Uludağ fidyekızık ormanlarındaki büyük memeli türler
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Dünya geneli ve ülkemizde iklim değişikliği ve özellikle insan baskısı gibi faktörler neticesinde yaban hayatı olumsuz etkilenmektedir. Ülkemizin önemli yaban hayatı alanlarından biri olan Uludağ Milli Park'ının Bursa şehir merkezi ile arasında kalan Fidyekızık ormanlarında yapılan bu çalışma özellikle insan faktörünün yaban hayatı üzerine olan etkisinin anlaşılması için önem arz etmektedir. Uludağ milli park alanının şehirden uzak rakım olarak yüksek kesimlerinde bulunan büyük memeli türlerinin kısmen şehir merkezine daha yakın alçak kesimlerde de yayılış gösterdiği bu çalışma ile ortaya çıkmıştır. Tez kapsamında Fidyekızık ormanlarında yürütülen bu çalışmada alan içerisine 14 farklı noktada kurulan fotokapanlar ile bir senelik süreç içerisinde yaklaşık 2523 adet fotokapan görüntüsü elde edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda Fidyekızık ormanları içerisinde 6 adet büyük memeli türünün varlığı fotoğraflar ile ortaya konulmuştur. Alanda varlığı tespit edilen türler: Bozayı (Ursus arctos), yaban domuzu (Sus scrofa), kurt (Canis lupus), çakal (Canis aureus), tilki (Vulpes vulpes), sansar(Martes martes)'dır. Bu çalışmada orman hayatı ve insan ilişkisine dair kanıtlar ve görüntüler elde edilmiş olup kayıt altına alınmıştır. İnsan baskısı etkeninin yaban hayvanlarının üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri hakkında fikir sahibi olması konusunda yapılan bu çalışma neticesinde yaban hayvanlarının yaşam alanlarının beslenme ve çiftleşme alanlarının insanlar ve toplum tarafından olumsuz etkileri sanılandan bizim çalışma alanımız özelinde daha az olarak gözlemlenmiştir. Fotokapanların kurulduğu yerler göz önüne alındığında fotokapanlara yakalanan birey sayısı tahmin edilenden fazla olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bursa gibi bir metropolün hemen yanı başındaki ve Uludağ milli parkı ile Bursa şehir merkezi arasında adeta bir tampon görevi gören Fidyekızık ormanları yani çalışma alanımız belki de yöre halkı tarafından ve özellikle doğa sporu meraklıları tarafından çıplak gözle görülen ve alandan yaşadığı tahmin edilen yabanı hayvanlar ve bu hayvanların yaşam alanı konusunda tahmin edilen sayılar çalışmamız neticesinde bir nebze olsun bilimsel olarak nitelik kazanmış durumdadır. Çalışmamız süresince bu bilgiler toplumsal kanı da göz önünde bulundurulduğunda kişisel görüş ile birlikte kesin bir sonuç çıkarılmasa dahi çalışma yapılan bu alanda yaban hayatı bizimde tahminlerimizin ve düşüncelerimizin daha üstünde olduğu sonucuna varmak mümkündür. Kısa bir örnek vermek gerekir ise Kurt(Canis lupus) türünün genel olarak Uludağ milli parkı ile ilgili kayıtlarda milli park sınırları içerisinde ve daha yüksek rakımlarda yaşadığı bilinmektedir. Milli park alanından çok daha düşük rakımda ve şehir merkezine çok daha yakın olan çalışma alanımızda bahsedilen türe rastlanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra yöre halkı ve tarafımızdan alanda yaşadığı bilimsel olarak kanıtlanmasa dahi daha önce pek çok kez alanda görülen çizgili sırtlana (Hyaena hyaena) hiçbir kayıtta rastlanılmamıştır. Tespit edilen türlerden en fazla görüntülenen tür, yaklaşık 850 görüntü ile tilki, en az görüntülenen 6 görüntü ile domuz'dur. Alanda yayılış gösterdiği yöre halkı tarafından bilinen kızıl geyik (Cervus elaphus) ve çizgili sırtlan (Hyaena hyaena) türlerine ait herhangi bir kayıt elde edilememiştir. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda Fidyekızık ormanlarında çakal, tilki ve sansar sık görülürken bozayı yaban domuzu ve kurda daha az rastlanılmaktadır. Elde edilen veriler ışığında alanda insan baskısı sonucu yaban hayatının olumsuz etkilendiği anlaşılmaktadır.
Wildlife is adversely affected because of factors such as climate change and especially human pressure around the world and in our country. This study, which was carried out in the Fidyekızık forests between Uludağ National Park, one of the important wildlife areas of our country, and Bursa city center, is especially important for understanding the effect of human factor on wildlife. This study revealed that large mammal species, which are found in the higher parts of the Uludağ national park area, away from the city, partially spread in the lower parts closer to the city center. In this study carried out in the Fidyekızık forests within the scope of the thesis, approximately 2500 camera trap images were obtained in a year with the camera traps installed at 14 different points in the area. As a result of the study, the existence of 6 large mammal species in Fidyekızık forests was revealed with photographs. Species identified in the area: Brown Bear (Ursus arctos), Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), Wolf (Canis lupus), Jackal (Canis aureus), Fox (Vulpes vulpes), Marten (Martes martes) In this study, evidence and images of forest life and human relationship were obtained and recorded. As a result of this study on the negative effects of the human pressure factor on wild animals, the negative effects of the feeding and mating areas of the habitats of wild animals by humans and the society were observed less in our study area than expected. Considering the places where the camera traps are installed, the number of individuals caught in the camera traps has emerged as higher than expected. Fidyekızık forests, which is right next to a metropolis like Bursa and acts as a buffer between Uludağ national park and Bursa city center, our study area, perhaps the wild animals that can be seen by the local people and especially nature sports enthusiasts with the naked eye and estimated to live in the area, and these animals As a result of our study, the estimated numbers of living space have gained some scientific qualifications. During our study, considering this information and social opinion, it is possible to conclude that even if a definite conclusion is not drawn together with personal opinion, the wildlife in this area is higher than our estimates and thoughts. To give a short example, it is known that the Wolf (Canis lupus) species generally lives within the borders of the national park and at higher altitudes in the records related to the Uludağ national park. The mentioned species was found in our study area, which is at a much lower altitude than the national park area and much closer to the city center. In addition, although it has not been scientifically proven by the local people and us that it lived in the area, no record has been found of the striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena), which has been seen many times in the area before. Of the detected species, the most viewed species is fox with approximately 850 images, and brown bear with the least viewed 4 images. No record of the red deer (Cervus elaphus) and striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) species known by the local people to be distributed in the area could be obtained. As a result of the study, jackals, foxes, and marten are frequently seen in Fidyekızık forests, while brown bear, wild boar and wolf are less common. In the light of the data obtained, it is understood that the wildlife in the area was adversely affected because of human pressure.
Wildlife is adversely affected because of factors such as climate change and especially human pressure around the world and in our country. This study, which was carried out in the Fidyekızık forests between Uludağ National Park, one of the important wildlife areas of our country, and Bursa city center, is especially important for understanding the effect of human factor on wildlife. This study revealed that large mammal species, which are found in the higher parts of the Uludağ national park area, away from the city, partially spread in the lower parts closer to the city center. In this study carried out in the Fidyekızık forests within the scope of the thesis, approximately 2500 camera trap images were obtained in a year with the camera traps installed at 14 different points in the area. As a result of the study, the existence of 6 large mammal species in Fidyekızık forests was revealed with photographs. Species identified in the area: Brown Bear (Ursus arctos), Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), Wolf (Canis lupus), Jackal (Canis aureus), Fox (Vulpes vulpes), Marten (Martes martes) In this study, evidence and images of forest life and human relationship were obtained and recorded. As a result of this study on the negative effects of the human pressure factor on wild animals, the negative effects of the feeding and mating areas of the habitats of wild animals by humans and the society were observed less in our study area than expected. Considering the places where the camera traps are installed, the number of individuals caught in the camera traps has emerged as higher than expected. Fidyekızık forests, which is right next to a metropolis like Bursa and acts as a buffer between Uludağ national park and Bursa city center, our study area, perhaps the wild animals that can be seen by the local people and especially nature sports enthusiasts with the naked eye and estimated to live in the area, and these animals As a result of our study, the estimated numbers of living space have gained some scientific qualifications. During our study, considering this information and social opinion, it is possible to conclude that even if a definite conclusion is not drawn together with personal opinion, the wildlife in this area is higher than our estimates and thoughts. To give a short example, it is known that the Wolf (Canis lupus) species generally lives within the borders of the national park and at higher altitudes in the records related to the Uludağ national park. The mentioned species was found in our study area, which is at a much lower altitude than the national park area and much closer to the city center. In addition, although it has not been scientifically proven by the local people and us that it lived in the area, no record has been found of the striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena), which has been seen many times in the area before. Of the detected species, the most viewed species is fox with approximately 850 images, and brown bear with the least viewed 4 images. No record of the red deer (Cervus elaphus) and striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) species known by the local people to be distributed in the area could be obtained. As a result of the study, jackals, foxes, and marten are frequently seen in Fidyekızık forests, while brown bear, wild boar and wolf are less common. In the light of the data obtained, it is understood that the wildlife in the area was adversely affected because of human pressure.
Anahtar Kelimeler
:Ormancılık, Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry, Forest Engineering