN ISO 9308-1: 2004 standard method for total coliform and E. coli analyzes. Analyses were performed using the membrane filtration method. Filtration was performed with membrane filtration paper with a pore size of 0.45 µm. Filtration was performed using 10 ml of sample or its dilutions to ensure even distribution of bacteria on the filter. The filter papers of the filtered samples were placed on CCA medium and incubated at 36 ± 2 °C for 21-24 hours. At the end of incubation, dark pink and blue-dark violet colonies were confirmed. In the study conducted in 2022, 270 samples were taken and total coliform bacteria and E. coli were analyzed. In 2022, total coliforms were observed in 8 of the tourism facilities in different months and at 29 different points, and E. coli growth was observed in the water used for washing vegetables in 1 establishment. In 2023, 270 samples were taken from the same points of the same tourism facilities and total coliform and E. coli analyzes were performed. In 2023, total coliform growth was detected in 11 of the tourism facilities in different months and at 53 different points, and E. coli was detected in the ice machines of two of the 3 tourism facilities and in the pool bar water of one other facility. It was revealed that the values obtained at these points exceeded the legal limit of 0 cfu/100 ml.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering