Doğal terpen-rosin fenolik reçinenin çevreci bir yaklaşımla sentezi ve yapay sinir ağları ile modellenmesi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde artan çevre ve sağlık kaygıları, tüketicilerin doğal malzeme ve kaynaklara olan ilgisini artmıştır. Bununla birlikte, dünyada sentetik kimyasalların tüketimine getirilen kısıtlamalar sektörü zorunlu olarak biyobazlı ürünlere yönlendirmektedir. Doğal reçine, polimerleşmeye ve türevlendirilmeye uygun zengin monomer içeriği sebebiyle kağıt, yapıtırıcı, boya gibi birçok endüstride kullanılmaktadır. Bu tezde, çam köklerinin ekstraksiyonuyla elde edilen doğal reçinenin terpence zenginleştirilmesi ve ardından fenol ile muamele edilmesiyle katma değeri yüksek, ülkemiz için yeni ve yerli bir reçine türevi olan; terpen-rosin fenolik reçinenin (TRPR) sentezlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Ayrıca nihai ürünün fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerinin karakterize edilmesi ve ithal edilen ürünler yerine ikamesi hedeflenmektedir. Sentez reaksiyonlarında özgün olarak, çevreci ve tekrar kullanılabilir ion-exchange bir katalizör olan Amberlyst15 kullanılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, farklı hammade oranı (terpen/doğal reçine), sıcaklık (50-80°C) ve basınç (1-4 atm) parametreleriyle üretilen TRPR örneklerinin kimyasal yapısı Fouirer Transform Infrared Spektroskopi (FTIR), Nükleer Manyetik Rezonans (NMR) ve Jel Geçirgenlik Kromatografisi (GPC) analizleri ile incelenmiş ve sentez reaksiyonlarının başarıyla gerçekleştiği görülmüştür. Sentezlenen TRPR örneklerinin, renk skalası, yumuşama noktası, asit ve sabunlaşma sayıları tespit edilmiştir. Karakterizasyon verilerine göre deneysel parametrelerin optimizasyonu için Yapay Sinir Ağı (ANN) modellemesi uygulanmıştır. ANN modellemesi 3 girdi (basınç, sıcaklık ve terpen/doğal reçine oranı) ve 4 çıktı (reaksiyon verimi, asit sayısı, sabunlaşma sayısı ve yumuşama noktası) ile tasarlanmıştır. TRPR üretimi girdi ve proseslerinin çevreye olan etkilerini değerlendirmek amacıyla Yaşam Döngüsü Analizi (YDA) gerçekleştirilmiştir. Dahası, Türkiye'de TRPR üretiminin yatırım yapmaya değer olup olmadığı ekonomik fizibilite analizi yapılarak değerlendirilmiştir. En yüksek TRPR verimi (%84,79) 80°C'de ve 3 atm'de 1/2 terpen/doğal reçine oranı ile elde edilmiştir. TRPR örneğinin ortalama molekül ağırlığı (Mw) ise 560 g/mol bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, TRPR'nin yumuşama noktası 40°C ile 80°C arasında bulunmuştur. TRPR örneklerin asit sayısının 90,55-149,33 mg KOH/g, sabunlaşma sayısının ise 100,12-167,79 mg KOH/g arasında değiştiği gözlemlenmiştir. YDA sonuçlarına göre, TRPR üretim sürecinin çoğunlukla abiyotik tükenme (138091,6 kg Sb eq) ve karasal toksisite (3,90E+12 kg 1,4-DB eq) kategorilerinde çevresel etkileri olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ekonomik fizibilite göstergelerine göre yatırımın geri dönüş süresi 0,32 yıl olarak bulunmuştur. Tüm bulguların ışığında, TRPR'nin kağıt, mürekkep ve yapıştırıcı endüstrisinde kullanım için daha çevreci ve ekonomik bir ara ürün alternatifi olacağı düşünülmektedir.
Today, environmental and health concerns are driving the consumer interest in natural materials and resources. All over the world, restrictions on the consumption of synthetic chemicals lead the sector to biodegradable products. Natural resin is used in many industries such as paper, adhesives and paints thanks to its rich monomer content suitable for polymerization and derivatization. In this thesis, it is aimed to synthesize terpene-rosin phenolic resin (TRPR) which is a new and value-added resin derivative for our country, by treating terpene-enriched extraction resin with phenol. Also, it is intented to characterize the physical and chemical properties of the final product and substitute it for imported products. Amberlyst15, an environmentally friendly and reusable ion-exchange catalyst, was uniquely used in the synthesis reactions. In addition, the chemical structure of TRPR samples synthesized with different raw material ratio (terpene/natural resin), temperature (50-80°C) and pressure (1-4atm) parameters were investigated by Fouirer Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) analysis and it was observed that the synthesis reactions were successful. Moreover, color scale, softening point, acid and saponification values of the synthesized TRPR samples were determined. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling was applied for the optimization of experimental parameters according to the characterization data. ANN modeling was designed with 3 inputs (pressure, temperature and terpene/natural resin ratio) and 4 outputs (reaction yield, acid number, saponification number and softening point). A Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) was conducted to assess the environmental impacts of TRPR production inputs and processes. Furthermore, an economic feasibility analysis was carried out to evaluate the viability of investing in TRPR production in Turkey. The highest TRPR yield (%84,79) was obtained with a terpene/NR ratio of (1/2) at 80°C and under 3 atm. The average molecular weight (Mw) of the TRPR sample was 560 g/mol. Additionally, the softening point of TRPR was found between 40°C and 80°C. It was calculated that the acid value of TRPR samples varied 90.55-149.33 mg KOH/g and the saponification value range between 100.12 and 167.79 mg KOH/g. According to LCA results, the process of TRPR production was found to have environmental impacts mostly in the categories of abiotic depletion (138091.6 kg Sb eq) and terrestrial toxicity (3.90E+12 kg 1,4-DB eq). The economic feasibility indicators showed that the return on investment was found to be 0.32 years. In the light of all the findings, TRPR is thought to be a more environmentally friendly and economical intermediate alternative for use in the paper, ink and adhesive industries
Today, environmental and health concerns are driving the consumer interest in natural materials and resources. All over the world, restrictions on the consumption of synthetic chemicals lead the sector to biodegradable products. Natural resin is used in many industries such as paper, adhesives and paints thanks to its rich monomer content suitable for polymerization and derivatization. In this thesis, it is aimed to synthesize terpene-rosin phenolic resin (TRPR) which is a new and value-added resin derivative for our country, by treating terpene-enriched extraction resin with phenol. Also, it is intented to characterize the physical and chemical properties of the final product and substitute it for imported products. Amberlyst15, an environmentally friendly and reusable ion-exchange catalyst, was uniquely used in the synthesis reactions. In addition, the chemical structure of TRPR samples synthesized with different raw material ratio (terpene/natural resin), temperature (50-80°C) and pressure (1-4atm) parameters were investigated by Fouirer Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) analysis and it was observed that the synthesis reactions were successful. Moreover, color scale, softening point, acid and saponification values of the synthesized TRPR samples were determined. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling was applied for the optimization of experimental parameters according to the characterization data. ANN modeling was designed with 3 inputs (pressure, temperature and terpene/natural resin ratio) and 4 outputs (reaction yield, acid number, saponification number and softening point). A Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) was conducted to assess the environmental impacts of TRPR production inputs and processes. Furthermore, an economic feasibility analysis was carried out to evaluate the viability of investing in TRPR production in Turkey. The highest TRPR yield (%84,79) was obtained with a terpene/NR ratio of (1/2) at 80°C and under 3 atm. The average molecular weight (Mw) of the TRPR sample was 560 g/mol. Additionally, the softening point of TRPR was found between 40°C and 80°C. It was calculated that the acid value of TRPR samples varied 90.55-149.33 mg KOH/g and the saponification value range between 100.12 and 167.79 mg KOH/g. According to LCA results, the process of TRPR production was found to have environmental impacts mostly in the categories of abiotic depletion (138091.6 kg Sb eq) and terrestrial toxicity (3.90E+12 kg 1,4-DB eq). The economic feasibility indicators showed that the return on investment was found to be 0.32 years. In the light of all the findings, TRPR is thought to be a more environmentally friendly and economical intermediate alternative for use in the paper, ink and adhesive industries
05.01.2025 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Doğal reçine, Tekrar kullanılabilir katalizör, Terebentin, Terpen rosin fenolik reçine, Yapay sinir ağları, Yaşam döngüsü analizi