Organik esaslı akış bataryalarının geliştirilmesi, kimyasal/elektrokimyasal karakterizasyonu ve performanslarının belirlenmesi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Dünyada artan nüfus ve teknolojiye bağlı olarak her geçen gün enerji talebi artmaktadır. Artan enerji talebinin karşılanması için karbon ayak izi yüksek enerji kaynakları kullanılmakta, bu durum çevre ve atmosfer kirliliği olarak insanlığa geri dönmektedir. Kirliliği önleyerek çevreyi temiz tutmak ve canlıların yaşamına olumsuz etki etmesini engellemek amacıyla, ekonomik açıdan da cazip olan yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları (YEK) kullanımı artırılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Ancak YEK sürekli olmadığı için, örneğin güneş enerjisi panelleri ve rüzgar türbinleri gibi, üretilen enerjinin şebekeye entegrelerinde problemler olmakta ve üretilen enerji her zaman kullanılamamaktadır. Bu nedenle her alanda olduğu gibi yüksek enerji talebinin olduğu şehir şebeke elektrik enerjisinin de depolanmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Böylece depolanan enerji şebekeye belirli akımlarda aktarılabilecek ve YEK ile üretilen enerjinin sürekli olmadığı saatlerde de şebekeye enerji verilebilecektir. Ülkemizde de YEK'e ve enerji depolamaya verilen önem dünyada olduğu gibi her geçen gün yükselmektedir. Bu tezde şehir elektriğini depolamak amacıyla organik redoks akış bataryalarının kullanılması çalışılmıştır. Redoks akış bataryaları yüksek elektrik enerjisi depolama özelliklerine sahip bataryalardır. Sıvı elektrolitin akışı yoluyla enerjinin depolanması prensibine dayanan bu bataryalarda, enerji depolama miktarını artırmak için elektrolit miktarını artırmak yeterlidir. Elektrolit ise sulu veya susuz çözücü kullanarak hazırlanabilmektedir. Çözünen ise redoks tepkimelerinin gerçekleştiği elektroaktif bir organik malzeme olmalıdır. Tez kapsamında çeşitli organik malzemeler incelenmiştir. Bu organik malzemeler polianilin boronik asit (PABA), politiyofen boronik asit (PTBA), ferrosen disülfonik asit (FcDS), ferrosen - 1,4-disübstitüe 1,2,3-triazol (1,2,3-TAFc), ve 2,2,6,6-tetrametilpiperidin (TEMPOL) bileşikleridir. PTBA, PABA, FcDS, 1,2,3-TAFc organik malzemelerinin akış bataryalarında elektroaktif malzeme olarak kullanım potansiyelleri incelenmiştir. Farklı pH seviyelerindeki çözeltilerde yapılan testler ile ilgili organik malzemelerin elektrokimyasal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Sulu ortamda yapılan testlerde 1,2,3-TAFc bileşiği ile akış bataryası sistemi kurularak şarj/deşarj davranışı araştırılmıştır. İlgili organik malzemenin son derece kararlı olduğu tespit edilerek literatürde ilk defa başarılı bir şekilde batarya testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. TEMPOL bileşiği ise akış bataryalarında elektrot olarak kullanılan grafit keçelerin performans testlerini gerçekleştirmek amacıyla kullanılmıştır. Grafit keçe elektrotlar grafen ile kaplanarak TEMPOL malzemesi ile test edilmiş ve performans değişimleri incelenmiştir.
Energy demand is increasing day by day due to the increasing population and technology in the world. Energy sources with high carbon footprints are used to meet the increasing energy demand, and this returns to humanity as environmental and atmospheric pollution. In order to keep the environment clean by preventing pollution and to prevent it from having a negative impact on the lives of living things, efforts are being made to increase the use of economically attractive renewable energy resources (RES). However, since RES is not continuous, such as solar energy panels and wind turbines, there are problems in integrating the produced energy into the grid and the produced energy cannot always be used. For this reason, as in every field, there is a need to store city grid electrical energy where there is high energy demand. Thus, the stored energy can be transferred to the grid in certain flows and energy can be supplied to the grid during hours when the energy produced by RES is not continuous. The importance given to RES and energy storage in our country is increasing day by day, as in the world. In this thesis, the use of organic redox flow batteries to store city electricity was studied. Redox flow batteries are batteries with high electrical energy storage properties. In these batteries, which are based on the principle of storing energy through the flow of liquid electrolyte, it is sufficient to increase the amount of electrolyte to increase the amount of energy storage. Electrolyte can be prepared using aqueous or non-aqueous solvent. The solute must be an electroactive organic material in which redox reactions occur. Various organic materials were examined within the scope of the thesis. These organic materials are polyaniline boronic acid (PABA), polythiophene boronic acid (PTBA), ferrocene disulfonic acid (FcDS), ferrocene - 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole (1,2,3-TAFc), and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine (TEMPOL) compounds. The potential of using PTBA, PABA, FcDS, 1,2,3-TAFc organic materials as electroactive materials in flow batteries was examined. The electrochemical properties of relevant organic materials were examined through tests performed in solutions at different pH levels. In tests carried out in aqueous environment, the charge/discharge behavior was investigated by establishing a flow battery system with the 1,2,3-TAFc compound. It was determined that the relevant organic material was extremely stable and battery tests were carried out successfully for the first time in the literature. TEMPOL compound was used to perform performance tests of graphite felts used as electrodes in flow batteries. Graphite felt electrodes were coated with graphene and tested with TEMPOL material and performance changes were examined.
Energy demand is increasing day by day due to the increasing population and technology in the world. Energy sources with high carbon footprints are used to meet the increasing energy demand, and this returns to humanity as environmental and atmospheric pollution. In order to keep the environment clean by preventing pollution and to prevent it from having a negative impact on the lives of living things, efforts are being made to increase the use of economically attractive renewable energy resources (RES). However, since RES is not continuous, such as solar energy panels and wind turbines, there are problems in integrating the produced energy into the grid and the produced energy cannot always be used. For this reason, as in every field, there is a need to store city grid electrical energy where there is high energy demand. Thus, the stored energy can be transferred to the grid in certain flows and energy can be supplied to the grid during hours when the energy produced by RES is not continuous. The importance given to RES and energy storage in our country is increasing day by day, as in the world. In this thesis, the use of organic redox flow batteries to store city electricity was studied. Redox flow batteries are batteries with high electrical energy storage properties. In these batteries, which are based on the principle of storing energy through the flow of liquid electrolyte, it is sufficient to increase the amount of electrolyte to increase the amount of energy storage. Electrolyte can be prepared using aqueous or non-aqueous solvent. The solute must be an electroactive organic material in which redox reactions occur. Various organic materials were examined within the scope of the thesis. These organic materials are polyaniline boronic acid (PABA), polythiophene boronic acid (PTBA), ferrocene disulfonic acid (FcDS), ferrocene - 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole (1,2,3-TAFc), and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine (TEMPOL) compounds. The potential of using PTBA, PABA, FcDS, 1,2,3-TAFc organic materials as electroactive materials in flow batteries was examined. The electrochemical properties of relevant organic materials were examined through tests performed in solutions at different pH levels. In tests carried out in aqueous environment, the charge/discharge behavior was investigated by establishing a flow battery system with the 1,2,3-TAFc compound. It was determined that the relevant organic material was extremely stable and battery tests were carried out successfully for the first time in the literature. TEMPOL compound was used to perform performance tests of graphite felts used as electrodes in flow batteries. Graphite felt electrodes were coated with graphene and tested with TEMPOL material and performance changes were examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy, Kimya, Chemistry, Metalurji Mühendisliği, Metallurgical Engineering, Flow battery, Enerji depolama, Energy storage, Enerji depolama sistemi, Energy storage system, Akış pilleri