Kent donatıları üretim tesislerinde gürültü ölçümü ve uygulamaları
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye'de ve tüm dünyada etkili olan Kovit-19 pandemi süreci insanları kapalı alanlardan ziyade rahat nefes alabilecekleri, yeterli oksijen ve sosyal mesafenin sağlanabildiği açık alanlara rağbet etmelerine sebep olmuştur. Bu taleple birlikte mevcut durumda bile öneme sahip olan kent parklarının ehemmiyetini arttırmış ve bank, kameriye, piknik masası, çardak vb. kent donatılarının üretimine daha fazla yönelmeye sebep olmuştur. Bu araştırmada kent donatısı üretim tesislerinde makine bazlı, bölgesel ve kişisel gürültü maruziyetlerini tespit ederek bölgesel ses haritası çıkarılıp hem bölgesel hem de çalışanlar üzerindeki etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Kent donatılarının üretildiği tesislerde Orman endüstri makineleri ve el aletleri kullanılmaktadır. Bu makineler ve el aletleri kullanımı sonucunda tesis içerisinde gürültü oluşmaktadır. 6331 Sayılı İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği kanununda işletmelerdeki gürültü üst sınırı 85dB(A) olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu sınır aşıldığı zaman kişisel koruyucu donanım (KKD) kullanılması gerekmekte ve gerekli tedbirlerin alınmaması sonucu işitme kaybı, sinirlilik, odaklanma problemi ve iş kazası ve kalıcı meslek hastalığı oluşabilmektedir. Bu çalışma ile işletme içerisinde kullanılan makineler tespit edilerek makinelerin çıkarmış oldukları gürültü seviyeleri, kişisel maruziyetler ve bölgesel ses seviyeleri ölçülerek çalışanların gürültüden korunmasının sağlanması ve sonucu olacak olan meslek hastalığı ve iş kazası risklerini ortadan kaldırmak olacaktır.
The Covid-19 pandemic process, which is effective in Turkey and all over the world, has caused people to seek open spaces where they can breathe comfortably, provide sufficient oxygen and social distance, rather than closed spaces. With this demand, the importance of city parks, which are important even in the current situation, has increased and benches, camellias, picnic tables, gazebos, etc. This has led to a greater focus on the production of urban equipment. In this research, it was aimed to determine machine-based, regional and personal noise exposures in urban equipment production facilities, create a regional sound map and investigate the effects on both regional and employees. Forest industry machines and hand tools are used in the facilities where urban equipment is produced. As a result of the use of these machines and hand tools, noise occurs in the facility. In the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331, the upper noise limit in businesses is determined as 85dB(A). When this limit is exceeded, personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used and hearing loss, irritability, concentration problems, work accidents and permanent occupational diseases may occur as a result of not taking the necessary precautions. With this study, the machines used in the business will be identified and the noise levels produced by the machines, personal exposures and regional sound levels will be measured to ensure that employees are protected from noise and to eliminate the risks of occupational diseases and work accidents that will result.
The Covid-19 pandemic process, which is effective in Turkey and all over the world, has caused people to seek open spaces where they can breathe comfortably, provide sufficient oxygen and social distance, rather than closed spaces. With this demand, the importance of city parks, which are important even in the current situation, has increased and benches, camellias, picnic tables, gazebos, etc. This has led to a greater focus on the production of urban equipment. In this research, it was aimed to determine machine-based, regional and personal noise exposures in urban equipment production facilities, create a regional sound map and investigate the effects on both regional and employees. Forest industry machines and hand tools are used in the facilities where urban equipment is produced. As a result of the use of these machines and hand tools, noise occurs in the facility. In the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331, the upper noise limit in businesses is determined as 85dB(A). When this limit is exceeded, personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used and hearing loss, irritability, concentration problems, work accidents and permanent occupational diseases may occur as a result of not taking the necessary precautions. With this study, the machines used in the business will be identified and the noise levels produced by the machines, personal exposures and regional sound levels will be measured to ensure that employees are protected from noise and to eliminate the risks of occupational diseases and work accidents that will result.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İş güvenliği, Gürültü maruziyeti, Meslek hastalığı, Mobilya üretimi, Occupational safety, Noise exposure, Occupational disease, Furniture production