Farklı dezenfektanların çeşitli yüzeylerde Listeria monocytogenes biyofilmine etkileri
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Listeria monocytogenes, gıda işleme tesislerinde biyofilm oluşturabilen gıda kaynaklı en önemli patojenlerden biridir. Biyofilm oluşturma yeteneği, dezenfektanlara karşı direncin artmasına ve verimsiz dezenfeksiyon işlemine sebep olmakta olup gıda endüstrisi ve nihayetinde tüketici için ciddi bir tehdit oluşturmaktadır. Son yıllarda, biyofilm oluşumundaki stres direnci mekanizmalarının işlevi ve bunların dezenfektanlara karşı direnci noktasında laboratuvar çalışmalarında önemli ilerlemeler kaydedilmiş olup biyofilmi elimine etme konusunda da farklı çalışmalarla desteklenmelidir. Bu çalışmada, paslanmaz çelik 316, epoksi ve PVC olmak üzere gıda ile temas eden başlıca yüzeylerde L. monocytogenes biyofilmlerine karşı belirlenmiş konsantrasyonda ve farklı sürelerde yaygın olarak kullanılan üç dezenfektanın (klor tablet, perasetik asit bazlı dezenfektan ve laktik asit bazlı dezenfektan) etkinliği değerlendirilmiştir. Dezenfektanların antimikrobiyal aktivitesini belirlemede sıvı mikrodilüsyon yöntemi kullanılarak Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644 ve Listeria monocytogenes (gıda kaynaklı) suşları denenmiştir. Kullanılan perasetik asit bazlı dezenfektan ve klor tabletin MİK ve MBK değerlerinin laktik asit bazlı dezenfektana göre daha düşük olduğu saptanmıştır. Tüm dezenfektanların iki suşta da MİK ve MBK değerleri eşit çıkmıştır. Paslanmaz çelik 316, epoksi ve PVC yüzeylerinde L. monocytogenes'in 2 suşu ile biyofilm oluşturularak dezenfektanların bulunan MBK konsantrasyonlarında farklı süreler denenerek dezenfektanların etkisine bakılmıştır. Paslanmaz çelik yüzeylerde 30 saniye süre uygulanan klor tabletin, mikroorganizmaların tamamını engellediği ve bu yüzeyde iki suşta da en etkili dezenfektan olduğu saptanmıştır. L. monocytogenes ATCC 7644 biyofilmi bulunan epoksi yüzeylerde 30 saniyede perasetik asit bazlı dezenfektan mikroorganizmaların %100'ünü engellerken, L. monocytogenes (gıda kaynaklı) suş bulunan epoksi yüzeylerde 1 dakika perasetik asit bazlı dezenfektan uygulaması ile mikroorganizmların tamamının öldürüldüğü bulunmuştur. L. monocytogenes ATCC 7644 biyofilmi bulunan PVC yüzeylerde klor tabletin 15 dakika (4,75 log kob/kupon azalma), perasetik asit bazlı dezenfektanın 60 dakika (4,91 log kob/kupon azalma)' da tüm mikroorganizmalar engellenmiştir. Laktik asit bazlı dezenfektanın aynı suş ve yüzeydeki 90 dakika uygulamasıyla 4,39 log kob/kupon azalma sağlanmıştır L. monocytogenes (gıda kaynaklı) biyofilm olan PVC yüzeylerde 30 dakika klor tablet (4,92 log kob/kupon azalma) uygulamalarıyla tüm mikroorganizmaları engellediği belirlenmiştir.
Listeria monocytogenes is one of the most important foodborne pathogens that can form biofilms in food processing plants. Its ability to form biofilms leads to increased resistance to disinfectants and inefficient disinfection, posing a serious threat to the food industry and ultimately to the consumer. In recent years, significant progress has been made in laboratory studies in terms of the function of stress resistance mechanisms in biofilm formation and their resistance to disinfectants, and it should be supported by different studies on biofilm elimination. In this study, the effectiveness of three commonly used disinfectants (chlorine tablet, peracetic acid-based disinfectant and lactic acid-based disinfectant) against L. monocytogenes biofilms on the main surfaces in contact with food, including stainless steel 316, epoxy and PVC, at the determined concentration and at different times were evaluated. In order to determine the antimicrobial activity of disinfectants, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644 and Listeria monocytogenes (foodborne) strains were tested by using the liquid microdilution method. It was determined that the MIC and MBK values of the peracetic acid-based disinfectant and chlorine tablet used were lower than the lactic acid-based disinfectant. MIC and MBK values of all disinfectants were equal in both strains. By forming a biofilm with 2 strains of L. monocytogenes on stainless steel 316, epoxy and PVC surfaces, the effect of disinfectants was examined by trying different times on the MBK concentrations of the disinfectants. It was determined that the chlorine tablet applied for 30 seconds on stainless steel surfaces inhibited all microorganisms and was the most effective disinfectant for both strains on this surface. While peracetic acid-based disinfectant inhibited 100% of microorganisms in 30 seconds on epoxy surfaces with L. monocytogenes ATCC 7644 biofilm, it was found that all microorganisms were killed by peracetic acid-based disinfectant application for 1 minute on epoxy surfaces with L. monocytogenes (foodborne) strain. On PVC surfaces with L. monocytogenes ATCC 7644 biofilm, all microorganisms were inhibited in 15 minutes (4.75 log cfu/coupon reduction) of chlorine tablet and 60 minutes (4.91 log cfu/coupon reduction) of peracetic acid-based disinfectant. With the application of lactic acid-based disinfectant on the same strain and surface for 90 minutes, a reduction of 4.39 log cfu/coupon was achieved. It was determined that all microorganisms were inhibited by 30 minutes of chlorine tablet (4.92 log cfu/coupon reduction) applications on PVC surfaces with L. monocytogenes (foodborne) biofilm.
Listeria monocytogenes is one of the most important foodborne pathogens that can form biofilms in food processing plants. Its ability to form biofilms leads to increased resistance to disinfectants and inefficient disinfection, posing a serious threat to the food industry and ultimately to the consumer. In recent years, significant progress has been made in laboratory studies in terms of the function of stress resistance mechanisms in biofilm formation and their resistance to disinfectants, and it should be supported by different studies on biofilm elimination. In this study, the effectiveness of three commonly used disinfectants (chlorine tablet, peracetic acid-based disinfectant and lactic acid-based disinfectant) against L. monocytogenes biofilms on the main surfaces in contact with food, including stainless steel 316, epoxy and PVC, at the determined concentration and at different times were evaluated. In order to determine the antimicrobial activity of disinfectants, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644 and Listeria monocytogenes (foodborne) strains were tested by using the liquid microdilution method. It was determined that the MIC and MBK values of the peracetic acid-based disinfectant and chlorine tablet used were lower than the lactic acid-based disinfectant. MIC and MBK values of all disinfectants were equal in both strains. By forming a biofilm with 2 strains of L. monocytogenes on stainless steel 316, epoxy and PVC surfaces, the effect of disinfectants was examined by trying different times on the MBK concentrations of the disinfectants. It was determined that the chlorine tablet applied for 30 seconds on stainless steel surfaces inhibited all microorganisms and was the most effective disinfectant for both strains on this surface. While peracetic acid-based disinfectant inhibited 100% of microorganisms in 30 seconds on epoxy surfaces with L. monocytogenes ATCC 7644 biofilm, it was found that all microorganisms were killed by peracetic acid-based disinfectant application for 1 minute on epoxy surfaces with L. monocytogenes (foodborne) strain. On PVC surfaces with L. monocytogenes ATCC 7644 biofilm, all microorganisms were inhibited in 15 minutes (4.75 log cfu/coupon reduction) of chlorine tablet and 60 minutes (4.91 log cfu/coupon reduction) of peracetic acid-based disinfectant. With the application of lactic acid-based disinfectant on the same strain and surface for 90 minutes, a reduction of 4.39 log cfu/coupon was achieved. It was determined that all microorganisms were inhibited by 30 minutes of chlorine tablet (4.92 log cfu/coupon reduction) applications on PVC surfaces with L. monocytogenes (foodborne) biofilm.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering