Sodyum silikat ile stabilize edilmiş yüksek plastisiteli killerin mühendislik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Konaklama zorunluluğu, insanlığın ortaya çıkmasından hemen sonra en önemli gereksinimlerinden birisi olmuştur. Bu zorunluluğun kaçınılmaz olması bazı meslek gruplarının zamanla gelişmesini sağlamıştır. İlerleyen zamanlarda gelişen teknolojik faaliyetler ile beraber insanoğlu inşaat sektörünün hızla gelişmesini ve yeni özelliklerin eklenmesini sağlamıştır. İnşaat sektörü içerisinde birçok mühendislik hizmeti bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan bazıları jeofizik mühendisliği, inşaat mühendisliği ve geoteknik mühendisliğidir. Gelişen teknolojik olaylar ile beraber tüm mühendislik hizmetlerinde yenilikler ortaya çıkmış olup çıkmaya da devam etmektedir. Geoteknik mühendisliğindeki yenilikler göstermektedir ki zemin özelliklerinin iyileştirilmesinde farklı yöntemler kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Zeminin nasıl özellikte olduğunun araştırılması ve araştırılan zeminde karşımıza çıkan problemlerin nasıl çözülmesi gerektiği son derece önem arz etmektedir. Zeminin kötü mühendislik özellik taşıması ve bu kötü özelliklerin nasıl iyileştirilmesi gerektiğinin araştırılması, inşaat faaliyetlerinin farklı yere yapılmasını engellemeye çalışmıştır. Zemin türlerinden birisi olan kil, dünyanın hemen hemen her alanında bulunabilmektedir. Yüksek şişme/büzülme potansiyeli ve diğer önemli sorun yaşanılabilecek durumlar göz önüne alınır ise killi zeminlerin iyileştirilmesine ek olarak bu alanda yapılacak çalışmaların önemi artmıştır. İnşaat faaliyetlerinde, killi zeminlerin şişme/büzülme gibi problemlerini ortadan kaldırmak için zemin iyileştirme yöntemleri kullanılmaktadır. Killi zeminlerde yapılmış birçok çalışma mevcut olup bunların büyük çoğunluğu stabilizasyon ile ilgilidir. Killerin stabilizasyonu da bir zemin iyileştirme tekniğidir. Stabilizasyon genel olarak 2 gruba ayrılmıştır. Bunlar kimyasal ve mekanik stabilizasyondur. Zemin üzerinde yapılan hidrometre, elek analizi ve atterberg limit belirleme deneyleri bu çalışmanın başlangıcında yapılmış olan deneylerdir. Bu deneylerden ortaya çıkan sonuç ile karşımıza numunelerin yüksek plastisiteye sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Bu sonucun ardından numunelerin içine sodyum silikat katılarak proctor testleri yapılmıştır. Optimum su muhtevasında ve optimumdan ıslak halde hazırlanmış yüksek plastisiteli kil ve sodyum silikat karışımı olan numuneler ile serbest basınç deneyleri yapılmıştır. Optimumumda ve optimumdan ıslak halde yapılan numuneler üç farklı kür (açık ortam, strece sarılı halde ve kür ortamında) koşulunda bekletilmiştir. Kil zeminin sodyum silikat ile zeminin dayanım değerlerini azaltmıştır. Stabilizasyon sonrası zemindeki kohezyonunun azaldığı ve zeminin granüler zemin davranışına sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Serbest basınç dayanım değerindeki azalma bu durum ile açıklanabilir.
The necessity of accommodation has been one of the most important requirements of humanity immediately after its emergence. The inevitability of this necessity has enabled some professional groups to develop over time. With the technological activities that have developed in the following times, human beings have enabled the rapid development of the construction sector and the addition of new features. There are many engineering services in the construction sector. Some of them are geophysical engineering, civil engineering and geotechnical engineering. Along with the developing technological events, innovations have emerged in all engineering services and continue to emerge. Innovations in geotechnical engineering show that different methods have been used to improve the soil properties. It is extremely important to investigate how the soil is characterized and how the problems we encounter on the investigated ground should be solved. Investigating the fact that the soil has bad properties and how these bad properties should be improved, has tried to prevent construction activities from being carried out in different places. Clay, one of the floor types, can be found in almost every area of the world. If high swelling/shrinkage potantial and other important problems are taken into consideration, the importance of the studies to be carried out in this area in addition to improving clay soils has increased. In construction activities, soil improvement methods are used to eliminate problems such as swelling/shrinkage of clay soils. There are many studies conducted on clay soils, and the vast majority of them are related to stabilization. Stabilization of clays is also a soil improvement technique. Stabilization is generally divided into 3 groups. These are chemical, mechanical and injection. Hydrometer, sieve analysis and atterberg limit determination experiments performed on the ground are the experiments that were performed at the beginning of this study. With the result obtained from these experiments, it has been understood that the samples have high plasticity. After this result, proctor tests were performed by adding sodium silicate into the samples. Free pressure experiments were carried out with samples with a high plasticity clay and sodium silicate mixture prepared in an optimal water content and in an optimal wet content. The samples made in optimum and optimum wet condition were kept under two different curing conditions (open environment, wrapped in stretch). It has reduced the strength values of the clay soil with sodium silicate. Since the strength values of the sample decreased with the increase in the sodium silicate ratio, it has been found that there is an inverse ratio between the two. Studies have shown that sodium silicate is not an effective stabilizer for the improvement of high-plasticity clay floors.
The necessity of accommodation has been one of the most important requirements of humanity immediately after its emergence. The inevitability of this necessity has enabled some professional groups to develop over time. With the technological activities that have developed in the following times, human beings have enabled the rapid development of the construction sector and the addition of new features. There are many engineering services in the construction sector. Some of them are geophysical engineering, civil engineering and geotechnical engineering. Along with the developing technological events, innovations have emerged in all engineering services and continue to emerge. Innovations in geotechnical engineering show that different methods have been used to improve the soil properties. It is extremely important to investigate how the soil is characterized and how the problems we encounter on the investigated ground should be solved. Investigating the fact that the soil has bad properties and how these bad properties should be improved, has tried to prevent construction activities from being carried out in different places. Clay, one of the floor types, can be found in almost every area of the world. If high swelling/shrinkage potantial and other important problems are taken into consideration, the importance of the studies to be carried out in this area in addition to improving clay soils has increased. In construction activities, soil improvement methods are used to eliminate problems such as swelling/shrinkage of clay soils. There are many studies conducted on clay soils, and the vast majority of them are related to stabilization. Stabilization of clays is also a soil improvement technique. Stabilization is generally divided into 3 groups. These are chemical, mechanical and injection. Hydrometer, sieve analysis and atterberg limit determination experiments performed on the ground are the experiments that were performed at the beginning of this study. With the result obtained from these experiments, it has been understood that the samples have high plasticity. After this result, proctor tests were performed by adding sodium silicate into the samples. Free pressure experiments were carried out with samples with a high plasticity clay and sodium silicate mixture prepared in an optimal water content and in an optimal wet content. The samples made in optimum and optimum wet condition were kept under two different curing conditions (open environment, wrapped in stretch). It has reduced the strength values of the clay soil with sodium silicate. Since the strength values of the sample decreased with the increase in the sodium silicate ratio, it has been found that there is an inverse ratio between the two. Studies have shown that sodium silicate is not an effective stabilizer for the improvement of high-plasticity clay floors.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering