3d dijital arazi kullanarak kapsama alanı haritası çıkarma
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde, teknolojinin gelişmesi ve nüfusun artmasıyla birlikte insanların teknolojik araçları kullanımı artmıştır. Bu araçların kablosuz haberleşme teknolojisini kullanması ve 5G teknolojisinin yaygınlaşması baz istasyonlarına olan ihtiyacı artırmıştır. Şehirleşmenin de hızla arttığı göz önüne alınırsa kullanıcılar için servis kalitesini artırmak gerekmektedir. O nedenle de baz istasyonlarını doğru konumlara yerleştirmek çok fazla önem arz etmektedir. Baz istasyonlarını uygun lokasyonlara konumlandırmak için elektrik alanların hesaplanması gerekmektedir. Geometrik Optik, Geometrik Kırınım Teorisi, Uniform Kırınım Teorisi ve ışın izleme tekniği açıklanmıştır. Süper iletken yüzey ve kayıplı yüzeyden yansımalar için açıklamalar yapılmış ve gerekli formüller verilmiştir. Bu çalışmada ışın izleme tekniği kullanılarak alıcı verici arasında takip edilen ışının, alıcı noktasında oluşturduğu elektrik alan Geometrik Optik ve Uniform Kırınım Teorisi formülleri kullanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Üç boyutlu sayısal veriler kullanılarak MATLAB programında üç boyutlu arazi haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Harita üzerinde iki boyutlu dönüşüm pencereleri uygulanarak bölgenin iki boyutlu profili çıkarılmış, bölge haritası kısa çizgiler ve bıçak kenarlı kamalar şeklinde modellenmiştir. Işın izleme algoritması ve kod kullanılarak doğrudan, yansıyan ve kırınan ışınların oluşturduğu elektrik alanlar hesaplanmıştır. Hesaplanan elektrik alanlar yardımı ile üç boyutlu dairesel ve dörtgensel kapsama haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Belli noktalara verici antenler yerleştirilmiş ve yapılan elektromanyetik hesaplamalar sonucu en uygun verici anten konumu belirlenmiştir. Yapılan benzetim çalışmaları sonucu çalışma frekansının, verici anten yüksekliğinin, yüzey cinsinin hesaplanan elektrik alana etkileri incelenmiştir. Bir çözüm uzayındaki elektrik alan dağılımının iki boyutlu grafikleri sunulmuş ve yer şekillerinin etkileri gözlemlenmiştir. Süper iletken yüzey ve farklı yüzeyler için benzetimler yapılmış, yatay ve dikey polarizasyonların alıcı noktasındaki elektrik alanı nasıl etkilediği tartışılmıştır. Tasarlanan algoritma paralel hesaplama yapmak için değiştirilmiş ve kullanılan çekirdek sayısının kapsama haritası çıkarma performansına etkileri incelenmiştir.
Nowadays, with the development of technology and the increase in population, people's use of technological tools has increased. The use of wireless communication technology by these vehicles and the widespread use of 5G technology has increased the need for base stations. Considering the rapid increase in urbanization, increasing the service quality for users is necessary. For this reason, it is crucial to place the base stations in the right positions. Electric fields must be calculated to place the base stations in the correct locations. Geometric Optics, Geometric Diffraction Theory, Uniform Diffraction Theory, and ray tracing technique are explained. Explanations have been made for the superconducting surface, and reflections from the lossy surface and the necessary formulas have been given. In this study, the electric field created at the receiver point by the beam traced between the transmitter and receiver using the ray tracing technique was calculated using the formulas of Geometric Optics and Uniform Diffraction Theory. 3D terrain maps were created in the MATLAB program using 3D numerical data. A 2-dimensional profile of the region was created by applying 2-dimensional transformation windows on the map, and the region map was modeled as short lines and knife-edged wedges. The electric fields generated by the direct, reflected, and diffracted rays were calculated using the ray tracing algorithm and the code. Three-dimensional circular and quadrilateral coverage maps were created with the help of the calculated electric fields. Transmitting antennas were placed at specific points, and the most suitable transmitter antenna location was determined from electromagnetic calculations. As a result of the simulation studies, the effects of operating frequency, transmitter antenna height, and surface type on the calculated electric field were examined. 2D graphs of the electric field distribution in a solution space are presented, and the effects of landforms are observed. Simulations are made for the superconducting surface and different surfaces, and how horizontal and vertical polarizations affect the electric field at the receiver point is discussed. The written algorithm was modified to perform parallel computation, and the effects of the number of cores used on the coverage mapping performance were examined.
Nowadays, with the development of technology and the increase in population, people's use of technological tools has increased. The use of wireless communication technology by these vehicles and the widespread use of 5G technology has increased the need for base stations. Considering the rapid increase in urbanization, increasing the service quality for users is necessary. For this reason, it is crucial to place the base stations in the right positions. Electric fields must be calculated to place the base stations in the correct locations. Geometric Optics, Geometric Diffraction Theory, Uniform Diffraction Theory, and ray tracing technique are explained. Explanations have been made for the superconducting surface, and reflections from the lossy surface and the necessary formulas have been given. In this study, the electric field created at the receiver point by the beam traced between the transmitter and receiver using the ray tracing technique was calculated using the formulas of Geometric Optics and Uniform Diffraction Theory. 3D terrain maps were created in the MATLAB program using 3D numerical data. A 2-dimensional profile of the region was created by applying 2-dimensional transformation windows on the map, and the region map was modeled as short lines and knife-edged wedges. The electric fields generated by the direct, reflected, and diffracted rays were calculated using the ray tracing algorithm and the code. Three-dimensional circular and quadrilateral coverage maps were created with the help of the calculated electric fields. Transmitting antennas were placed at specific points, and the most suitable transmitter antenna location was determined from electromagnetic calculations. As a result of the simulation studies, the effects of operating frequency, transmitter antenna height, and surface type on the calculated electric field were examined. 2D graphs of the electric field distribution in a solution space are presented, and the effects of landforms are observed. Simulations are made for the superconducting surface and different surfaces, and how horizontal and vertical polarizations affect the electric field at the receiver point is discussed. The written algorithm was modified to perform parallel computation, and the effects of the number of cores used on the coverage mapping performance were examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Işın izleme, Ray tracing, Kırınım, Diffraction, Uniform kırınım teorisi, Uniform diffraction theory