Farklı kap ortamlarının Türk kızılağacı (Alnus orientalis Decne.) fidan karakterleri üzerine etkileri
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Betulaceae familyası Alnus cinsinden olan Türk kızılağacı (Alnus orientalis Decne.) Türkiyede doğal olarak yetişen türler arasında yer almaktadır. Türk kızılağacı endüstriyel plantasyon, su kenarlarının restorasyonu, maden ve çöp sahalarının rehabilitasyonu ve kent ağaçlandırmaları gib birçok alanda kullanımı mümkün Doğu Akdeniz için endemik bir ağaç türüdür. Çalışmada Türk kızılağacının farklı kap ortamlarının fidan karakterleri üzerine etkisini araştırmak hedeflenmiştir. Tohumlar Türk kızılağacının doğal yayılış gösteren Bucak, Anamur ve Fethiye'den toplanmıştır. Denemede iki farklı ortam kullanılmıştır. Birinci ortam (toprak) için kap harcı olarak standart tüp harcı %50 orman toprağı + %30 torf + %20 gübre kullanılmıştır. İkinci ortam (perlit) için ise %50 perlit + %50 dere kumu kullanılmıştır. Deneme boyunca fidanlara ilave gübreleme işlemi yapılmamıştır. Toprak ve perlit ortamlarında Bucak, Fethiye, Anamur Türk kızılağacı populasyonlarına ait tüm fidanların çap ve boy değerleri Ağustos, Eylül, Ekim, Kasım ve Aralık aylarında ölçülmüştür. Aralık ayında üç populasyondan toprak ve perlit ortamında yetiştirilen rastgele seçilmiş toplamda 90 fidanda yan dal, gövde ve kök kısımlarına ayrılarak biyokütle ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Toprak ortamda kızılağaç popülasyonlarında boy karakterinde istatiksel olarak farklar gözlenmezken, çap değerleri açısından ise anlamlı farklılıklar görülmüştür. Diğer yandan perlit ortamında boy ve çap açısından istatiksel farklar bulunmamıştır. Aralık ayında perlit ortamında nihai boylar 12,79 cm ile 18,07 cm arasında değişirken, toprak ortamında ise 37,63 cm ile 41,80 cm arasında değişmektedir. Perlit ortamında nihai çaplar 4,30 mm ile 5,32 mm arasında değişirken, toprak ortamında ise 9,83 mm ile 11,33 mm arasında değişmektedir. Kızılağaç populasyonlarına ait fidanların perlit ortamında boy artımları %44-%50 arasında en fazla Ekim ayında yaptığı görülmüştür. Tüm popülasyonlara ait fidanlarda ise her iki yetiştirme ortamlarında en düşük çap ve boy artımını Aralık ayında yaptığı gözlenmiştir. Kızılağaç popülasyonlarına ait fidanlarda yetiştirme ortamlarının boy ve çap değerlerindeki varyans içindeki payları sırasıyla %45 ile % 29 olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Boy değerlerindeki varyansın en fazla ortamdan (%45), çap değerlerindeki varyansın en fazla ise aydan (%37) kaynaklandığı görülmüştür.Tüm popülasyonlara ait kızılağaç fidanlarının yan dal, gövde, kök, toplam biyokütle, toprak üstü biyokütleleri açısından toprak ve perlit ortamlarında yapılan T-testi analizinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar saptanmıştır. Kızılağaç popülasyonlarına ait perlit ortamındaki fidanların toprak altı biyokütlesi toprak üstü biyokütlesinin yaklaşık 4 katı iken, toprak ortamında yetişen kızılağaç fidanlarının toprak altı biyokütlesi toprak üstü biyokütlesinin yaklaşık 2 katıdır. Her iki ortamında da Bucak popülasyonu en düşük biyokütleye sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Toprak ortamında Fethiye popülasyonuna ait fidanların biyokütleleri en fazla olduğu görülürken pertlit ortamda ise Anamur popülasyonu ilk sırayı almıştır.
Turkish alder (Alnus orientalis Decne.), which belongs to the genus Alnus of the Betulaceae family, is among the species growing naturally in Türkiye. Turkish alder is an endemic tree species for the Eastern Mediterranean that can be used in many areas such as industrial plantations, restoration of waterfronts, rehabilitation of mining and landfill sites and urban afforestation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different container media on seedling characters of Turkish alder. The seeds were collected from Bucak, Anamur and Fethiye where Turkish alder is naturally distributed. Two different media were used in the experiment. For the first medium (soil), 50% forest soil + 30% peat + 20% fertilizer was used. For the second medium (perlite), 50% perlite + 50% river sand was used. Diameter and height values of all seedlings of Bucak, Fethiye and Anamur Turkish alder populations were measured in August, September, October, November and December in soil and perlite environments. In December, a total of 90 randomly selected seedlings from three populations grown in soil and perlite media were divided into branches, trunk and root parts and biomass measurements were made. While no statistical differences were observed in Turkish alder populations in soil media, significant differences were observed in terms of diameter values. On the other hand, no statistical differences were found in terms of height and diameter in perlite media. In December, final heights in perlite varied between 12.79 cm and 18.07 cm, while in soil media they varied between 37.63 cm and 41.80 cm. Final diameters ranged between 4.30 mm and 5.32 mm in perlite media and between 9.83 mm and 11.33 mm in soil media. It was observed that the maximum increase in height of the seedlings of alder populations in perlite media was between 44% and 50% in October. In seedlings of all populations, the lowest diameter and height increases were observed in December in both growing media. The ratios of growing media in the variance of height and diameter values in seedlings of alder populations were found to be 45% and 29%, respectively. It was observed that the highest variance in height values was caused by the environment (45%) and the highest variance in diameter values was caused by the month (%37). Statistically significant differences were found in the T-test analyses of lateral branch, stem, root, total biomass, above-ground biomass of alder seedlings belonging to all populations in soil and perlite environments. While the below-ground biomass of the seedlings of alder populations grown in perlite medium was approximately 4 times the above-ground biomass, the below-ground biomass of alder seedlings grown in soil medium was approximately 2 times the above-ground biomass. Bucak population had the lowest biomass in both media. The biomass of the seedlings belonging to the Fethiye population was the highest in the soil media, while the Anamur population took the first place in the pertlite media.
Turkish alder (Alnus orientalis Decne.), which belongs to the genus Alnus of the Betulaceae family, is among the species growing naturally in Türkiye. Turkish alder is an endemic tree species for the Eastern Mediterranean that can be used in many areas such as industrial plantations, restoration of waterfronts, rehabilitation of mining and landfill sites and urban afforestation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different container media on seedling characters of Turkish alder. The seeds were collected from Bucak, Anamur and Fethiye where Turkish alder is naturally distributed. Two different media were used in the experiment. For the first medium (soil), 50% forest soil + 30% peat + 20% fertilizer was used. For the second medium (perlite), 50% perlite + 50% river sand was used. Diameter and height values of all seedlings of Bucak, Fethiye and Anamur Turkish alder populations were measured in August, September, October, November and December in soil and perlite environments. In December, a total of 90 randomly selected seedlings from three populations grown in soil and perlite media were divided into branches, trunk and root parts and biomass measurements were made. While no statistical differences were observed in Turkish alder populations in soil media, significant differences were observed in terms of diameter values. On the other hand, no statistical differences were found in terms of height and diameter in perlite media. In December, final heights in perlite varied between 12.79 cm and 18.07 cm, while in soil media they varied between 37.63 cm and 41.80 cm. Final diameters ranged between 4.30 mm and 5.32 mm in perlite media and between 9.83 mm and 11.33 mm in soil media. It was observed that the maximum increase in height of the seedlings of alder populations in perlite media was between 44% and 50% in October. In seedlings of all populations, the lowest diameter and height increases were observed in December in both growing media. The ratios of growing media in the variance of height and diameter values in seedlings of alder populations were found to be 45% and 29%, respectively. It was observed that the highest variance in height values was caused by the environment (45%) and the highest variance in diameter values was caused by the month (%37). Statistically significant differences were found in the T-test analyses of lateral branch, stem, root, total biomass, above-ground biomass of alder seedlings belonging to all populations in soil and perlite environments. While the below-ground biomass of the seedlings of alder populations grown in perlite medium was approximately 4 times the above-ground biomass, the below-ground biomass of alder seedlings grown in soil medium was approximately 2 times the above-ground biomass. Bucak population had the lowest biomass in both media. The biomass of the seedlings belonging to the Fethiye population was the highest in the soil media, while the Anamur population took the first place in the pertlite media.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ormancılık ve Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry and Forest Engineering