Aktif dengeleme yöntemi ile batarya yönetim sistemlerindeki enerji transferi uygulamaları için çift yönlü geri dönüşlü dönüştürücü tasarımı
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Batarya paketini oluşturan hücreler üretimsel toleranslar ve çevre koşullarının etkisiyle eşdeğer olmayan şarj ve deşarj davranışları göstermektedir. Hücreler arasındaki eşdeğer olmayan bu davranışlar batarya paketini oluşturan hücrelerin aşırı şarj ve aşırı deşarja maruz kalarak güvenlik problemleri oluşmasına sebep olmaktadır. Aynı zamanda batarya paketinin verimli kullanılmamasına ve kullanım ömrünü erken tamamlamasına neden olmaktadır. Bu olumsuz durumların giderilmesi için batarya paketini oluşturan hücrelerin dengelenmesi gerekmektedir. Hücre dengeleme sistemleri batarya yönetim sistemlerin en temel bileşenidir. Hücre dengeleme sistemleri pasif ve aktif hücre dengeleme olarak ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Pasif hücre dengelemede batarya paketini oluşturan hücreler arasındaki dengesizliğe neden olan fazla enerjinin harcanmasıyla dengeleme işlemi gerçekleşirken aktif hücre dengelemede dengesizliğe neden olan fazla enerji yüksek enerjili hücreden düşük enerjili hücreye aktarılarak hücre dengeleme işlemi gerçekleştirilir. Pasif hücre dengeleme sistemi basit tasarım ve düşük maliyet avantajına sahipken düşük dengeleme hızı ve düşük dengeleme verimliği dezavantajına sahiptir. Aktif hücre dengeleme yüksek dengeleme hızı ve yüksek dengeleme verimliliği avantajına sahipken yüksek maliyet ve büyük sistem boyutu dezavantajlarına sahiptir. Bu tez çalışmasında üç veya daha fazla sayıda lityum iyon hücre içeren batarya paketleri için batarya paketinin şarj veya deşarj durumuna göre hücreden pakete veya paketten hücreye çift yönlü hücre dengeleme işlemi gerçekleştirebilen trafo temelli aktif hücre dengeleme sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Hücre dengeleme sistemi batarya paketindeki hücrelerin devreye alınmasını sağlayan anahtarlama dizisi, anahtarlama elemanlarının kontrol edilmesini sağlayan izole ve izole olmayan sürücü devreler, şarj ve deşarj akımlarının belirlenmesini sağlayan akım algılama, hücre ve batarya paketi gerilimlerinin belirlenmesi sağlayan gerilim algılama devreleri ve enerji aktarım işlemini gerçekleştiren geri dönüşlü dönüştürücüsünden oluşmaktadır. Hücre dengeleme sisteminin ve geri dönüşlü dönüştürücünün çalışma prensibi ve çalışma modları ayrıntılı olarak analiz edilmiştir. Geri dönüşlü dönüştürücünün tasarımı için gereken matematiksel eşitlikler verilmiştir. Öncelikle hücre dengeleme sistemi Matlab/Simulink ortamında simüle edilmiştir. Ardından gerçek zamanlı uygulama devresinin tasarımı gerçekleştirilerek laboratuvar ortamında dengeleme sisteminin performansı incelenmiştir Simülasyon ve gerçek zamanlı uygulama bulguları karşılaştırılarak birbirini doğruladığı belirlenmiştir. Hücre dengeleme sistemi kontrol ve tasarım kolaylığı, yüksek dengeleme hızı ve az sayıda manyetik bileşen içermesi özellikleriyle diğer hücre dengeleme sistemlerine üstünlük gösterdiği belirlenmiştir.
The cells forming the battery pack show non-equivalent charging and discharging behaviours due to manufacturing tolerances and environmental conditions. These non equivalent behaviours between the cells cause safety problems by exposing the cells forming the battery pack to overcharge and overdischarge. At the same time, it causes the battery pack to be used inefficiently and to complete its service life early. In order to eliminate these negative situations, the cells that make up the battery pack must be balanced. Cell balancing systems are the most basic component of battery management systems. Cell balancing systems are divided into two as passive and active cell balancing. In passive cell balancing, the balancing process is performed by expending the excess energy that causes the imbalance between the cells that make up the battery pack, while in active balancing, the cell balancing process is performed by transferring the excess energy that causes the imbalance from the high energy cell to the low energy cell. While passive cell balancing system has the advantage of simple design and low cost, it has the disadvantage of low balancing speed and low balancing efficiency. While active cell balancing has the advantage of high balancing speed and high balancing efficiency, it has the disadvantages of high cost and large system size. In this thesis, a transformer based active cell balancing system has been developed for battery packs containing three or more lithium ion cells, which can perform cell-to pack or pack-to-cell bidirectional cell balancing according to the charge or discharge state of the battery pack. The cell balancing system consists of a switching array for switching on the cells in the battery pack, isolated and non-isolated driver circuits for controlling the switching elements, current sensing circuits for determining the charging and discharging currents, voltage sensing circuits for determining the cell and battery pack voltages, and a flyback converter for energy transfer.The operating principle and operating modes of the cell balancing system and the flyback converter are analysed in detail. The mathematical equations required for the design of the flyback converter are given. Firstly, the cell balancing system is simulated in Matlab/Simulink environment. Then, the real-time application circuit is designed and the performance of the balancing system is analysed in the laboratory environment. Simulation and real-time application findings are compared and found to confirm each other.It was determined that the cell balancing system is superior to other cell balancing systems with its ease of control and design, high balancing speed and having few magnetic components.
The cells forming the battery pack show non-equivalent charging and discharging behaviours due to manufacturing tolerances and environmental conditions. These non equivalent behaviours between the cells cause safety problems by exposing the cells forming the battery pack to overcharge and overdischarge. At the same time, it causes the battery pack to be used inefficiently and to complete its service life early. In order to eliminate these negative situations, the cells that make up the battery pack must be balanced. Cell balancing systems are the most basic component of battery management systems. Cell balancing systems are divided into two as passive and active cell balancing. In passive cell balancing, the balancing process is performed by expending the excess energy that causes the imbalance between the cells that make up the battery pack, while in active balancing, the cell balancing process is performed by transferring the excess energy that causes the imbalance from the high energy cell to the low energy cell. While passive cell balancing system has the advantage of simple design and low cost, it has the disadvantage of low balancing speed and low balancing efficiency. While active cell balancing has the advantage of high balancing speed and high balancing efficiency, it has the disadvantages of high cost and large system size. In this thesis, a transformer based active cell balancing system has been developed for battery packs containing three or more lithium ion cells, which can perform cell-to pack or pack-to-cell bidirectional cell balancing according to the charge or discharge state of the battery pack. The cell balancing system consists of a switching array for switching on the cells in the battery pack, isolated and non-isolated driver circuits for controlling the switching elements, current sensing circuits for determining the charging and discharging currents, voltage sensing circuits for determining the cell and battery pack voltages, and a flyback converter for energy transfer.The operating principle and operating modes of the cell balancing system and the flyback converter are analysed in detail. The mathematical equations required for the design of the flyback converter are given. Firstly, the cell balancing system is simulated in Matlab/Simulink environment. Then, the real-time application circuit is designed and the performance of the balancing system is analysed in the laboratory environment. Simulation and real-time application findings are compared and found to confirm each other.It was determined that the cell balancing system is superior to other cell balancing systems with its ease of control and design, high balancing speed and having few magnetic components.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering