Farklı kurutma yöntemlerinin siyah üzüm çekirdeği tozuyla zenginleştirilmiş eriştenin kalite özellikleri üzerine etkileri
Küçük Resim Yok
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Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada erişte örnekleri buğday ununun %25 oranında siyah üzüm çekirdeği tozuyla yer değiştirmesi ile hazırlanmıştır. Elde edilen erişteler sıcak hava (50 ºC), mikrodalga (200 W, 300 W ve 600 W) ve sıcak hava-mikrodalga kombinasyonu (200 W + 50 ºC, 300 W + 50 ºC ve 600 W + 50 ºC) yöntemleri kullanılarak 7 farklı parametre ile kurutma işlemine tabi tutulmuştur. Kurutma işlemi örneklerin nem miktarı yaklaşık %8'e düşünceye kadar sürdürülmüştür. Sıcak hava-mikrodalga kombinasyonuyla kurutulan erişteler diğer kurutma parametrelerine göre en kısa kurutma sürelerini göstermiştir. En uzun kurutma süresi ise 50 ºC örneğinde tespit edilmiştir. Farklı yöntemlerle kurutulan tüm örneklerde kurutma işlemi azalan hız periyodunda gerçekleşmiştir. Kurutulan erişte örneklerinin fiziksel özelliklerinden en, boy ve kalınlık değerleri yaş örneğe kıyasla düşme göstermiştir (p<0,05). En yüksek toplam fenolik madde ve antioksidan kapasite değerleri 300 W mikrodalga kurutma örneğinde belirlenirken; en düşük toplam fenolik madde ve antioksidan kapasite değerleri 50 ºC örneğinde tespit edilmiştir. Pişirme analizi sonuçlarına göre optimum pişirme süresi bakımından 300 W+50 ºC örneği 5,15 dakikayla en kısa sürede pişme gösterirken, 300 W ve 600 W+50 ºC örnekleri 8,15 dakikayla en uzun sürede pişen örnekler olarak belirlenmiştir. En fazla ağırlık ve hacim artışı yüzdesi 300 W mikrodalga gücüyle kurutulan erişte örneğinde tespit edilmiştir. Kurutma parametreleri arasında 50 ºC en az ağırlık ve hacimsel artış yüzdesi gösterirken, en fazla pişirme kaybı gösteren örnek olmuştur. En az pişirme kaybı gözlenen örnek ise 600 W örneğidir. Çalışmada tüm örnekler için pişirme kaybı 4,32 değerini aşmamaktadır. En yüksek L* değeri 600 W kurutma uygulamasında belirlenirken, en düşük L* değeri 300 W+50 ºC uygulamasında tespit edilmiştir. En yüksek a* ve b* değerleri 300 W+50 ºC kurutma uygulamasında belirlenmiştir. Sıcak hava ve mikrodalga kurutmaların parlaklık değerleri sıcak hava+mikrodalga kombine kurutma sistemine göre daha iyi parlaklık değerleri göstermiştir. Eriştelerin tekstür analizi sonuçlarına göre en yüksek sertlik, en düşük yapışkanlık ve en fazla çiğnenebilirlik özelliklerini 300 W+50 ºC kombine uygulaması ile kurutulan örnek göstermiştir. Genel olarak, sıcak hava-mikrodalga kombine uygulaması ile kurutulan örneklerin diğer örneklere kıyasla daha yüksek sertlik ve daha düşük yapışkanlık değerleri gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Pişmiş ve pişmemiş eriştelerin duyusal değerlendirmeleri 7 puanlık skala ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Pişen erişteler arasında en açık renk 300 W+50 ºC erişte örneğinde gözlenirken, en koyu renk 50 ºC erişte örneğinde değerlendirilmiştir. Pişmiş erişte örneklerinden en beğenilen örnek 4,82 puanla 200 W+50 ºC olurken en az beğenilen örnek ise, 3,36 puanla 300 W+50 ºC parametresindeki örnek olmuştur. Bu tez çalışması ile %25 siyah üzüm çekirdeği tozu ikamesi ile özellikle 300 W+50 ⁰C sıcak hava-mikrodalga uygulanması ile kurutma süresinin kısaltılabileceği, tekstürel ve besleyici özelliklerin daha fazla korunabileceği ve ekonomik değeri arttırılmış bir ürünün elde edileceği sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır.
In this study, noodle samples were prepared by replacing wheat flour with 25% black grape seed powder. The resulting noodles were subjected to drying process with 7 different parameters by using hot air (50 ºC), microwave (200 W, 300 W ve 600 W) and hot air- microwave combination methods (200 W + 50 ºC, 300 W + 50 ºC ve 600 W + 50º C). The drying process continued until the moisture content of the samples decreased to approximately 8%. Noodles dried with the hot air-microwave combination showed the shortest drying times compared to other drying parameters. The longest drying time was determined in the 50 ºC sample. In all samples dried by different methods, the drying process took place in the decreasing speed period. The physical properties of dried noodle samples, such as width, length and thickness, decreased compared to the wet sample (p<0.05). While the highest total phenolic substance and antioxidant capacity values were determined in the 300 W microwave drying sample; the lowest total phenolic substance and antioxidant capacity values were detected in the 50 ºC sample. According to the results of the cooking analysis, in terms of optimum cooking time, while the 300 W+50 ºC sample cooked in the shortest time with 5.15 minutes, the 300 W and 600 W+50 ºC samples were determined as the samples that cooked in the longest time with 8.15 minutes. The highest percentage of weight and volume increase was detected in the noodle sample dried with 300 W microwave power. Among the drying parameters, while 50 ºC showed the least weight and volume increase, it was the sample that showed the highest cooking loss. The sample with the least cooking loss is the 600 W sample. In the study, cooking loss for all samples does not exceed 4.32. While the highest L* value was determined in the 600 W drying process, the lowest L* value was determined in the 300 W+50 ºC process. The highest a* and b* values were determined in the 300 W+50 ºC drying process. The brightness values of hot air and microwave drying showed better brightness values than the hot air + microwave combined drying system. According to the results of the texture analysis of the noodles, the sample dried with the combined application of 300 W+50 ºC showed the highest hardness, lowest stickiness and highest chewiness properties. In general, it was determined that the samples dried with hot air-microwave combined application showed higher hardness and lower stickiness values compared to other samples. Sensory evaluations of cooked and uncooked noodles were carried out with a 7-point scale. Among the cooked noodles, the lightest color was observed in the 300 W+50 ºC noodle sample, while the darkest color was evaluated in the 50 ºC noodle sample. While the most liked sample of cooked noodles was 200 W+50 ºC with 4.82 points, the least liked sample was the sample with 300 W+50 ºC parameter with 3.36 points. With this thesis study, it was concluded that by substituting 25% black grape seed powder, especially by applying 300 W+50 ⁰C hot air-microwave, the drying time can be shortened, textural and nutritional properties can be preserved more, and a product with increased economic value can be obtained.
In this study, noodle samples were prepared by replacing wheat flour with 25% black grape seed powder. The resulting noodles were subjected to drying process with 7 different parameters by using hot air (50 ºC), microwave (200 W, 300 W ve 600 W) and hot air- microwave combination methods (200 W + 50 ºC, 300 W + 50 ºC ve 600 W + 50º C). The drying process continued until the moisture content of the samples decreased to approximately 8%. Noodles dried with the hot air-microwave combination showed the shortest drying times compared to other drying parameters. The longest drying time was determined in the 50 ºC sample. In all samples dried by different methods, the drying process took place in the decreasing speed period. The physical properties of dried noodle samples, such as width, length and thickness, decreased compared to the wet sample (p<0.05). While the highest total phenolic substance and antioxidant capacity values were determined in the 300 W microwave drying sample; the lowest total phenolic substance and antioxidant capacity values were detected in the 50 ºC sample. According to the results of the cooking analysis, in terms of optimum cooking time, while the 300 W+50 ºC sample cooked in the shortest time with 5.15 minutes, the 300 W and 600 W+50 ºC samples were determined as the samples that cooked in the longest time with 8.15 minutes. The highest percentage of weight and volume increase was detected in the noodle sample dried with 300 W microwave power. Among the drying parameters, while 50 ºC showed the least weight and volume increase, it was the sample that showed the highest cooking loss. The sample with the least cooking loss is the 600 W sample. In the study, cooking loss for all samples does not exceed 4.32. While the highest L* value was determined in the 600 W drying process, the lowest L* value was determined in the 300 W+50 ºC process. The highest a* and b* values were determined in the 300 W+50 ºC drying process. The brightness values of hot air and microwave drying showed better brightness values than the hot air + microwave combined drying system. According to the results of the texture analysis of the noodles, the sample dried with the combined application of 300 W+50 ºC showed the highest hardness, lowest stickiness and highest chewiness properties. In general, it was determined that the samples dried with hot air-microwave combined application showed higher hardness and lower stickiness values compared to other samples. Sensory evaluations of cooked and uncooked noodles were carried out with a 7-point scale. Among the cooked noodles, the lightest color was observed in the 300 W+50 ºC noodle sample, while the darkest color was evaluated in the 50 ºC noodle sample. While the most liked sample of cooked noodles was 200 W+50 ºC with 4.82 points, the least liked sample was the sample with 300 W+50 ºC parameter with 3.36 points. With this thesis study, it was concluded that by substituting 25% black grape seed powder, especially by applying 300 W+50 ⁰C hot air-microwave, the drying time can be shortened, textural and nutritional properties can be preserved more, and a product with increased economic value can be obtained.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Antioxidant capacity, Erişte, Noodle, Fenolik bileşikler, Phenolic compounds, Mikrodalga kurutma, Microwave drying, Üzüm çekirdeği, Grape seeds