2000 sonrasında Türkiye ve İsrail arasında meydana gelen siyasi krizlerin denizyolu taşımacılığına etkisi
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Cumhuriyetin ilanından sonra Batılı devletler ile iyi ilişkiler kurabilme hedefiyle ilerleyen Türkiye, 1949 yılında İsrail Devleti'ni tanıyan ilk müslüman devlet olarak uluslararası alanda yer almış ve İsrail ile olan ilişkilerin başlamasındaki ilk adımı da böylece atmıştır. Bu süreçten sonra iki ülke arasındaki siyasi etkileşimler başlamış olup, dış politikada diplomatik ve ekonomik ilişkilerin başlamasını da beraberinde getirmiştir. Türkiye ve İsrail arasında yaşanan bu siyasi etkileşimlerin çoğu uluslararası alanda siyasi kriz olarak karşımıza çıkmıştır. Türkiye'nin İsrail'i tanıması Arap Devletler tarafından hoş karşılanmasa da, hem İsrail hem de diğer bölge ülkelerle olan ilişkilerinde siyasi ve ekonomik çıkarlar doğrultusunda denge siyasetini benimseyerek ilerlemeye çalışmıştır. Türkiye ve İsrail arasındaki siyasi ilişkilerin başlamasıyla birlikte 1950'li yıllarda ekonomik ilişkilerden söz edilebilse de, iki ülkenin bulundukları bölge koşullarına göre dış politika sergilemişlerdir. Devam eden süreçte de 1990'lı yıllara kadar ekonomik ilişkilerin çok da iyi olduğundan söz edilemez. Fakat 1996 yılında imzalanan Serbest Ticaret Anlaşmasıyla ekonomik ilişkiler hızlı bir şekilde gelişme göstermiş ve günümüze kadar artarak devam etmiştir. İki ülkenin de coğrafi konumları göz önüne alındığında hem denize kıyılarının olması hem de doğal kaynak rezervi ve denizcilik faaliyetleri açısından kilit konumda olan Akdeniz Havzası'nda yer almaları Türkiye ve İsrail arasındaki dış ticaret faaliyetlerinin çoğunu denizyolu taşımacılığı ile gerçekleştirmelerine olanak sağlamıştır. Dolayısıyla küreselleşmenin her geçen gün hız kazanmasına bağlı olarak ekonomik ve ticari ihtiyaçlar da uluslararası alanda ülkelerin gerçekleştirdikleri dış politika faaliyetleriyle de doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak etkileşim içinde olmaktadır. İsrail Devleti'nin kurulmasından beri Yahudilerin, dini sebeplerden ötürü Filistin'e yerleşmek ve Kudüs'ü başkent yapma istekleri Ortadoğu bölgesinde 1948 yılında Arap-İsrail savaşlarını başlatmış ve Filistin Devleti ile de hep çatışma halinde olmuşlardır. Türkiye'nin de İsrail devletini tanıyan ilk müslüman devlet olması batı yanlı bir politika olarak karşımıza çıkarken, aynı zamanda Arap Devletlerinin lehine de hareket etmeye çalışmıştır. Dolayısıyla bu siyasi karışıklık içinde, Türkiye ve İsrail arasındaki siyasi krizlerin genelini Filistin meselesi oluşturduğu için, 2000 sonrasında iki ülke arasında meydana gelen siyasi krizlerin de ana sebebini oluşturmaktadır. Türkiye, İsraill ile olan ilişkilerinde gerek 1960'da meydana gelen askeri darbe sonrası TSK'nın yönetimi devraldığı süreçte gerekse de sonrasında oluşturulan Koalisyon Hükümeti zamanında İsrail ile olan ilişkilerinde zaman zaman krizler meydana gelse de denge siyaseti kapsamında karar alıcıların da tutum ve davranışlarıyla denge siyaseti izlediği gözlemlenmiştir. 2000 sonrasındaki Türkiye ile İsrail arasıdaki süreci incelediğimizde Türkiye'de Ak Parti Hükümeti'nin yönetimi devralmasıyla birlikte denge siyasetine ek, komşularla sıfır sorun politikası benimsenerek iki ayrı dönemde de ekonomik ve siyasal çıkarlar doğrultusunda hareket edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla çalışmada son yirmi yılın daha net anlaşılması için 2000 öncesi döneme de yer verilmiştir. Genel itibariyle, Türkiye'nin İsrail ile siyasi ilişkilerine bakıldığında oldukça hareketli dönemlerden geçtiği görülmektedir. Bu hareketli dönemlerdeki krizlerin en hafif şekilde atlatılması hükümetlerin esas amacı olmuştur. Dolayısıyla, karar alıcıların tutum ve davranışları da dış politika çıktılarını değerlendirmekte önemli bir araç olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Buradan hareketle, bu çalışma karar alıcıların tutum ve davranışlarını bölge siyaseti koşullarında ülkenin mevcut durumu da değerlendirilerek analiz edilmesinde anlaşılabilirlik ve kolaylık sağlayan neoklasik realist teori çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, bu etkileşimlerle ekonomik çıktıların bağlantılarını yapabilmek amacıyla iki ülkenin denizyolu taşımacılığına dair potansiyelleri incelenmiş olup, TUİK, UNCTAD, UTİKAD ve UAB verilerinden yararlanılarak iki üke arasında meydana gelen siyasi krizlerin denizyolu taşımacılık faaliyetlerine etki edip etmediği durumu analiz edilmiştir.
Moving forward with the aim of establishing good relations with Western States after the proclamation of the Republic, Turkey took its place şn the international area as the first Muslim state to recognize the State of Israel in 1949, and thus the first step in the beginning of relations with Israel was taken. After this process, the political interactions between the two countries started and brought with the beginning of diplomatic and economic relations in foreign policy. Most of these political interactions between Turkey and Israel have emerged as a political crisis in the international arena. Although Turkey's recognization of Israel was not welcomed by Arab States, Turkey tried to progress by adopting a policy of balance in its relations with both Israel and other regional countries in line with its political and economic interests. Accordingly, although economic relations can be mentioned in the 1950s with the start of poltical relations between Turkey and Israel, it cannot be said that economic relations were very good until the 1990s, since both countrşes could exhibit foreign policy according to the conditions of their region. However, with the Free Trade Agreement signed in 1996, economic relations developed rapidly and continued to increase until today. Considering the geographical locations of both countries, they both have a costline and are located in the Mediterranean Basin, which is a key location interms of natural resource reserves and maritime activities. Therefore, it has become inevitable to carry out most of the foreign trade activities between Turkey and Israel by maritime transportation. Therefore, depending on the acceleration of globalization with each passing day, economic and commercial needs also interact directly or indirectly with the foreing policy activities of countries in the international arena. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the desire of the Jews to settle in Palestine for religious reasons and to make Jerusalem the capital started the Arab – Israeli Wars in the Middle East region in 1948, and they have also always been in conflict with Palestinian State. While Turkey was the first Muslim state of recognize the state of Israel, it appeared as pro-Western policy, while at the same time it tried to act in favor of the Arab Sates. Therefore, in this political turmoil, since the Palestinian issue constitutes the majority of the political crises between Turkey and Israel, it also constitutes the main reason for the political crises after 2000. Both during the period when the Turkish Armed Forces took over the administration after the military coup in 1960, and during the Coalition Government formed afterwards crises occurred from time to time in Turkey's reations with Israel. It has been observed that for the management of these crises, decisionmakers also follow a policy of balance with their attitudes and behaviours. When we examine the process between Turkey and Israel after 2000, after the Ak Parti Government tookover the administration in Turkey, a policy of zero problems with neighbours was adopted in addition to the balance policy, and acted in line with economic and political interests in both periods. Therefore, in the study, the period of 2000 ise also included in order to understand the last twenty years more clearly. In general, when we look at Turkey's political relations with Israel, it is seen that it is going through quite active periods. It has been the main aim of the governments to overcome the crises şn these dynamic periods in the lightest way. Therefore, the attitudes and behaviours of decisionmakers appear as an important tool in evaluating foreing policy outcomes. From this point of view, this study has been examined within the framework of neoclassical reaist theory, which provides intelligibility and convenience in analyzing the attitudes and behaviours of decisionmakers by evaluating the current situation of the country in the conditions of regional politics. Consequently, in order to make connections between these interactions and economic outputs, the potentials of the two countries regarding maritime transport were examined and the situation whether the political crises between the countries had an impact on maritime transport activities was analyzed by using the data of TUİK, UNCTAD, UTİKAD, and UAB.
Moving forward with the aim of establishing good relations with Western States after the proclamation of the Republic, Turkey took its place şn the international area as the first Muslim state to recognize the State of Israel in 1949, and thus the first step in the beginning of relations with Israel was taken. After this process, the political interactions between the two countries started and brought with the beginning of diplomatic and economic relations in foreign policy. Most of these political interactions between Turkey and Israel have emerged as a political crisis in the international arena. Although Turkey's recognization of Israel was not welcomed by Arab States, Turkey tried to progress by adopting a policy of balance in its relations with both Israel and other regional countries in line with its political and economic interests. Accordingly, although economic relations can be mentioned in the 1950s with the start of poltical relations between Turkey and Israel, it cannot be said that economic relations were very good until the 1990s, since both countrşes could exhibit foreign policy according to the conditions of their region. However, with the Free Trade Agreement signed in 1996, economic relations developed rapidly and continued to increase until today. Considering the geographical locations of both countries, they both have a costline and are located in the Mediterranean Basin, which is a key location interms of natural resource reserves and maritime activities. Therefore, it has become inevitable to carry out most of the foreign trade activities between Turkey and Israel by maritime transportation. Therefore, depending on the acceleration of globalization with each passing day, economic and commercial needs also interact directly or indirectly with the foreing policy activities of countries in the international arena. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the desire of the Jews to settle in Palestine for religious reasons and to make Jerusalem the capital started the Arab – Israeli Wars in the Middle East region in 1948, and they have also always been in conflict with Palestinian State. While Turkey was the first Muslim state of recognize the state of Israel, it appeared as pro-Western policy, while at the same time it tried to act in favor of the Arab Sates. Therefore, in this political turmoil, since the Palestinian issue constitutes the majority of the political crises between Turkey and Israel, it also constitutes the main reason for the political crises after 2000. Both during the period when the Turkish Armed Forces took over the administration after the military coup in 1960, and during the Coalition Government formed afterwards crises occurred from time to time in Turkey's reations with Israel. It has been observed that for the management of these crises, decisionmakers also follow a policy of balance with their attitudes and behaviours. When we examine the process between Turkey and Israel after 2000, after the Ak Parti Government tookover the administration in Turkey, a policy of zero problems with neighbours was adopted in addition to the balance policy, and acted in line with economic and political interests in both periods. Therefore, in the study, the period of 2000 ise also included in order to understand the last twenty years more clearly. In general, when we look at Turkey's political relations with Israel, it is seen that it is going through quite active periods. It has been the main aim of the governments to overcome the crises şn these dynamic periods in the lightest way. Therefore, the attitudes and behaviours of decisionmakers appear as an important tool in evaluating foreing policy outcomes. From this point of view, this study has been examined within the framework of neoclassical reaist theory, which provides intelligibility and convenience in analyzing the attitudes and behaviours of decisionmakers by evaluating the current situation of the country in the conditions of regional politics. Consequently, in order to make connections between these interactions and economic outputs, the potentials of the two countries regarding maritime transport were examined and the situation whether the political crises between the countries had an impact on maritime transport activities was analyzed by using the data of TUİK, UNCTAD, UTİKAD, and UAB.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türkiye, İsrail, Siyasi Kriz, Denizyolu Taşımacılığı, Dış Politika, Neoklasik Realizm, Turkey, Israel, Political Crises, Maritime Transportation, Foreing Policy, Neoclassical Realism