Optoelektronikte kullanılan tel bağlamanın geliştirilmesi ve güvenilirliği
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Tel bağlama endüstrisi elektronik ve optoelektronik cihazların üretiminde ve montajında yaygın olarak kullanılan bir süreçtir. Bu endüstri yarıiletken üretimi, mikro elektronik montaj, otomotiv elektroniği, tüketici elektroniği, telekomünikasyon, sağlık sektörü, savunma ve uzay teknolojileri gibi birçok uygulama alanını kapsar. Bu kapsama alanına giren lazer diyot, LED, güneş pili, lidar gibi birçok cihaz örnek olarak verilebilir. Güvenilirlik her alanda olduğu gibi optoelektronikte tel bağlamada da karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu noktada bağlanan tellerin güvenilirliğinin önemi hem prestij hem de ileriye yönelik hataların önüne geçmesi açısından avantaj sağlamaktadır. Bu tezde yapılan çalışmalar tel bağlama yönteminin geliştirilmesi ve güvenilirliğinin optimizasyonu üzerinedir Çalışmada Au tel ve Au bağlanma yüzeyi, yani Au-Au metalurjisi kullanılarak 25 ve 33 µm çapa sahip teller üzerinde bağlantılar termosonik bilye bağlama yöntemiyle tam otomatik tel bağlama cihazında gerçekleştirildi. 170 °C tabla sıcaklığı ve 22 ms bağlama süresi sabit tutulup bağlama gücü ve bağlama telinin çapı değiştirilerek, tutunma mukavemetine etkisi MIL-STD-883K metot 2011.9 standardı referans alınarak bağlanan bütün tellere tek tek tel çekme testleri uygulanıp sonuçları değerlendirildi. Detaylı optik mikroskop ve SEM görüntüleri alındı. Hata mekanizmalarının analizleri ve karşılaştırmaları yapıldı. 25 µm çapa sahip altın tel için en iyi bağlanmanın 30 ve 40 g bağlanma gücünde olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bağlanma gücünün 30 g olarak uygulandığı çalışmada çekme testi sonucunun ortalaması 11,36 gf bulunmuştur. 40 uygulanan bağlanma gücünde ise 11,53 gf çekme testi sonucu elde edilmiştir. Çekme testleri sonucunda çıkan hata nedenleri çeşitli görüntüleme teknikleriyle incelendi. Yapılan analiz ve karşılaştırmalarda en iyi bağlanmanın 30-40 g bağlanma gücünde elde edildiği gözlenmiştir. Bağlanma hatalarına çok düşük ve çok yüksek uygulanan güçlerde karşılaşılmıştır. Özellikle çok yüksek uygulanan bağlanma güçlerinde 25 µm altın tel için 80 g'dan sonra, 33 µm tel çapı içinse 50 g'dan sonra düzensizliklerin olduğu bulunmuştur.
The wire bonding industry is a process widely used in the manufacturing and assembly of electronic and optoelectronic devices. This industry covers many application areas such as semiconductor manufacturing, microelectronics assembly, automotive electronics, consumer electronics, telecommunications, healthcare, defense and space technologies. Many devices that fall within this scope, such as laser diode, LED, solar cell and lidar, can be given as examples. Reliability is important in wire bonding in optoelectronics, as in every field. At this point, the importance of the reliability of the wires connected provides an advantage in terms of both prestige and preventing future errors. The studies carried out in this thesis are on the development of the wire bonding method and optimization of its reliability. In the study, connections on wires with diameters of 25 and 33 µm were carried out in a fully automatic wire bonding device with the thermosonic ball bonding method, using Au wire and Au bonding surface, that is, Au-Au metallurgy. By keeping the 170 °C table temperature and 22 ms binding time constant, the binding force and the diameter of the binding wire were changed, the effect on the bonding strength was applied to all connected wires one by one, and the results were evaluated, taking the MIL-STD-883K method 2011.9 standard as reference. Detailed optical microscope and SEM images were taken. Analyzes and comparisons of error mechanisms were made. It was observed that the best bonding for gold wire with a diameter of 25 µm was at 30 and 40 g bonding strength. In the study where the bond strength was applied as 30 g, the average tensile test result was found to be 11.36 gf. At an applied bond strength of 40, a tensile test result of 11.53 gf was obtained. The causes of failure resulting from tensile tests were examined using various imaging techniques. In the analyzes and comparisons made, it was observed that the best bonding was achieved at a binding strength of 30-40 g. Bonding errors were encountered at very low and very high applied forces. It has been found that irregularities occur after 80 g for 25 µm gold wire and after 50 g for 33 µm wire diameter, especially at very high bonding strengths.
The wire bonding industry is a process widely used in the manufacturing and assembly of electronic and optoelectronic devices. This industry covers many application areas such as semiconductor manufacturing, microelectronics assembly, automotive electronics, consumer electronics, telecommunications, healthcare, defense and space technologies. Many devices that fall within this scope, such as laser diode, LED, solar cell and lidar, can be given as examples. Reliability is important in wire bonding in optoelectronics, as in every field. At this point, the importance of the reliability of the wires connected provides an advantage in terms of both prestige and preventing future errors. The studies carried out in this thesis are on the development of the wire bonding method and optimization of its reliability. In the study, connections on wires with diameters of 25 and 33 µm were carried out in a fully automatic wire bonding device with the thermosonic ball bonding method, using Au wire and Au bonding surface, that is, Au-Au metallurgy. By keeping the 170 °C table temperature and 22 ms binding time constant, the binding force and the diameter of the binding wire were changed, the effect on the bonding strength was applied to all connected wires one by one, and the results were evaluated, taking the MIL-STD-883K method 2011.9 standard as reference. Detailed optical microscope and SEM images were taken. Analyzes and comparisons of error mechanisms were made. It was observed that the best bonding for gold wire with a diameter of 25 µm was at 30 and 40 g bonding strength. In the study where the bond strength was applied as 30 g, the average tensile test result was found to be 11.36 gf. At an applied bond strength of 40, a tensile test result of 11.53 gf was obtained. The causes of failure resulting from tensile tests were examined using various imaging techniques. In the analyzes and comparisons made, it was observed that the best bonding was achieved at a binding strength of 30-40 g. Bonding errors were encountered at very low and very high applied forces. It has been found that irregularities occur after 80 g for 25 µm gold wire and after 50 g for 33 µm wire diameter, especially at very high bonding strengths.
25.01.2025 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering