Müsilajdan biyoplastik üretimi
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Müsilaj oluşumunun, denizlerdeki besin zincirinin birincil üreticilerinden fitoplanktonun, belirli stres koşulları altında veya öldüklerinde salgıladıkları mukus benzeri organik maddelerle başladığı düşünülmektedir. 2021 yılında Marmara Denizi'nde deniz yüzeyini kilometrelerce kaplayan müsilaj, deniz yaşamının yanı sıra turizmi ve dolayısıyla ekonomiyi tehdit eden bir çevre felaketi haline gelmiştir. Müsilajın ortadan kaldırılması önleme, toplama ve bertaraf olarak üç aşamada gerçekleştirilir. Şu anda deniz müsilajı için ideal bir ortadan kaldırma yöntemi yoktur. Biyoplastiklerin alglerden, özellikle ürettikleri polisakkaritlerden yapılabildiği bilindiğinden, deniz müsilajının polisakkarit yapısı sayesinde plastik bir malzemeye dönüştürülme potansiyeli vardır. Bu çalışmada, müsilajın faydalı bir ürüne dönüştürülmesi amacıyla biyoplastik filmlerde kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Farklı oranlarda müsilaj ve biyobozunur bir polimer olan polivinil alkol (PVA) içeren biyoplastik filmler çözelti döküm (solvent casting) yöntemiyle üretilmiştir. Elde edilen kompozit filmlerin mekanik özellikleri, morfolojisi, kristal yapısı, termal ve optik özellikleri çeşitli karakterizasyon yöntemleri ile incelenmiştir. Saf PVA filmler ile karşılaştırıldığında, %20 oranına kadar müsilaj içeriği mekanik özellikleri geliştirmiştir. Biyoplastik filmlerin müsilaj içeriği arttıkça filmler daha iyi bir UV koruma sağlamaktadır. Ayrıca biyoplastik film Escherichia coli ve Staphylococcus aureus bakterilerine karşı antibakteriyel aktivite göstermiştir.
Mucilage formation may start with mucus-like organic substances that the primary producers of the marine food chain, phytoplankton, secrete under certain stress conditions or when they die. Kilometers of the sea surface of the Sea of Marmara were covered in mucilage in 2021, which has become an environmental disaster that threatened marine life, tourism and the economy. Elimination of mucilage is carried out in three stages: prevention, collection, and disposal. There is currently no ideal removal method for marine mucilage. Since it is known that bioplastics can be made from algae, especially the polysaccharides they produce, marine mucilage has the potential to be converted into a plastic material thanks to its polysaccharide structure. In this study, the usability of mucilage in bioplastic films was investigated to convert it into a useful product. Bioplastic films containing mucilage and the biodegradable polymer polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in different proportions were produced by solvent casting method. The mechanical properties, morphology, crystal structure, thermal, and optical properties of the obtained composite films were investigated by various characterization methods. Compared to pure PVA films, up to 20% mucilage content improved mechanical properties. As the mucilage content of the bioplastic films increased, the films provided a better UV protection. In addition, the bioplastic films showed antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria
Mucilage formation may start with mucus-like organic substances that the primary producers of the marine food chain, phytoplankton, secrete under certain stress conditions or when they die. Kilometers of the sea surface of the Sea of Marmara were covered in mucilage in 2021, which has become an environmental disaster that threatened marine life, tourism and the economy. Elimination of mucilage is carried out in three stages: prevention, collection, and disposal. There is currently no ideal removal method for marine mucilage. Since it is known that bioplastics can be made from algae, especially the polysaccharides they produce, marine mucilage has the potential to be converted into a plastic material thanks to its polysaccharide structure. In this study, the usability of mucilage in bioplastic films was investigated to convert it into a useful product. Bioplastic films containing mucilage and the biodegradable polymer polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in different proportions were produced by solvent casting method. The mechanical properties, morphology, crystal structure, thermal, and optical properties of the obtained composite films were investigated by various characterization methods. Compared to pure PVA films, up to 20% mucilage content improved mechanical properties. As the mucilage content of the bioplastic films increased, the films provided a better UV protection. In addition, the bioplastic films showed antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria
Anahtar Kelimeler
Müsilaj, biyoplastik, PVA, antibakteriyel, biyobozunur, Mucilage, bioplastic, antibacterial, biodegradable