İstihbarat yönetiminin geleceğinde özel istihbarat şirketlerin rolünün analizi
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İstihbarat yaşanan zamanın şartlarına uygun olarak geliştirilen bilinmezliğe karşı önceden tedbir almak, muhtemel sorunlarla mücadele etmek ve yön vermek için elde edilen verinin akıl, zekâ süzgecinden geçerek ortaya çıkarılmasıyla elde edilen üründür. Literatürde istihbarat akıl, zekâ, anlayış, malûmat, vukuf, işitilen, alınan, toplanan haberler ve bilgiler olarak tarif edilmektedir. Ancak teknik olarak incelediğimizde istihbarat kelimesinin kapsamı ham bilgilerin işlenmesi, tasnif, kıymetlendirme, yorum ve analiz sonucu üretilen ürün şeklindedir. Bu ürün plânlama, araştırma, deliller toplama, çeşitli aklî ve tecrübî ilmî metotlar ile onları değerlendirip bir sonuç istihsal edilmesi ve en uygun kullanma yöntemini içine alan faaliyetler bütününden oluşur. Soğuk Savaş döneminin bitmesi ve 11 Eylül saldırılarından sonra uluslararası arenada güvenlik ve istihbarat alanında önemli değişimler yaşanmıştır. Reel politik düşüncenin etkisi ile devletlerin hâkimiyet ve varlıklarını sürdürme mücadelesinde asli görevi olan güvenlik ve istihbarat alanında yaşanan teknolojik gelişmelerin hız kazanması ve hegemon devletlerin kamufle stratejileri istihbarat yönetiminde değişimleri ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu değişimlerin en önemlilerinden biri devletlerin küresel ölçekte etkili olan özel istihbarat şirketlerini kullanmaya başlamalarıdır. Özel istihbarat şirketlerin kullanılmasındaki artış ve yaşanan durumlar uluslararası ilişkilerde yeni bir tartışmayı da beraberinde getirmiştir. İstihbarat yönetiminde özel şirketlerin kullanılmasının devletlere etkileri ve hizmet verdikleri bölgelerdeki uygulamaları sorgulanır hale gelmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) ve Rusya Federasyonun (RF) istihbarat sistemleri ve bu devletlerle ilintili uluslararası alanda ön plana çıkan özel şirketleri ele alınmak suretiyle, reel politik paradigma kapsamında özel istihbarat şirketlerinin istihbaratın geleceğindeki rolü analiz edilmiştir.
Intelligence is a product that is developed in accordance with the conditions of the time, and obtained by revealing the data obtained in order to take precautionary measures against the unknown, to combat possible problems and to give direction, by passing through the intelligence filter. In the literature, intelligence is defined as mind, intelligence, understanding, knowledge, insight, heard, received, collected news and information. However, when we examine it technically, the scope of the word intelligence is the product produced as a result of processing raw information, classification, evaluation, interpretation and analysis. This product consists of all the activities that include planning, research, collecting evidence, evaluating them with various mental and experiential scientific methods, producing a result and using the most appropriate method. After the end of the Cold War period and the September 11 attacks, important changes have occurred in the field of security and intelligence in the international arena. With the effect of real political thought, the acceleration of technological developments in the field of security and intelligence, which is the main task of states in the struggle to dominate and maintain their existence, and the camouflage strategies of hegemonic states have revealed changes in intelligence management. One of the most important of these changes is that states have started to use private intelligence companies that are effective on a global scale. The increase in the use of private intelligence companies and the situations experienced have brought a new discussion in international relations. The effects of the use of private companies in intelligence management on the states and their practices in the regions they serve have become questionable. As a result, in this study, the role of private intelligence companies in the future of intelligence was analyzed within the scope of the realpolitik paradigm, by considering the intelligence systems of the United States (USA) and the Russian Federation (RF) and the internationally prominent private companies associated with these states.
Intelligence is a product that is developed in accordance with the conditions of the time, and obtained by revealing the data obtained in order to take precautionary measures against the unknown, to combat possible problems and to give direction, by passing through the intelligence filter. In the literature, intelligence is defined as mind, intelligence, understanding, knowledge, insight, heard, received, collected news and information. However, when we examine it technically, the scope of the word intelligence is the product produced as a result of processing raw information, classification, evaluation, interpretation and analysis. This product consists of all the activities that include planning, research, collecting evidence, evaluating them with various mental and experiential scientific methods, producing a result and using the most appropriate method. After the end of the Cold War period and the September 11 attacks, important changes have occurred in the field of security and intelligence in the international arena. With the effect of real political thought, the acceleration of technological developments in the field of security and intelligence, which is the main task of states in the struggle to dominate and maintain their existence, and the camouflage strategies of hegemonic states have revealed changes in intelligence management. One of the most important of these changes is that states have started to use private intelligence companies that are effective on a global scale. The increase in the use of private intelligence companies and the situations experienced have brought a new discussion in international relations. The effects of the use of private companies in intelligence management on the states and their practices in the regions they serve have become questionable. As a result, in this study, the role of private intelligence companies in the future of intelligence was analyzed within the scope of the realpolitik paradigm, by considering the intelligence systems of the United States (USA) and the Russian Federation (RF) and the internationally prominent private companies associated with these states.
Anahtar Kelimeler
ABD, RF, Güvenlik, İstihbarat, Reel Politik, USA, RF, Security, Intelligence, Real Politics